Mask for the elasticity of the skin at homeconditions – recipes and subtleties. How to use masks to give skinelasticity?

Сб, 18 ноя 2017 Автор: Наталья Баранова

Elastic skin is a common indicator of youth. It is in a young
At the age of the body, two unique proteins are actively synthesized:
collagen and elastin. Fibrous proteins retain moisture in the cells
dermis, responsible for its strength, smoothness and elasticity,
prevent sagging. Gradually the process of making “proteins
youth “slows down, and by the age of 35-40 years reflected in the mirror
informs a woman about the beginning stage of aging skin.

Can I do something about this? The answer is unequivocal – yes!
There are time-tested home cooking recipes
masks to return skin elasticity.


How it works?

The cosmetic procedure is aimed at moisturizing, nutrition,
skin toning. The effect is achieved thanks to a balanced
the composition of the active substances introduced into the formulation:

– vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, wheat germ)
due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids complex
minerals and vitamins, squalene slows the aging process,
restore water balance;

– essential oils have a warming effect, increase the tone
dermis, normalize metabolic processes;

– oatmeal, egg yolk, contain tocopherol – natural
antioxidant, positively influencing the synthesis of collagen;

– bee products are able to penetrate into the deep layers
epidermis. Ideal for tightening and wetting

Dairy products can be used as ingredients.
fruits, vegetables, yeast, bran. They all contain many
vitamins, macro-and micronutrients.

To restore the elasticity of aged skin may need
special cosmetics:

– badyaga (powder);

– vitamins A, E;

– cosmetic clay: suitable for any color;

– collagen (serum);

– calcium chloride (sold in ampoules);

– sodium alginate (powder).

All ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Recipes for homemade facial masks

Most natural ingredients contain amino acids and
vitamins. They interact poorly with metals, so for
mixing ingredients it is advisable to use glassware
or porcelain.

If the recipe includes vegetable oil, it is necessary
heat slightly.

Remove the mask with a cotton pad, then wash the face with a cool
water or decoction of herbs.

Important! Some components of the masks are
allergens (honey, esters, badyaga). Before use, you must hold
тестирование средства на небольшом участке skin.

Oatmeal Masks

For the procedure, oatmeal should be ground in a coffee grinder to
flour conditions. You can use whole flakes, but in this case
it is better to take a coarse grinding product: it contains more fiber.

Recipe 1. Понадобятся: сок половинки лимона, по
two spoons of sour cream, cereal and mashed boiled carrots. Everything
ingredients mix. Apply to the skin.

Recipe 2. Приготовить травяной отвар (отлично
suitable leaves of birch, sage, chamomile), slightly cool. 2
tablespoons of oatmeal pour a glass of liquid, not allowing
education lumps. Allow to cool to room temperature, add
a spoonful of honey and 2 drops of tea tree oil. Mix.

Recipe 3. Ложку хлопьев залить теплым пивом,
leave to swell. Add 2 spoons of liquid honey (if the product is
candied, dissolve in a water bath, not overheating).

Masks based on vegetable oils

Wheat germ oil and olive are considered universal:
they do not cause allergies, penetrate deep into the skin, are available by

In the composition of homemade masks for skin elasticity is excellent
proved almond, flaxseed, sesame, rapeseed

Classic recipe. You will need: a spoon of olive oil, 1
yolk, a spoon of honey. Everything компоненты смешать.

The traditional mask is useful to diversify with additional
Ingredients: oat flour or any bran (1 tsp.),
half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Effectively tightens and moisturizes avocado skin. Half fruit
crushed to a state of mashed potatoes and make a classic recipe.
Avocados can be replaced by tomatoes. In this case, from the classic
recipe exclude honey.

It is useful to use a mixture of oils: for example, olive and
almond (1 tsp. each).

Collagen (gelatin) homemade masks for skin elasticity

The main ingredient in this type of mask is collagen.
It is sold in pharmacies in the form of vials of whey protein.
Enough 1 ampoule per session. Collagen is able to regain elasticity.
even strongly aged skin. Serum applied to the face in a clean
form or add to the overall composition of the masks.

The disadvantages of pharmaceutical collagen should be attributed to its high

At home, collagen can be replaced with gelatin. By its
in essence, it is the same protein compound. Substance well
moisturizes and tightens the skin, but with severe flabbiness is not

Recipe 1. Распустить 1 ложку желатина в 2
spoons of warm milk. Add pre-whipped raw
egg. Apply on the face, wait for complete drying. Film
wash off with warm mineral water or herbal decoction. Instead of egg
You can take the pulp of half a banana.

Recipe 2. Ложку желатина распустить в теплом
decoction of chamomile or sage, add 2 ml of vitamins E and A.
Vitamins can be alternated with citrus essential oils
(enough 2 drops).

Recipe 3 Pour a spoonful of gelatin with water (60 ml), let it swell,
to heat up. A tablespoon of oatmeal pour a solution carefully
mix. The resulting thick mixture is applied to the face.

Magic badyaga to improve skin elasticity at home

Badyaga is a freshwater sponge. Living multicellular organism
идеально справляется с проблемой дряблой skin. Due to the high
the content of silica and spongin badyaga improves blood circulation,
increases turgor, stimulates collagen production.

Recipe 1. Смешать 10 г сухой косметической
clay with badyagi powder (15 g). Add 2-3 tsp. natural
yogurt or ryazhenka. Можно добавить 2 капли миндального oils.
It should make a thick viscous mass. It is applied in a thick layer on

Recipe 2. Понадобятся: по 7 г бадяги и дрожжей
(better to take fresh), a tablespoon of milk, 1 capsule of vitamins
A and E, a teaspoon of alloe juice (you can substitute lemon juice).

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, allow them to foam slightly.
Смешать все ингредиенты и сразу же нанести на кожу faces. Recipe
considered one of the best in terms of achieving fast
lifting effect.

Маски для упругости кожи faces на основе косметической

Минеральный состав clay определяет ее цвет и свойства. For
increase the elasticity of the dermis is better to take a product rich in silicon,
aluminum, silver (pink, green, blue). These substances
stimulate collagen production, strengthen blood vessels.

Любой вид clay глубоко увлажняет и тонизирует кожу.
Kaolin (white

Recipe 1. Понадобится по 15 г clay и сметаны,
2 желтка, 15 капель оливкового или облепихового oils. Beat up
sour cream with yolks, mix to dissolve dry clay. At last
turn to enter the oil.

Recipe 2. Смешать ложку clay и таким же
amount of starch, add pre-beaten egg white
and 2 spoons of heavy cream or ryazhenka. Apply thick mass to

Recipe 3. Connect в равных пропорциях
tomato juice and natural yoghurt. Dilute kaolin to
homogeneous thick mass. A nice bonus of such a mask will be
pronounced whitening effect.

Alginate mask – a safe alternative to injections

Alginic acid is a viscous polysaccharide whose producers
stand brown algae. Alginic acid salts (alginates)
recognized as one of the best means to increase elasticity and overall
омоложения skin. The strength of their effects on the dermis is comparable to
surgical correction.

Everything компоненты можно купить в аптеке по доступной price

Eyebrows and eyelashes must be treated before applying the mask.
protective agent (suitable vegetable oil), and remove hair
under the cap or kerchief.

Recipe 1. Понадобятся: альгинат натрия
(кофейная ложка), чайная ложка косметической clay, ампула хлорида
calcium (makes the skin silky and smooth).

How to cook: mix alginate with 3 tbsp. l cold water
leave for 6 hours for swelling. Separately, dilute the clay to
creamy state, add alginate gel and chloride

Apply the mask to the skin with a thick layer, slightly tilting the head.
It is permissible to apply a means to the area around the eyes, including

Important! Alginate freezes in a short time,
so you have to do everything quickly.

The frozen mass becomes externally similar to plastic rubber.
Take off the mask with a sharp upward movement.

Recipe 2. Чайную ложку альгината залить водой,
leave for 6 hours. Cook gruel from 20 g of oatmeal, 10 ml
almond or sea buckthorn oil and calendula decoction. Connect
all ingredients.

Method of application, as in the previous recipe.

Homemade masks for elastic skin: do it right – admire
the result

A few simple rules will help achieve quick

– before applying the mask, clean the skin with any habitual
means for 5-7 minutes to impose a hot compress for disclosure

– do not impose a means on the area around the eyes;

– homemade masks for skin elasticity do not contain preservatives,
their long storage should not be allowed;

– apply the mask with light massaging movements (not

– give the cosmetic session 30 minutes: prolonged exposure
masks on the skin – a guarantee of absorption of the maximum possible
quantities of useful ingredients.

And most importantly! One session will only
express effect. Globally solve the problem of dull skin two weeks
recovery course. During this period, home masks for
упругости кожи faces применяют 2—3 раза в неделю с чередованием

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