Masks for hair at night at home -what can help? The best recipes masks to strengthen hair,subtleties of application

Чт, 11 янв 2018 Автор: Светлана Ветрякова

The condition of the hair depends on the body and external
factors very often have to apply additional funds
for their strengthening and growth.

There are many homemade recipes that allow you to
comfortable conditions and with minimal expenses take care of


Rules for the use of hair masks at home

These simple techniques will help to properly apply hair masks on
overnight and achieve noticeable results during the month.

• To prepare the composition to apply a mask on the hair to
in the morning, use only soft, gentle ingredients that do not
warm up the skin. Masks with grated onions, mustard powder or
red pepper is best used in a short time before
30 minutes. Otherwise they may cause skin irritation, peeling and
even provoke excessive dryness and brittle hair.

• The composition for the mask should be room or slightly warm.
temperature tolerated by the skin, in which case it is better absorbed
and nutrients penetrate faster through the pores.

• A hair mask for the night at home is applied on clean,
dry hair, otherwise residues styling products (varnishes, mousses and
other) mixed with the components of the mask.

• A nourishing hair mask is applied to the scalp with a brush.
or with fingers, carefully rubbed into the roots, then evenly
distributed over the entire length. Hair gently collected around
heads, covered with a plastic cap and a scarf or
a towel.

• It is better not to store the prepared composition, but to use it immediately,
as shredded products deteriorate quickly and lose useful

• In a cool season, in no case can not go on
street with undead hair so you need to calculate correctly
time on the impact and flushing the mask.

• In the summer, try to cover your head, not only because
avoid overheating, but also because UV radiation especially
affects the hair, soaked in nutritional composition, and can
lead to lightening or increased fragility.

After regular use of homemade hair masks on
all night, about 2-3 times a week, after a month and a half you
notice significant improvements:

• hair becomes smooth, silky, get
natural shine;

• strengthens the hair roots, stops falling out;

• scalp heals, dandruff is reduced.

Products that recommend use for
cooking night mask on hair at home

• vegetable and fruit pulp;

• phytocomponents (herbal decoctions);

• dairy products (milk, kefir, whey);

• oils in various combinations (castor, burdock, flax,
hemp, olive, sea buckthorn, almond);

• bee products (honey, propolis).

Recipes hair masks for the night at home

Mask with kefir and apple sauce

Kefir – 2 spoons

Apple – 1 piece

Take a medium-sized green apple, peel and peel
cores, pulp grind blender or grate,
mix with kefir. Mask evenly distributed on the scalp and
on hair, leave for 7-8 hours. After washing during rinsing
you can use the serum (purchased or remaining from
cooking cottage cheese). The mask is designed for oily hair,
well dries the skin, cleanses the pores.

Mask with gelatin and fruit pulp

Gelatin – 1 spoon

Fruit pulp – 4 spoons

Prepare the gelatin according to the recipe (pour warm water and leave
for 30-40 minutes), take a piece of peeled fruit (pear, plum,
kiwi), chop, combine with gelatin. Apply to hair and
leave for 7-8 hours, the mask is well washed off, if during drying
worries and tightens the skin, you can remove
in advance.

Mask with broth buckwheat and pumpkin pulp

Pumpkin pulp – 1 spoon

Buckwheat Broth – 4 spoons

Take 1 spoonful of buckwheat, pour half a glass of water,
boil and leave on low heat under the lid for 15 minutes,
cool, drain and strain the resulting broth. Piece of peeled pumpkin
Grate, add to buckwheat broth and apply the resulting
blend on hair. The mask has a beneficial effect on weakened hair,
returns healthy shine.

Mask with potato broth and cucumber

Cucumber pulp – 1 spoon

Potato decoction – 4 spoons

Prepare potato broth with peeled tubers, chop
fresh cucumber, mix ingredients, apply on the scalp and hair.
Wash off after 7-8 hours with regular shampoo, you can rinse your hair
warmed potato broth. This mask literally enlivens
hair, because it contains minerals, normalizes
grease and sweat processes.

Mask with sea buckthorn oil and carrot

Sea buckthorn oil – 1 spoon

Carrot juice – 4 spoons

Peel and grate fresh carrots on a grater, squeeze 4 spoons
carrot juice, add sea buckthorn oil, apply the composition to 7-8
hours The mask nourishes the skin and perfectly affects the hair structure.
When applying, avoid dripping, otherwise to appear light
skin pigmentation.

Mask with green tea and olive oil

Olive oil – 1 spoon

Green tea – 4 spoons

Brew green tea (1 spoon per cup of boiling water), insist in
thermos or in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, cool, strain,
add olive oil. Apply to clean, dry hair and leave.
на 7-8 hours Rinse hair thoroughly;
use green tea (1 cup of tea for 1 liter of water).

Mask with sour cream, glycerin and vitamins

Sour cream – 2 spoons

Glycerin – 1 spoon

Vitamins of group A – 1 capsule

Vitamins of group E – 1 capsule

Mix all the ingredients, you can take the complex drug
«Аевит», нанести на подготовленные волосы и оставить на 7-8 hours
Wash off the mask with shampoo, if necessary, repeat the rinse if
hair appears greasy. The mask deeply affects and
restores hair follicles.

Маска с зеленью и лимонным juice

Parsley, sorrel, beet leaves – 2 spoons

Lemon – 1 piece

Take any fresh greens as desired, chop into puree, lemon
peel and seed, grind and mix with
greens. For the first time the mask is applied for 4-5 hours, with normal
положении время действия продляют до 6-7 hours

Mask with decoction of calendula or chamomile and tincture

Calendula or chamomile decoction – spoons

Настойка propolis — 1 ложка

Mix the necessary components and apply on dry hair, you can
leave overnight and rinse. Or, if possible, after application
masks cover your head for 25-30 minutes and then dry your hair
in a natural way without flushing. The mask does not stick hair,
leaves a light herbal scent.

Mask with honey and egg yolk

Honey – 1 box

Egg yolk – 1 piece

Beat one yolk, rub well with honey, put on
корни волос и по всей длине, оставить на 6-8 hours Wash off with shampoo
and dry the hair in the usual way. If necessary, specified
the proportions in this recipe and in the rest can also be increased.

Mask with sea salt and soda

Soda – 1/4 spoon

Sea salt – 1/4 spoon

Mineral water (non-carbonated) – 4 spoons

Mix all ingredients, apply on dry hair and leave on
a few hours, if you feel anxious, you can wash it off
earlier. The mask has healing, regenerating properties,
cleans the skin and strengthens the hair.

Mask with kvass or beer

Kvass or beer (up to 5% alcohol) – 50 ml

Oatmeal – 1 spoon

Grind flakes in a blender or coffee grinder to a state of flour
wholemeal, heat a little kvass or beer, mix the ingredients
and apply on dry hair. Leave overnight, wash off in the morning
means and you can rinse with kvass (homemade).
The mask improves the hair structure, they become more “obedient” and
longer keep a well-groomed look.

Possible contraindications for hair masks at night

Should refrain from self-strengthening and treatment
hair, if skin has dermatitis, inflammation, seborrhea. After
painting and perming hair need to refrain from any
additional exposure for 7-10 days or
use professional care products.

Reviews on the use of home hair masks mainly
positive, but many women report difficulties
with flushing masks. Therefore, unfamiliar compositions are best applied before
weekends to be able to devote enough time to everyone
necessary procedures.

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