Lunar calendar haircuts for September 2016 -favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts

Thu, May 01, 2014 The man is part of the sublunar space,
its energy potential begins to increase with the new moon and
reaches a maximum at full moon. During this period, the external manifestation
livelihoods of living beings are most active. For example,
plants quickly reach for the sun and accelerate growth. With offensive
full moon external manifestation of the energy of organisms begins to fall. AT
this period is an internal redistribution of energy
according to external changes. Plants strengthen the inner
structure of the trunk and branches, and special attention is paid to the root

Our hair also depends on the growth and decrease of the moon – in between
from new moon to full moon they grow faster, with a waning moon –
slower Since in September these days: New Moon – September 2,
Full moon – September 17th, it is better to grow hair in the first
half a month.


The lunar calendar haircuts for September 2016 – favorable
days for hair coloring

Natural and natural colors are always a trendy trend in
creating hair and hair coloring. Natural effect
can be achieved in several ways: persistent chemical
dyes, tinting agents, and also natural
dyes. Soft natural colors will highlight your charm.

For coloring in September it is better to use the days when the moon is
знаках ATесов – 3, 4, 5, Близнецов – 21, 22, 23 и Девы — 1, 2, 28,
19 numbers. Among the variety of colors of the natural palette you can
highlight brown, black, red and blond. Unique color
is blond – it fits almost any type of face.
Brown shades usually soften facial features, so brown-haired ones like
usually look younger.

The naturally red-haired hair color is less common, however,
It is this shade at the peak of popularity in the upcoming season. is he
will give the image a defiant brightness, do not be afraid to stand out from the gray
crowds! Milking shy by nature, or those whom the career requires
do not stand out, calm and muted shades of red suit:
golden, shiny and sparkling copper. The owners of freckles
red tones go more than brunettes, especially young and young
for women.

Tip: How to dye thin hair?

• For fine hair is not recommended to choose white paint – it
will give the impression of even thinner hair. Dark paint apply
It is also not recommended that white be not visible between the strands.

• To create the effect of voluminous hair, you can experiment
with highlighting.

The lunar calendar haircuts for September 2016 – favorable
days for curling hair

Replaced the summer heat came warm autumn days. ATолосы уже не
susceptible to continuous sunshine and easy
keep a perm. Using the curling iron you can easily and quickly make
spectacular wavy styling. This method is great for
long and medium hair.

Tip: How to wind the hair?

Split the hair with a comb into six sections, secure
each one is clamped. Screw each section onto the curler.
large diameter, keeping it in the direction of the hair down. To wave
turned out perfect, warm up the curtain before
use, but do not overheat. After winding all the strands,
tilt your head down, shake the curls with your hands, and then fix
varnish, lifting them for larger volume.

Perm on auspicious days when the Moon is in Gemini –
21, 22, 23, а также в ATесах – 3, 4, 5 числа, и локоны будут пышными
and natural. Waving on the growing moon will last longer – from 3
on the 16th.

The lunar calendar haircuts for September 2016 – favorable
haircut days

In order to give volume to thin and thin hair, you need
just pick the right type of haircut, length and decide which
hair color will visually make them more voluminous. Exists
a variety of haircuts, making hair look thicker. Lots of
celebrities also have thin hair, however this is not
striking because of the right hairstyle. Most
A suitable haircut for thin strands is considered a bob and all his
variations. is he неприхотлив в уходе, а укладка с ним не займет много
of time.

Go to the hairdresser in September on the growing moon – from 3 to 16
number to grow hair faster. Moon in Leo – 26, 27, Virgo
– 1, 2, 28, ATесах – 3, 4, 5 – лучшее время для модной стрижки.

Lunar calendar haircuts for September 2016 –
неблагоприятные haircut days

Barber shop at the Full Moon is not recommended -17
numbers, New Moon – 2 numbers, as well as 9, 15, 23 and 29 lunar days,
in September it is 11, 17, 24, 30 numbers. Can be successfully treated

Bold strands appear thinner, so wash your hair using
suitable shampoo. Special care products for thin
hair creates on the surface of each hair a protective film that
provides its protection, and also creates additional volume.
The easiest way is to rinse the hair after washing the acidified one.
with water vinegar.

Lunar calendar haircuts for September 2016 –

How to create the effect of fluffy hair on thin strands?

• The length of the hair is better to choose shoulder length or shorter.

• Ideal for thin hair will be a haircut like a ladder, square.
Hair asymmetry always adds volume.

• Apply medicated shampoos suitable for your hair type.

• Avoid styling products that can make hair.
sticky and brittle.

• ATыбирайте инструменты для укладки с терморегулятором.

And of course, do not forget to use the lunar calendar.

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