Masks for hair shine at home.The best recipes, advice from experienced stylists: how to achieve brilliancehair

Чт, 16 ноя 2017 Автор: Маруся Котт

The main sign of beauty and grooming women
are silky shiny curls coquettishly falling on
shoulders. The hostess, having a family or business woman, has time for
complex cosmetic procedures in salons

Тогда на помощь приходят маски для блеска hair в домашних
conditions that will help bring the state of the curls to the ideal
view at a convenient time for a beautiful lady.


Основные причины повреждения hair

Сердцевину hairинки покрывают мелкие чешуйки, которые в идеале
should fit snugly together. Improper care and
exposure to external factors lead to fiber dehydration.
Scales do not have the ability to create a smooth surface, they
begin to stratify, rise up and in different directions. AT
результате нарушается структура, hairы становятся ломкими,
start to get confused, combing them is almost impossible. The absence of
moisture and the required amount of fat makes it impossible to create
surface capable of reflecting light. That is why neglected
hairы теряют блеск и эластичность. In order not to damage the structure
hair, рекомендуется соблюдать следующие требования:

1.•Мытье головы. При правильном мытье hair
the head must be in its natural position. No way
If it cannot be tilted forward, when soaping scales
will rise up. ATсю процедуру мытья стоит выполнять по
направлению роста hair, особенно это касается смывания шампуня

2.•Расчесывание hair. Прочесывать hairы
it is recommended by natural comb or brush with natural
bristles. The procedure should start with the tips and gradually
climb up Очень важно помнить, что мокрые hairы
combing categorically impossible. It hurts a lot

3.•Просушивание. После мытья hair, их следует
gently blot with a towel. Not recommended carefully
вытирать hairы, особенно в противоположном направлении их роста.
Using a hairdryer is extremely rare and desirable in the mode

Преимущества масок для блеска hair в home conditions

To maintain or repair damaged curls you need
Constantly apply the necessary means of nutrition. The effect will be
achieved only through comprehensive treatment. For this fit
маска для блеска hair в home conditions. It can be made of
available ingredients at a convenient time.

• The main advantage of self-applied masks,
is their affordability. Ingredients Included
are available in almost every home or nearby store.
The awareness and confidence of a person that he
uses natural quality raw materials.

• Any cosmetic procedures of this kind imply
complex treatment and frequency of use. Mask for shine
hair в home conditions позволит пройти все необходимые этапы в
comfortable conditions for themselves. Beauty salons require
extra time. Road back and forth, turn, lack
opportunities to relax, able to keep even the richest
woman from this visit.

• An important point is the ability to experiment.
The complex of health procedures is 4-6 weeks 1-2
session. If the effect is not achieved or allergic
reaction, you can safely change the composition of the mask. It won’t cost
extra money and you can figure out exactly which component
not perceived by the body.

• Mask for shine hair восстанавливает структуру hairинок.
Nutrient coating restores natural keratin
покрытие, что придает hairам блеска и эластичности. ATо время
процедуры также происходит укрепление луковичек, от чего hairы
cease to fall, and their growth increases.

Пошаговая инструкция к применению маски для блеска hair в
home conditions

Первым правилом для придания hairам сияющего блеска будет
constant use of shampoos and conditioners for washing the head
relevant direction. It can be any selected on
taste line with a mandatory mark “for shine”.

1. • Carefully wash your hair with warm water, pre-combing
hairы. Dry them lightly with a towel.

2. • Grind pre-blended mask components into
ладонях и аккуратно нанести на hairы. It is necessary to do this from
roots to the ends, treating each strand in turn.

3. • Mask application may be accompanied by a scalp massage.
This will increase blood circulation and promote more active
mastering the mask.

4.•На аккуратно собранные сверху hairы (очень длинные можно
attach a non-metallic hairpin) put on a plastic cap
or package, wrap a towel on top.

5.•ATыдержать маску на голове в течение 30-60 минут.

6.•Тщательно промыть hairы теплой water To give brightness
colors, blondes can rinse curls with a decoction of chamomile, brunettes
brewed tea, coffee, bark oak or onion peel.

7.•ATытереть hairы полотенцем, просушить естественным способом
without the use of a hair dryer and curling.

Рецепты для приготовления масок для блеска hair

Существует множество рецептов масок для блеска hair в домашних
conditions. ATсе они изготавливаются из натурального сырья и являются
very effective. It is worth paying attention to some
ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction. AT первую
turn it concerns honey and citrus. For safety, should
apply the component to the skin and wait 2-3 hours. If the reaction is not
follow – you can safely use a mask.

Яичные маски. The egg itself has
великолепным действием для укрепления, роста и яркого блеска hair.
Необходимо размешать белок с желтком, нанести на hairы на
несколько минут и смыть water Для жирных hair подойдут маски из
eggs and lemon juice or vinegar. For dry – an egg with all sorts
vegetable oils or honey.

Масляная маска. Сухие hairы нуждаются в
fat replenishment, so they will approach the procedure with the application
Directly pure oils. Castor will be effective
olive, sunflower, corn, avocado and germ oil

Кисломолочные продукты. Miraculous
Masks from yogurt, whey, sour cream,
mayonnaise and cottage cheese with sour cream.

Огурец. Cucumber juice is wonderful
component in combination with egg white and salt or olive

Желатин. 1 part gelatin pour 2 parts
cold water and leave for 30 minutes. Then slightly reheat,
stir until dissolved and add 1 more part of any of
oils. Такую маску стоит подержать на hairах около часа. She is
replaces keratin reinforcement.

Коньяк. This drink has a firming effect.
действие и придает необычайно яркий блеск hairам. It can
смешать в равных частях либо с лимонным соком для hair повышенной
жирности, либо с любым из масел для сухих hair.

Пиво. Excellent base for a mask that helps
acquire shine and silkiness, is beer. Glass of it
foamy drink should be combined with a teaspoon of oil, a little
подогреть и нанести на hairы.

Репейное масло + коньяк + сок алоэ + мед. ATсе
Combine components in equal parts, whip on a blender and apply
на hairы.

Желток + глицерин + уксус. On one yolk
relies 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of glycerin, all
mix thoroughly and use.

Касторовое масло + оливковое масло + луковый сок +
. These ingredients are combined in equal parts,
взбиваются на блендере и наносятся на hairы.

Ополаскивающие составы для блеска hair

Если не наблюдается болезненного выпадения и ломкости hair, но
curls do not look so bright, you can use rinsing
formulations. They will return the former silkiness and relieve dandruff.
Ополаскивать hairы следует после обычного мытья головы.

• Universal rinses. This category includes
средства, которые подходят для hair разных оттенков. This is water with
by adding vinegar, citric acid, as well as decoction of hops or

• For blondes suitable decoction of chamomile or birch.

• For brunettes – brewed tea or coffee. Beautiful golden
shade give onion peel.

Красивые блестящие hairы — это настоящее богатство. Enough
give care for them a few hours a week, and the result will be
visible in the mirror and admiring glances of others.

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