Lunar calendar haircuts for June 2015 -favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts

Sat, Feb 22, 2014 Poets and prose writers, describing the beauty of a woman
in the lyric works, three components are noted – eyes, hands,
hair. The latter become the subject of legitimate pride, of course,
for those who pay great attention to the care of hair. In that
The important role played by the dependence of beauty hairstyles on time, in
which it is performed, and from the state of the moon.

Earth and the Moon interact. Known to all tides
give a visual demonstration of these interactions, because human
the body also consists of more than 80% water. The strength of the tides happens
different. In the new moon and the full moon to the energy of the moon is connected
the energy of the sun, and the ebbs and flows are especially intense. May 2015
The year of the full moon and new moon is expected on November 2 and 16.


The greatest ebb and flow are in the North
Arctic and Pacific Oceans, they are smaller in the inland seas, but also
well visible. According to Newton’s research, they occur on Earth.
under the action of attraction between the planet and its satellite, or rather,
between the moon and the earth’s surface and the moon and water
by the surface.


Lunar calendar haircuts for June 2015 – завивка волос

Paradox, but the curls want most of all those whom nature has given
прекрасные прямые hair. To achieve the result will have
make a lot of effort, both during the perm and in the care
after it in the following. But according to the lunar calendar is recommended
curl hair in june 2015 in the days of the waning moon: Aries (10.11),
Taurus (12,13), and the growing moon: Rakov (17,18), Virgo (26,27,28).
After curling should nourish the hair and moisturize.

Recipe 1:

For dry hair, a mask is well suited from the following products:
fish oil, castor oil, shampoo, 1 egg yolk. Mix everything and
heat in a water bath. Then cool and rub the product into the skin.
heads for 5 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Lunar calendar haircuts for June 2015 – окраска волос

Today there is practically no woman who has not painted her
hair. Sometimes we copy a favorite star, often we try on ourselves.
new colors or any brands, we change it drastically
the exact opposite color. The hair was already the most
different, rich shades and colors, and therefore a new color
in no way should affect the health of the hair.

Lunar calendar advises dyeing hair for persistent color
on the growing moon. In June 2015, these are signs of Libra and Scorpio and
(25-28), as well as on the waning moon of Capricorn and Aquarius (4 – 7
numbers). Having dyed your hair these days, you may feel
blond angel or impregnable elegant beauty, red
beast or passionate brown hair – everything is in your hands!

Recipe 2

Tea for hair coloring. A decoction of tea will make your hair interesting
brown tint. It is necessary to boil 3 tablespoons in a glass of water
spoon of tea leaves and rinse hair after washing. Little bit different but
similar shade can be obtained by making a decoction of 5 tablespoons
Linden twigs and leaves for 1 liter of water.

Lunar calendar haircuts for June 2015 – благоприятные дни для

To make the haircut smooth and clear, follow it in descending order.
The moon in the signs of Virgo and Leo (19-23), and on the waning Taurus and Gemini
(12-15). Under the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn get neat
haircuts с мягкими формами. Minimalism is popular – clear concise
shapes, beautiful lines, geometric curves, and straight lines
the opposite of romance is femininity with soft lines,
smoothly and carelessly framing a face. Youth style is more chaotic,
creative techniques are used.


Technique incompatible strands. Disheveled crown sticking out
In different directions, needles create a feeling of vigor of the hair.
Applies special technique – ragged haircut and powerful styling

Lunar calendar haircuts for June 2015 – неблагоприятные дни для

According to Tibetan monks, the ninth lunar day burns
энергию, и в этот день не следует проводить haircuts и укладки. Not
it is worth undermining the body’s defenses in June for this day
accounted for constellation scales (24). Not стоит торопиться к парикмахеру
and in the days of the new moon and the full moon (2 and 16). There are neutral
days, under the constellation Scorpio, Aquarius, Aries (9,10,26, 27, 28). These
recommendations apply to hair removal, only
opposite form. Therefore, you can use them for shaving or

June 2015 – Conclusion

Many of us, combing our hair, meet with such a phenomenon
as electrification. To minimize it, it can be distributed on
hair a thin layer of foam, and then smooth the hair wet
by hands. To comb long hair, use wood.
combs. Put a drop of pink or lavender on it
essential oil, the hair will have not only shiny, but also

The board

How to strengthen hair? Chinese alternative medicine
recommends the following exercise: Right thumb
lightly press on the base of the little finger, and with the left thumb –
base of the index finger. Hold for a few minutes.

Be beautiful with the lunar hairstyle calendar!

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