Lunar calendar haircuts for July 2018:favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, curling and dyeinghair

Вт, 28 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Hot July promises many summer pleasures. Hair in it
time suffer from heat, fade under the sun, dry out. To
снизить стресс, уход за hairами должен быть правильным и

Lunar calendar haircuts will allow you to choose the best day for
visiting the hairdresser. Check with the lunar hours especially
it is important if a cardinal image change is planned: coloring,
short haircut, curling. It is safer to schedule it on
full moon, as this is the most auspicious day. In July, it
happen on the 27th.

The lunar phases of this month are replaced by:

• the rising moon is visible in the sky from July 14th to 26th;

• decreasing – from the 1st to the 12th, then from the 28th to the 31st of July;

• New Moon – July 13th.

Choose a day for each procedure separately, and then the result
pleasure, and life will shine with new colors.


Лунный календарь стрижек на июль 2018 — завивка hair

It is difficult to decide on a permanent perm. To fix
situation in case of failure can be very soon. That is why it is important
Schedule a safe day for Khimki. The most correct is the period
the passage of the moon Zodiac Virgo. In July, it falls on the 16th and 17th
number. В эти дни hairы перенесут агрессивное воздействие
chemical composition is good, and you can restore them to the usual daily

Do not sign up for the procedure in the “lion” period. Zodiac
Leo will increase the impact on the curls, and curls will turn out too
cool In July, the Moon passes through the house of Leo on the 14th and 15th

Adverse periods for curling curls are the days
когда на небе правят бал водные знаки Zodiacа:

• Scorpio (from the 20th to the 22nd of July);

• Aquarius (1st, 2nd, 28th, 29th, July 30th);

• Fish (3rd, 4th, 5th, 31st of July);

• Cancer (July 12th, 13th).

Если наметить «химку» в эти дни, можно сжечь hairы очень
strong. They will lose strength, elasticity and shine, will start to fall out and
break. Not many July days that favor
perm. But you can still choose them.

Tip: perm is ideal for owners of fat
типа hair. Chemistry will dry the skin, curls cease quickly
get dirty, covered with greasy bloom 3-4 hours after washing,
and the hairstyle will look neat and nice all day.

Лунный календарь стрижек на июль 2018 — окраска hair

Окрашивание, проведенное в «неправильный» день, когда hairы
weakened by the influence of the moon, no joy will bring. Even
the procedure is carried out regularly and we are talking only about tinting
roots, it needs to schedule on an auspicious day. The color will turn out
таким, какой нужен, а hairяные стержни сохранят кератиновую защиту
and do not spoil.

Astrologers recommend using staining as an opportunity
positively affect your life, change it for the better:

• 1st, 31st will give strength, attract positive energy, give

• 2nd with the help of natural shades you can correct negative
day trends;

• 4th repainting in light shades will attract good people,
the necessary communication and provide pleasant emotions;

• 5-го натуральные оттенки hair помогут укрепит материальную
the situation;

• 6th staining will enhance mood;

• 7th it is good to be painted only in dark color, light shades
can provoke a quarrel;

• 10th staining will increase confidence in your own strength;

• the 15th will improve relationships with family and colleagues;

• the 16th will improve the professional image and provide material

• the 17th will bring joy, improve mutual understanding with people;

• On the 20th, on the 27th, it will increase self-esteem, help to establish contact with

• 24th, 25th guarantees success for all.

Do not sign up for the procedure of the 3rd, 12th (spoil
mutual understanding with people), 8th, 18th, 19th, 21st (can
a major quarrel happens), 26th (health deteriorates).

Tip: if you do your home staining yourself,
Apply paint from the back of the head to the bangs. Choose enough
soft brush, so as not to injure the skin. Also on tough
brush paint keeps bad.

Lunar calendar haircuts for July 2018 – favorable days for

During the rising moon, any tip and length manipulations
strands – the right decision. Hairstyle will delight, and curls
grow back quickly. The rising moon in July is visible from the 14th to the 26th

It is very good to have a haircut at that moment when the moon is visible in the zodiacs.
Virgo (July 16, 17), Taurus (July 8, 9), Leo (July 14, 15),
Capricorn (July 26, 27), Libra (July 18-20). No surprises
it won’t happen, the curls will stay shiny, strengthen and fill
by life.

Астрологические подсказки на июль помогут выбрать день haircuts
so as to improve the situation at home, at work, to increase
material well-being or to attract love:

• 4th heals and improves vitality;

• The 10th will improve well-being and strengthen mutual understanding with

• The 12th will benefit, guarantee well-being and

• the 17th will give joyful emotions and help achieve material

• the 21st, 24th will lengthen the lifespan, will increase the charisma;

• On the 26th, it will help to reconcile, will give vigor and confidence in
own attractiveness.

Ambiguous consequences can bring a haircut on July 5. From one
hand, the procedure will improve health, on the other hand, it can provoke
weight gain. A similar situation awaits July 27th. Haircut is good
will affect the financial sector, but can spoil the mood and

Совет: если hairы тонкие и редкие, стрижка должна создавать
volume С этой задачей отлично справляются короткие haircuts,
especially torn and multi-layered.

Lunar calendar haircuts for July 2018 – unfavorable days for

Wait with a haircut on a waning moon is necessary for those who want,
чтобы hairы росли быстро. The fact is that the melting moon disk
замедлит все процессы в организме, и рост hair в том числе. In July
луна чахнет 1-12, 28-31 numbers But in the same days you can cut your hair
кто недоволен силой и блеском своих hair. Any haircut will strengthen
hairяные стержни и корни.

Неблагоприятен прогноз астрологов в отношении haircuts и на
following days:

• 1st, 7th will cause indisposition;

• 2nd is bad for health;

• 3rd spoil the mood;

• the 6th will cause an altercation and decay of energy;

• the 8th will worsen physical health, take away the energy of life;

• the 11th, the 13th will shorten the years of life;

• 16th will frustrate plans;

• the 18th, 19th, 25th, 29th will end in failure and decay

• 20th provokes a conflict;

• On the 22nd, the 23rd, the disease will be drawn, will spoil the understanding with

• 28th is fraught with failure, trauma, migraine.

Do not go to the hairdresser, if the sky reigns
Sagittarius (July 23-25), Pisces (3-5, July 31), Cancer (July 12, 13).
The haircut will not work through the fault of the master or something will happen on the way

The July heat – it’s time to think about changing the image. To
the process was successful, and the reincarnation was a pleasure,
It is important to reconcile your desires with the recommendations of the moon and stars.

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