Mask for dry ends of hair: how it helpsin the care. Recipes masks for dry hair ends with oils andvitamins

ATт, 15 авг 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Proper hair care gives lively curls
brilliance and strength. If, despite all efforts, the hair looks
lifeless, they need urgent restoration. Need a mask
for dry hair ends. They spoil the look


Prevention of dry tips

The problem of dry ends to the type of hair is irrelevant, she
familiar to owners of normal, oily, dry hair.
Predisposing factors are two: the tips are more likely to dry for those whose
hair is long and thin. Without extra care such strands
quickly lose their strength, and the tips will be split and break off.

In order not to spoil the hair, you need to take
preventive measures.

• Long hair regularly “freshen up”, trimming tips
hot scissors.

• Use special masks and balsams for dry
tips with proteins.

• Drink plenty of water throughout the day so that the cells of the body will not experience

• Take a course of vitamins E and A.

• Adhere to proper nutrition.

• Less use of a hairdryer and curling iron; be sure to apply
thermal protective equipment.

• Do not comb wet hair.

• Use a comb with wooden teeth.

Noticing that the tips have begun to dry out strongly, start
intensive recovery course. Masks for dry hair ends
solve the problem. But if the hair shafts began to split,
The only way to get rid of them is a haircut.

Oil Masks for Dry Ends

Oils nourish hair with nutrients, fill with strength,
will make beautiful. They are an excellent basis for
лечебно-профилактических масок for dry hair ends. Apply
they need to dry, unwashed hair, keep at least an hour. Wash off
using a care shampoo to wash the locks after the oil. AT
as an oil base used burdock, castor, olive

Oil-egg mask


• four dessert spoons of castor oil;

• one or two raw yolks;

• regular portion of soft shampoo.

ATзбейте желтки. Combine with oil, beat vigorously. Must
get a thick emulsion. ATлейте шампунь, mix up. Process
a mixture of hair along the entire length.

Burdock root oil

The mask is a healing oil that has
healing effect on the hair.


• eighty grams of burdock root (fresh);

• стакан подсолнечного или оливкового oils.

Slice burdock root as small as possible. Put in the pan,
cover with oil. Insist the root for a day under the lid.
Send to fire, bring to a boil. Tomit at slow
boil for 15 minutes. cool to a warm state, strain.
Apply oil to hair, rub into scalp.

Oil-honey with aloe


• a tablespoon of fresh juice or aloe pharmacy extract;

• three dessert spoons of burdock oil;

• teaspoon honey.

Heat the honey to a liquid state. ATлейте в него алоэ и масло.
Mix well the mixture, put on the tips, “stretch” the frequent
wooden comb along the strands to the top.

Olive-sea buckthorn mask for tips

Prepare the oil mixture in equal proportion by connecting the oil
olives and sea buckthorn. Heat gently over boiling water. Sponge or
ватным тампоном нанесите сначала на корни hair промакивающими
movements, then spread over the entire length. Hold on longer
normal oil mask, at least two hours. Use twice in
week for intensive recovery tips.

Another version of this mask is to combine castor oil, shampoo
and olive oil. Take as much shampoo as you normally would.
for washing the head. The proportions of oils are equal, the amount of oil depends
from the length of the strands.

Маска для сухих кончиков hair на арнике с

Эффект от этой маски для сухих кончиков hair больше, если
make it hot. It will take two or three big towels,
which will have to be heated on the radiator or hot air
jet of hair dryer.


• two raw yolks;

• four dessert spoons of arnica tincture;

• три десертных ложки репейного oils.

ATзбейте желтки. Add oil and tincture, mix. Apply
on the roots, strands, tips. Insulate the head with plastic wrap and
hot towel. Change towel for hot.

Almond Vitamin Mask for Dry Ends

The rich composition of this mask intensively nourishes dry tips. Highly
It is useful to do the procedure course, 2 times a week, and then
поддерживать здоровье hair 1 раз в 2-3 недели.


• three large spoons of almond oil (you can take linseed oil or

• the contents of 3 capsules Aevita.

Apply the mixture onto the tips, distribute the residues by curl or
gently massage your head with an oily mixture. The mask is intense,
acts quickly, so you can keep 40 minutes. Wash off the mask
moisturizing shampoo.

Egg masks for dry tips

AT желтках куриных яиц много жиров и питательных компонентов,
которые обволакивают hairки и защищают их от агрессивной external
environment. AT куриных белках есть вещества, устраняющие микроповреждения
hairяных стержней. This product effectively eliminates dryness.
tips. Connecting it with other components, you can make a mask
для сухих кончиков hair еще более действенной и полезной для
здоровья curls.

Egg-glycerin mask for dry ends

This mask simultaneously eliminates dry ends and oily
roots. It will work better if you use the hot method.
drawing. Change heated towels periodically
wrap your head. The effect will be stronger.


• raw chicken egg;

• dessert spoon of liquid glycerin (sold in a pharmacy);

• dessert spoon vinegar 9% table without aromatic

• two or three large spoons of castor oil.

ATзбейте яйцо. Add the rest of the components, all is well.
mix up. Apply мягкой губкой или кисточкой на hairы по всей
length. Cover your head with a wrap, wrap a towel. Wash away soft

Honey Garlic Mask


• teaspoon honey;

• raw yolk;

• two cloves of garlic;

• a tablespoon of mayonnaise.

Garlic rub. Heat honey over boiling water. Mix all
components, apply the composition on the tips and strands. Warm your head.
To enhance the effect, use heated towels.

Яично-йогуртовая маска для кончиков hair


• a raw egg;

• incomplete glass of natural yogurt.

ATзбейте яйцо, добавьте йогурт. Keep half an hour under warm
a towel.

Egg and brandy


• fifty grams of cognac;

• raw yolk.

Stir the ingredients. Apply сначала на кончики, затем
Sponge gently over the entire length of the strands. Hold
half an hour.

Кондиционер для hair

A popular remedy for eliminating dry tips is homemade.
egg conditioner. Connect a portion of any air conditioner that
use when washing your head, and add in it beaten egg
yolk. Use the usual way.

Разные маски для сухих кончиков hair

In the kitchen you can find many components that will help
справиться с проблемой сухих tips. Amazing how simple
You can replace expensive cosmetics with simple homemade products.

Bread and herbal


• dried nettle;

• plantain grass;

• chamomile heads;

• slice of rye bread;

• one and a half glasses of boiling water.

Mix herbs in equal proportion. Pour boiling water
table with a spoonful of herbal mixture, let it brew under
lid hour and a half or two. Strain. From the bread, cut off the crusts,
break into pieces. Pour with herbal decoction, give the bread
swell. Treat the gruel with your head. Wash off the mask
warm tap water, your regular shampoo does not

Кефирная маска для сухих кончиков hair

Apply подогретый до 30-40 градусов кефир на hairы. Warm up
пленкой и a towel. Wash off with water without shampoo.

Cognac with henna and honey


• natural honey;

• Iranian henna;

• cognac;

• yolk.

ATсе компоненты используйте в равной пропорции. Если hairы
short, take one teaspoon, if long –
tablespoon. Stir with a fork. Gently apply the composition to
tips for forty minutes.

Beer with oils


• a teaspoon of olive, peach, burdock or
almond oil;

• half a glass of light beer.

Смешайте компоненты, нанесите на hairы. Wash the mixture through
half an hour. The mask will not only relieve dry ends, but also make
hairы быстрее расти.

Nettle with horseradish


• a handful of dried nettle;

• one and a half tablespoons of grated fresh horseradish.

Brew nettles with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour
strain. Add grated horseradish to the infusion. Apply на кончики и
strands. Wash off after fifteen minutes.

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