Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2013

Wed, Nov 23, 2016

In November, we meet with the first winter joys and fun.
But at this time not only the invigorating frost and
the first snowfalls, but also the usual feelings of sadness and
fatigue, cold, depression. The nature of lovely women is changeable,
like a light breeze. Many, in order not to succumb to the mood, decide
to bring a bright, original detail into your image – for example, to make
unusual haircut or dye your hair in a completely new color. But
even if you just decided to touch up the regrown roots or trim
bangs, look at the haircut calendar and read tips

For a successful haircut will be good many days of November. But все же
Immediately discard the most “critical”, and pay more
attention to favorable days. In this case, positive
energy charge received from visiting a hairdresser,
will continue for some time – until the next hike in
hair salon The most favorable intervals for haircuts
determined by the new moon and the full moon, that is, the period of growing
the moon In November it is from November 3 (new moon) to November 17
(full moon). These days, the month is conditionally divided into several
periods. Hair growth can be accelerated during the growing moon,
медленнее волосы растут в период убывания the moon


Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2013 – завивка волос

It is difficult to imagine a woman who does not fit curvy
large curls. The face becomes softer and more feminine, the image
very harmonious. Natural curls are not very common, but
perm comes to the rescue – simple or chemical. Astrologers
they say that in the days under the constellation of Leo, the hair curls themselves, therefore
November 23 and 24, you can simply wind the hair on the curlers. Luxury
Curls secured for several days. Longer perm possible
do it chemically. This may be ordinary chemistry, or
Fashion bioforming or carving recently. Perm
on the growing moon (from November 4) will last longer, strands will
more wavy, but also the risk of damage to the hair increases. On
the waning moon (from November 18th) the hair will stay healthier. AT
Anyway, after curling it is better to use a special shampoo.
for damaged hair and masks. Good days on the moon
calendar this month will be 11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22,
November 25, 26, 27.

Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2013 – окраска волос

On растущей луне волосы легко впитывают краску, держат
saturated color and remain shiny. Especially favorable signs
Virgin, Leo, Taurus, Gemini. AT ноябре это не только дни растущей
the moon, but also waning – on November 15, 16, 18, 19, 23,24,25,26,27.
Faster wash off the paint after November 17th. Many years on top
popularity holds highlighting – coloring only strands
hair. AT последнее время в моду входят новые способы мелирования.
Daring and brave girls can stand out from the crowd extraordinary
сочетаниями hair. Onпример, мелирование «Crazy colors» (безумие
light), in which fashionable red or purple strands. Today it is
It is considered not a blind fashion following, but an expression of a bright personality.
women. Stylish hairstyles made on November 26 and 27 will be
especially attract the views of the stronger sex.

Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2013 – благоприятные дни для

Many women celebrate the most successful ones at the beginning of the month.
days to visit the hairdresser. The constellations Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo,
Льва, Близнецов, ATесов действуют на Луну очень благоприятно, за
except for the days of the new moon and the full moon. AT ноябре это 7,8,15,16,
November 23-27. Good hair will grow to full moon (17
November). Interesting data on hair growth obtained from China –
Xie Ziuping, a young Chinese woman, was able to grow hair 562.7 cm long.
It took her no less than 31 years (from 1973 to 2004).
This fact is reflected in the Guinness Book of Records. Until today she
remains the owner of the longest hair in the world. Interesting that
between the ages of 16 and 24, hair grows the fastest, then
growth slows down.

Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2013 – неблагоприятные дни
для haircuts

Watch out for a dramatic change in image when the moon is under
the influence of the constellations Aries and Scorpio. AT ноябре это 2,3, 13,14 и 30
november AT эти дни стрижка волос забирает много энергии, могут
exacerbate chronic diseases. The days of the full moon and the new moon 3 and
On 17 and November, astrologers rule out categorically. Should also
исключить 9 лунный день — это 11 november AT эти дни очень хорошо
будет проводить массаж головы для улучшения состояния hair. Most
a simple way is to comb the hair with a brush. Useful and easy
squeezing hair (individual strands pull up but not allowing
discomfort). Professional cosmetologists are advised to perform
finger massage from the neck to the top, gradually moving
up. Particular attention should be paid to the temporal parts and lines.
вдоль роста hair. Massage the scalp is best done
just before washing as massage stimulates the secretion

Lunar calendar haircuts for November 2013 – заключение

Onчало новой жизни лучше всего планировать не с понедельника, а
from the new moon. ATо время растущей Луны закладывается прочный фундамент
for your future life. However, do not actively intervene in
processes on the growing moon. Do not abuse drugs
better to confine folk remedies. With a rising moon in
the body accelerates all processes, burns a huge amount
calories, but the body quickly restores what is lost.
The waning moon, on the contrary, slows down all processes. AT это время
immunity weakens, activity in love and work decreases,
slowed brain activity. Recommended before the new moon
complete all started processes, repay debts, and get them from
their debtors. Tooth extraction is less painful
actively undergo healing processes. Recommended to start
weight loss programs. AT косметологии можно
carry out skin cleansing, plastic surgery and removal
neoplasms. Slags from the body are actively eliminated. For hair
this is the time of active restoration and strengthening of the roots and hair

Keep track of the moon and your well-being, be healthy and beautiful
even in the cold days of November!

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