Lunar calendar haircuts for May 2014

W, 25 Oct 2016

Lunar hairstyles calendar will help us to make the best
in life that we choose. And the choice of hairstyle is quite complicated –
need to take into account many parameters. This is the shape of the face, age, weight,
growth, even social status. Indeed, hairstyles for round
faces with straight bangs are unlikely to look harmoniously with a girl
with oblong oval. The volume on the sides and torn ladder fit
oval or square face type but will not be harmonious
look on a triangular face. Curls and curls like everything – they
give the image softness and lightheadedness, but the “iron lady” in
the head of the corporation would rather look more harmonious with straight
short or medium length haircut.

Several nuances of choosing hairstyles are typical for any type.

• bangs and strands of hair on the cheeks visually enlarge the eyes;

• voluminous hairstyle at the top lengthens the oval of the face;

• bangs can mask the high forehead;

• a large mouth or nose can be reduced visually, if you choose
hairstyle waves with large volume;

• girls with short necks should choose only short

• wavy curls will cover the disproportion of placement

• thin hair can be increased in volume visually in
multi-level hairstyle type hairstyle “cascade” or “page”;

• if a firm has a dress code, the best option would be
smooth short hair or hair tied in a tail.

Do not be afraid to look for new images for yourself at any age. AND
Let the moon help you keep your hair and hair healthy. For
May reference points are characterized by two horoscope dates – the full moon 14
and the new moon on May 28. From the very first days you can proceed to
creating hairstyles – because the beginning of May will be held under the constellation
Gemini on the growing moon, moving into Virgo, and this is the most
favorable days. AND только с последней декады месяца луна начнет
decrease, but this does not negate the possibility – let the hair grow
slower But the shape of their haircut perfectly kept and


Lunar calendar haircuts for May 2014 — завивка волос

In May, in anticipation of the upcoming vacation, the girls begin
Intensively prepare for the summer, to meet him in all its glory.
You can give your image of femininity and playfulness with
curling hair in curls. Curlers of different diameters will provide
a variety of sizes and shapes of your curls. Curl hair in may
recommended under the constellations Virgo, Leo and Taurus (from 3 to 13), and
also after the new moon – the 29th.

If your master owns various winding techniques, he
it is not difficult to choose the right look for your hair
curls. For их создания можно использовать все — от обычных
perm sticks, to special plates for
obtain zigzag waves.

Curls are fixed by acid-based chemicals,
alkaline and neutral formulations. Persistent fixation ensured
acid composition. But it should be noted that such funds are negative
affect the structure of the hair, and after such a procedure they will have
long to recover. Alkaline curls use more
the sparing preparations keeping effect within two-three months.
But not all hair types are amenable to this type of chemical.
means. A qualified wizard will find out what type they are.
Your hair, will select the best option for you.

Lunar calendar haircuts for May 2014 — окраска волос

Dyeing hair is recommended no more than once in 2-3
of the month. In May, favorable days for coloring are 1, 2, 4, 5, 13, 16,
29, 30. When coloring it is necessary to consider the natural color
hair. In fair-skinned ladies, gray hair is less visible than in women with
dark skin. ANDм лучше использовать неглубокие, близкие к
natural, tone. You can also successfully use folk
recipes – infusions and decoctions of chamomile, walnut shells, rhubarb,
onion peels. For example, blond hair can be beautiful
golden tint, if rinsed with their brewed chamomile – on
100 grams of flowers, half a liter of boiling water. Let it draw about 20
minutes and strain.

But on darker hair, this composition will only have
healing effect. Natural dyes strengthen hair
restore their structure, are the prevention of the appearance
dandruff Rinsing a decoction of rhubarb is perfect for the blond
hair, it will make the color more saturated. This decoction is suitable for
нормальных и для жирных hair. Brunette and brown hair is great
Basma and henna will do. Keep in mind that paint is darker.
its natural color is not recommended.

Lunar calendar haircuts for May 2014 — благоприятные дни для

Before the long-awaited summer, cutting in May is quite
timely occupation. In addition, favorable days for her
implementation is more than enough. You can get a haircut both in the beginning and in
late May, and in the middle, excluding some critical days. Under
constellations Taurus and Virgo, you can visit the salon at least every day,
haircut will harmonious and successfully complement the image. On
parties and holidays you be sure to be the center of attention.
The hairstyle keeps its shape under the constellations of Aquarius and Aries, but
отрастать волосы будут slower To give hair vital
forces, make a mask suitable for your hair type.

Lunar calendar haircuts for May 2014 — неблагоприятные дни для

Самыми неудачными днями для haircuts волос будут 14 и 28 мая и
sunday with the waning moon. Remember to cut your hair yourself
myself – a bad omen. May 25 is expected penumbral eclipse of the moon.
AND хоть лучше всего оно будет наблюдаться в Америке и Африке,
preferably on this day nothing at all to do with hair.
Остальные дни месяца прекрасно подходят для окраски и haircuts

Lunar calendar haircuts for May 2014 года – заключение

According to ancient legend, the power of man was in the hair. ANDменно
it used beautiful dalila to take power away from
almighty samson. According to legend, she cut off the sleeping
bogatyr hair, and he could no longer protect his people. Baldness
overtook many great people – from Julius Caesar, Napoleon
and the great doctor Hippocrates. By the way, the name is the hardest form
baldness is called “hippocrate.” Great people tried to hide
their defects, while applying wigs.

It is noteworthy that for wigs from natural hair you need
take care almost as much as your hair. Imagine,
that the first wigs were used in ancient Egypt, more than 4000
thousands of years ago. AND носили их не только от облысения.

In extremely hot climates, much attention was paid to hygiene, and therefore
Egyptians shaved their heads. The hairstyle was performed on
wig and superimposed on the head. Air layer saved from
heat waves.

ANDменно тогда люди стали демонстрировать свой статус с помощью
wigs. The pharaohs themselves had the opportunity to wear a wig from natural
hair, commoners used tow or sheep wool, horse
hair or feathers of exotic birds. Pharaohs even had special
services hairdressers responsible for creating wigs and hairstyles.

It’s good that today we have the most democratic fashion of all
times and peoples, so take care of your hair with
horoscope hairstyles!

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