Masks for hair growth – how to do them at homeconditions

Fri, Mar 25, 2016


Is it necessary to make masks for hair growth

Long, healthy, well-groomed hair is a safe decoration.
any women. True, there are not many lucky women who have
hair is beautiful by nature. Basically, silky, shiny
Curls are the result of daily care. This includes healthy
food enriched with fruits and vegetables, and full sleep, and failure
from smoking because tobacco smoke makes them dull. To have hair
strong, shiny, quickly growing, you need to take vitamins,
use high-quality shampoos, trim the tips to
they didn’t get wet, combed with a natural nap brush,
and, most importantly, do not forget to make regular growth masks
hair. Naturally, hair grows rather slowly
so you always want a little bit, but speed up the process. In masks
are the active nutrients that, getting to the roots
hair, feed each bulb and stimulate growth. Such
There are a lot of stimulating masks. There are ready-made masks for
hair growth, sold in a pharmacy or store, and made
самостоятельно, из натуральных компонентов, в домашних conditions.
Store masks from a tube or jar are easy to use, their
Can be applied immediately to the hair. But you should carefully look at
composition so that it has less chemistry and more natural
ingredients. Reliable option – all masks for hair growth
make yourself, then surely the ingredients will
completely from natural raw materials.

How hair growth masks work

Hair growth masks are cosmetic products that
обеспечивают внешнее питание hair. Symbolically distribute them
can be in two groups: – masks that nourish the scalp and root
bulbs. Hair after using such masks become stronger
do not split, brittleness disappears. Scales of hair tightly pressed,
therefore, the hair is smooth over the entire length, of the same thickness, does not thin out and
Do not break near the tips. To achieve this result help
masks from eggs, vegetable oils, hot wraps,
rinsing with a decoction of herbs; – masks that stimulate blood circulation
scalp. The active substances in their composition, cause
blood flow. It affects the accelerated growth of hair from
functioning bulbs, and stimulates to work the bulbs dormant,
forcing them to wake up. What makes the hair look thicker, because
hair gets bigger. Masks from onions have this effect.
garlic, pepper tincture. A positive effect on the hair have
and nourishing masks, and stimulating. Therefore, to make hair fast
grew, while remaining dense, shiny, silky and
healthy, you need masks for hair growth alternate with masks

Egg masks for hair growth

The basis for egg masks are chicken eggs or egg yolks. AT
as additional ingredients most often use brandy,
vegetable oils, lemons, honey. Egg masks for hair growth дают
great effect. They simultaneously activate hair growth,
восстанавливают их структуру и питают волосяные bulbs.

Yolk mask for hair growth with brandy

Mix any vegetable oil and brandy (2 tablespoons), two yolks.
Apply to the head, rub into the roots, then spread over the hair.
It is convenient to do it with a comb with large sparse teeth. To cover
polyethylene, top wrap with a towel. After 45 minutes, wash off.
ATолосы после маски можно вымыть шампунем, а можно обычным куриным
egg or yolk, which perfectly cleanses the hair. Wash off
natural “shampoo” should be warm water so that the eggs do not
curled up.

Egg-lemon mask

Mix oils – castor and burdock (1 tbsp.), Egg and juice
lemon (2 tea.l.). The resulting cocktail rubbed into the roots, the skin
heads, spread evenly through the hair. To cover пленкой и
a towel. Keep an hour and a half, rinse with water and shampoo.

Egg-glycerin mask

ATылить в миску масло касторовое (2 стол. лож.), куриное яйцо,
Table vinegar (6–9%) and glycerin (1 tsp). Mix up
homogeneity. ATтереть маску в корни, а также нанести на волосы.
Cover with plastic bag or plastic wrap, then wrap
a towel. After 40-50 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Oil masks for hair growth

Life-giving hair growth masks based on vegetable oils
only nourish the hair follicles, but also strengthen the curls themselves,
soaking into them and restoring structure. From what hair
become voluminous, shiny, have a healthy look.

ATитаминная маска

Mix olive and burdock oils (2 tbsp. L.), Vitamins A, E –
their oil solution (according to ¾ tea. l.). ATитаминную смесь чуть
heat, apply on the head, rub into the skin, distribute
hair. To cover пленкой с полотенцем, держать один час. Wash off
shampoo Apply every other day.

Burdock honey mask for hair growth

Mix burdock oil and liquid natural honey (1 tbsp.).
Thick candied honey must be heated – it will again
liquid. When the mixture of honey and butter becomes homogeneous, add
Cognac (1 table.l.). Stir, distribute through hair, not forgetting
about the roots. Держать полчаса, смыть водой и shampoo Apply by
twice weekly. Full course – 2 months.

Mask of essential oils

Even small doses of essential oils added to hair growth masks
markedly increase their effectiveness. To stimulate hair growth,
must use the essential oils of rosemary, pine, cinnamon,
sage, lavender, ylang-ylang. The mask is very easy to prepare:
подогретое оливковое масло (четверть стакана) необходимо add
8-10 drops of any of the listed essential oils (one or
a couple of drops of each). Then apply a vivifying mixture on the hair.
and roots, leave for 40 minutes.

Burning hair growth masks

Hot red pepper or chilli pepper, dry mustard, garlic, onion
are excellent stimulators of hair growth of the head. AND
The most effective hair growth masks are based on
these components. They are certain irritants of the scalp,
causing blood flow to the bulbs. To eliminate skin burns,
such masks are always made on a fat basis, in which quality
usually comes out milk or vegetable oil.

Garlic mask

Chop the middle head of garlic (4-5 large cloves) in a blender.
Mix mush with olive oil (2 tablespoons), let it stand for about
hours Apply garlic mixture to the hair roots, distribute by
hair is not necessary. To cover пленкой и полотенцем, спустя полтора часа
wash off. If you experience discomfort, severe burning, remove
mask before the specified period. ATымыть голову shampoo Use
weekly, the duration of the course is two months.

Onion mask

AT блендере измельчить крупную луковицу, отжать из кашицы сок (через
gauze). Мякоть выбросить, а в сок add яйцо, мед и масло
castor (1 tsp). Honey needs only natural. ANDнгредиенты
Mix until smooth and apply to hair roots. To cover
пакетом или пленкой, сверху – a towel. Wash off шампунем спустя два
hours Spoon of lemon juice will help to get rid of onion “aromas”
or vinegar added to rinse water. Use
revitalizing masks for hair growth with the addition of onions
recommended course: making 2 masks for a month

Pepper mask for hair growth

For pepper masks need pepper tincture, so it needs
do in advance. The finished tincture is added to the mask or
directly rubbed into the scalp. AT баночку влить стакан
vodka, put in it 2 pods of burning red pepper
(dried), close the lid. Insist in a dark place and a half
of the week. For masks mix pepper tincture, oil burdock (or
castor) and any hair balm (all ingredients 1)
table.l. The oil should be warm, so the bubble with it
you first need to heat, for example, for a couple of minutes you can
put under a stream of warm water or heat the oil to water
bath. Apply pepper mask on the skin, spreading over the surface
head in a circular motion. To cover пленкой и a towel. Wash off
in an hour and a half. To suffer a strong burning sensation is not necessary, therefore if
will bake, wash it off before. Next, as usual, wash your hair
shampoo Use перцовые маски для роста волос рекомендуется
one and a half to two months, 2 treatments per week. Taking a break, course
can be repeated.

Mustard mask for rapid hair growth

Mix two tablespoons of cosmetic or vegetable
oils (linseed, burdock, olive) and mustard powder (without
slides), granulated sugar (1 tbsp.). Dilute with hot water until thick.
sour cream, beat the yolk, mix. Mask distribute by
поверхности scalp. To cover пленкой с a towel. Keep away
двадцати минут до hours Wash off водой и shampoo Mustard masks for
hair growth can dry the ends of the hair, if they are brittle and thin,
therefore, they need to be protected before the procedure – lubricate with warm
vegetable oil. The course of application is two months. Periodicity
procedures: for oily hair – once every five days, normal – once in
week, dry – every ten days.

Helpful advice:

To mask hair growth were effective, and you got
the result you dreamed of, you need to use them without rushes,
and regularly, over a period of one to two months, following procedures
2-3 раза weekly. Then your hair will not only get better.
grow, but will get a well-groomed and elegant look.


Lena 05/10/2016 Thank you very good advice lisa 04/23/2016
You know, a couple of years ago, Selentsin saved homeopathic pills
меня от потери hair. AND вот не так давно увидила в апетке шампуни,
Selentsin balms and masks – that is, cosmetics for the same hair
stamps. decided to buy. What can I say besides being seasonal
I, as usual, did not molt this year, I noticed
that hair began to grow faster. for a month and a half increased by 4-5
see usually my hair grows slower. And generally very
strong, healthy-looking steel, as if saturated from the inside. Highly
happy with this makeup for ovlos. Well, of course. convenient that everything
already done. In my life is not enough patience to make masks
independently … Svetlana 03/31/2016 Oh! how many wonderful
Maschek! Yes, and in one place! Just great! Me more
dry tips bother, and growth would not hurt to increase … Here with
periodicity I have problems .. I’m just one of those who do all sorts of
such procedures in a hurry. And how to accustom yourself to regularity …
Iraida 03/31/2016 Masks with mustard, as far as I know, more often than two
once a week no need to do. And I know by myself. You can dry out the skin
head, and nothing pleasant, you know there is not. But the rest
Masks that are soft can and should even be done 3 times a week.
Inga 03/31/2016 By the way, if you think that after a garlic mask
you will smell your hair unpleasantly, then you are very mistaken !!
The smell is perfectly washed off with shampoo, and not a trace! And hair so
strengthened! Your happiness will not have a limit !!!)))

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