Lunar calendar haircuts for June 2018:favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, curling and dyeinghair

Вт, 28 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

The moon of June favors self-care. Do not be afraid to change
its appearance, rejoicing in the warmth and long summer. But do not be lazy
look at the list of moon prompts.

Haircuts, curls, coloring will be even more successful, and life
– even more successful.

In June, follow the cycles of lunar growth and decrease.
Main events of the month:

• full moon June 28;

• New Moon on June 13;

• the rising moon from the 14th to the 27th of June;

• the waning moon from the 1st to the 12th of June.

At the full moon, you can safely assign any procedure. Hair
stand and dyeing, and perm. When the moon is getting fat, you can
trim the tips, curls grow back in a matter of weeks. With
the weakening moon strengthens weak bulbs well – melting disc
take the negative with you. Hair после процедуры будут радость силой
and become thicker.


Лунный календарь стрижек на июнь 2018 года — завивка hair

Завивка — одна из самых травматичных для hair процедур.
The fixative contains aggressive chemical components that destroy
keratin layer. После неудачной «химки» hairы станет
overdried, brittle, will lose a living luster and generally will
look disheveled and lifeless.

Совет: заранее обсудите с мастером
waving technology. There are different formulations that are used for
achieve different goals. An experienced master will take into account the condition
hair, структуру, тип, особенности роста.

Most successfully pass perm, held in the period
passing the lunar house of the Virgin. In June, it is the 19th and 20th. If a
make “Khimka” in these two days, then the danger of spoiling the strands
is minimal. Your curls will remain alive and strong – of course, with
subject to careful care of them. After aggressive procedures
permanent care is especially important.

In the period of Leo (17th, 18th June) go to the salon for
кудряшками можно тем девушкам, чьи hairы от природы жесткие,
dense. А вот если локоны мягкие, hairяные стержни легкие, то
the resulting curl may be too steep. Such is the effect
«львиных дней»: небесный царь зверей заставляет hairы виться еще

It is necessary to move the perm during the domination of the night
the sky of water signs:

• 4th, 5th of June (Aquarius);

• 6th, 7th (Pisces);

• 15th, 16th (Cancer);

• 23rd, 24th, 25th (Scorpio).

Замечено, в такие дни hairяные стержни травмируются сильнее,
than others. Curling can seriously ruin the state of the strands, and
will have to spend a lot of effort on their recovery.

Лунный календарь стрижек на июнь 2018 года — окраска hair

Home or salon coloring is one of the most popular.
процедур для hair. It is best to spend it in the full moon and in
the time of filling the lunar serpica, then the force of force. Paint will fall
exactly as needed, the new color will not be washed off soon. In June schedule
staining is needed for the period from the 14th to the 28th of June.

С помощью изменения цвета hair можно позитивно повлиять на свою
life and even extend it. Astrologers talk about positive
The effects that staining can have:

• 1st natural basma and henna bring vibrant life

• 2nd experiments with color of curls will attract to life
amazing opportunities and positive energy;

• 3rd staining change the negative trends of the day;

• 5th clarification will attract good people to life;

• 6th will strengthen the financial sector;

• 7th, 11th will cheer up, will give confidence;

• On the 15th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 24th, 27th, will direct relations with
colleagues and friends in a positive way, will increase self-esteem;

• The 16th will keep financial success and a stable position on

• on the 23rd, natural paint will enhance well-being;

• 25th will give luck.

But to postpone the cardinal change of image or embellishment
roots are 4th, 13th (the relationship deteriorates), 9th, 18th
(danger of quarrel), 21st (there will be a conflict), 26th (will suffer

Совет: если одновременно сделать
«химку» и окрашивание, hairы будут испорчены. Структура hairяного
The rod will not suffer a double blow. Between treatments must pass
at least two weeks.

Lunar calendar haircuts for June 2018 – favorable days
for a haircut

Confidently go for a haircut on days when the night light
swims through the zodiacs friendly woman signs. First
the queue is Virgo (her days are in June 19, 20). Also great
the result will please haircut, held on such days:

• 11th, 12th (Taurus);

• 13th, 14th (Gemini);

• 28th, 29th, 30th (Capricorn).

Astrologers are convinced that a haircut can have
direct impact on life and even fate

The 1st is an auspicious day, but only if everything in your life
exactly and there are no plans for major changes;

• 5th will give a good mood, positive, tone, heal

• 6-е оздоровит body;

• 11th will improve well-being and relationships;

• The 13th will return well-being and joy;

• 14th will give luck;

• The 17th will relieve a depressed mood and strengthen financial

• The 21st, 24th will lengthen life.

• The 26th will bring harmony back to relationships.

Ambiguous may be haircut June 27th. She can both
bring to life good luck, financial flows, and lower
activity, mood, tone.

Совет: окрашивание натуральной краской
делает структуру hair плотнее, а значит, пряди станут тяжелее. it
need to be considered during the haircut. After basma and henna haircut
can quickly disappear, because strands of it simply can not
hold on

Lunar calendar haircuts for June 2018 – adverse
дни for a haircut

Noted negative effects of some characters on shorn
hairы. Curls can become naughty if June
haircut is scheduled for:

• June 4 and 5 (Aquarius);

• 9 and 10 (Aries);

• 23, 24 and 25 (Scorpio);

• 26, 27 (Sagittarius).

Hair после стрижки в эти периоды могут испортиться, утратит
a fair amount of brilliance of power. Woman will feel soulful
discomfort, irritation, dissatisfaction.

Astrologically unfavorable days
The following are considered:

• 2nd, 8th will lower the tone and make you feel

• 3rd can get sick;

• 4th will end in depression;

• 7th power loss;

• 9th will suffer health because scissors will cut off energy

• 10th will end in a sharp depression;

• 12-е может плохо повлиять на продолжительность life;

• The 16th, 25th will destroy agreements and plans will end
illness or malaise;

• 18th power loss, fail;

• 19th, 20th hello to conflicts;

• The 22nd, 23rd will cause illness, ruin the relationship with

• The 28th will end in severe migraine or trauma.

The June Moon 2018 is favorable for procedures with

Long favorable periods that the moon gives to care
for curls and changes in appearance, allow you to schedule days to care
for themselves and change the image with maximum benefit.

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