Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2015 -favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts

Sat, Feb 22, 2014 Moon calendar hairstyles today even
more relevant than in ancient times. Hairstyles have become shorter and
more diverse, but you have to take care of them every day, and not
as Marie Antoinette, who wore a “tower” 92 centimeters high more than
of the month. For modern women, the standard of beauty of the Middle Ages
almost terrifying, because the queen’s hair was smeared with lard,
to keep that mass of feathers and ribbons that formed
stately design.


History knows other examples when the pursuit of beauty
exceeded common sense. For example, Ancient Egypt – there are women
wore hairstyles for several weeks. No wonder that with
time Egyptian women began to shave their heads and use

Today there is no need to daub yourself or cut your hair
Bald but can help hair become more lush and docile with
using the lunar calendar hairstyles. And it depends on the position of the moon.
in relation to the earth and the zodiac, as well as from the dates of the full moon and
new moon. In November, they are expected on November 12 and 26, in the first half
months, hair will grow faster in the second slower.


Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2015 – завивка волос

There are three ways to curl curls, and each of them has
its advantages and disadvantages. Time consuming and
short on effect – simple curlers, fast way, but
also having a short effect – electric tongs or
Thermo curlers. This method has the disadvantage – from constant
using high temperatures hair can dry out, then
they will have to be restored for a long time.

A perm can also damage hair, but modern
Ways (bio-perm, carving) affect gentle hair
in a way. According to the lunar calendar to perform the curling should also
take into account the type of hair. For weak and thin hair it is better to avoid those
days when the moon is actively growing under the signs of Leo and Virgo. The best
Curling dates will be 3-7 (Leo and Virgo), 10.11 (Scorpio), 24-27
(Taurus and Gemini).

Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2015 – окраска волос

Hair dye helps us not only transform, but also
enhance your “native” color or restore it by painting over gray hair.
It is best to use a permanent dye of natural color,
close to natural. Brown dye will give brown hair
interesting glare, henna gives amazing red play.

Question answer

Is it possible to restore the original color? To lighten up
hair painted in a dark color, you need to discolor them to tone,
corresponding to the natural color and paint in the “native” color.
These procedures must be performed with a break of 1-2 weeks. Simpler
restore bleached hair color by dyeing it with resistant paint
desired color.

Permanent dye needs to be updated about once every 4-5 weeks.
A long-lasting toning dye holds up to 20 shampoos.
Good gray hair bleaching discoloration. Any clarifier will weaken
hair color, the most extreme of them completely remove the dye. By
the lunar calendar in November is better to dye your hair under the signs Cancer,
Leo (1-4), Gemini (27), Capricorn (15,16), Virgo (5.6), Aries (22,

Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2015 – благоприятные дни для

Технологии модельной haircuts — это индивидуальность,
creativity and imagination. Conventional tools – comb and
scissors in the hands of a skilled master can work wonders. Even
you are not the owner of the perfect face, haircut makes it
stylish and beautiful in its own way. By ноябрьскому лунному календарю для
hair regrowth is best to go to the hairdresser in the days
роста луны, а для устойчивой и стильной haircuts — на убывании.
Благоприятными днями для выполнения haircuts станут Лев, Дева
(3,4,5,6,7), Taurus (24,25), Sagittarius, Gemini (13,14), (26,27).

The board

Byдбирая стрижку, нужно учитывать черты лица, форму головы,
eye shape and their color, style of dress, earrings and bijouterie. WITH
помощью haircuts человеку можно придать кардинально новый образ —
for example, a business lady can be romantic in a matter of minutes.
beautiful woman.

Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2015 – неблагоприятные дни
для haircuts

Неудачные дни для haircuts всем известны — это полнолуние 26 и
the new moon on November 12, as well as several neutral days at the joints
quarters (3, 8). WITHуществует также несколько нейтральных дней, не
suitable for a cardinal change of image (29, 30, 4). In neutral
days, you can simply trim the length of the hair or trim the bangs.

Attention – bangs!

How to cut a bang? Must have very sharp big
scissors. Byмните о том, что мокрые волосы после высыхания
�”Bounce”, so leave a margin of length. Separate bang from
the rest of the hair and cut the individual strands. Filirovka makes
the bangs are light and airy, it is performed with the tips of scissors from
center of the forehead towards the temple.

November 2015 – conclusion

What innovations did not come up with hairdressers to
make our hairstyles more diverse, and girls – even
more beautiful! These are chemistry and coloring, coloring and highlighting. WITHреди
the latest innovations can be noted stretching color – a smooth transition
from dark to light or vice versa, variations are possible. To
add hair shine, apply a transparent color.


Sometimes even design is done coloring – color pattern
on hair with different dyes. This option is used when with
using the hairstyle you need to adjust the shape of the face, increase the volume
hairstyles or make mysterious highlights on the hair.

But for any manipulation of the hair, use the moon
calendar hairstyles.

Be beautiful!

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