Lunar calendar haircuts for January 2018:favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, curling and dyeinghair

Пн, 20 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Mysterious yellow disk, shedding a gentle light on the sleeping ground,
each night creates the outline of the future day. If you know the secrets of the moon
cycles, you can live in complete harmony with the world. Haircuts and care
hairами по лунному календарю — это прекрасная возможность всегда
look perfect.

Ночная красавица луна оказывает на hairы волшебное влияние в
depending on the cycle. Choosing the best day to write to
salon, be sure to consider the phase of the moon:

• in January, the moon will “gain” the 1st, then from the 18th to the 30th
number. Grooming these days will accelerate the growth of the strands;

• A perfectly round disk of the full moon will be visible above the Earth of the 2nd
and January 31st. It is on these numbers is to plan capital
преображение или плановые процедуры для hair. They must
will be successful;

• the moon will decrease from the 3rd to the 16th. If you trim the tips or
постричься, корни укрепятся, hairы перестанут выпадать, хотя
grow back slowly;

• A new moon in the night sky will happen on January 17th. This day is not
need to be afraid of bold experiments with their appearance.

What can we expect from the moon if you need to curl, color or just
остричь hairы? Check your desires with the lunar calendar.


Лунный календарь стрижек на январь 2018 — завивка hair

Romance is the main impression
девушка с волнистыми или кудрявыми hairами. If you want to look
позитивно, можно специально завить hairы. Best to do it in
that moment when the moon comes to visit the Virgin: in January 2018 it’s
the fifth, sixth, seventh numbers. Aggressive Chemicals
will cause curls minimal damage.

Caution does not put in the “lion” days. This zodiac sign and
без того наделяет людей волнистыми hairами, поэтому завивка может
Enhance the natural effect and get too strong. Night
светило гостит в доме Льва третьего, четвертого and January 31st.
The curl these days can only be trusted by a proven master,
который уже работал с вашими hairами.

Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius and Scorpio have a very negative effect on
состояние hair при завивке. To “chemistry” did not cause
tears, it must be abandoned in the following days:

• The first, second, twenty-ninth and thirtieth of January (Cancer);

• the tenth, eleventh of January (Scorpio);

• From the seventeenth to the nineteenth of January (Aquarius);

• Twentieth and Twenty-first (Pisces).

If you curl these days, the curls will lose their luster, they will
brittle, dry. It is better to schedule the procedure for safer

Лунный календарь стрижек на январь 2018 — окраска hair

Красить hairы рекомендуется на полнеющей луне. Therefore it is possible
no doubt to trust the head of the master or the very 1st
January and from the eighteenth to the thirtieth of. Paint
будет отлично держаться на hairах, хотя hairы станут расти

Coloring will bring additional changes in life,
if you hold it in accordance with the following recommendations

• 1st: bring victory in deeds;

• 2nd: dyeing in a dark tone will make invisible to
ill-wishers, troubles will be bypassed;

• 5th: experiments are acceptable, they will give a long-awaited chance and
fill with positive energy;

• 6th: coloring in natural shades will improve the negative
energy of the day;

• 9th: improve financial affairs;

• 14th: self-confidence will return or grow,
feeling of joy;

• 18th and 20th: improve relationships with people;

• 19th: Henna and Basma will strengthen career positions and preserve
financial well-being;

ВЂ 22nd: it will turn out to make up with someone, will increase
self esteem.

• 25-го и 26-го: натуральные краски оздоровят hairы и
Beneficial effect on well-being;

• 27th-28th: ​​any coloring promises good luck, improvement
relationships with family and colleagues.

It is better not to be painted on January 7, 12, 16 (relations with
around), January 21 and 23 (a major altercation may occur), 29
January (worsen health).

Lunar calendar haircuts for January 2018 – favorable days for

To achieve accelerated growth of curls, it is better to cut
just in the phase of filling the lunar disk with life: the first of January, and
then between January 18th and 30th. However stars
Warn: on the first calendar day of 2018 and on
The penultimate day of January (that is, the 1st and 30th) haircut
will cause ambiguous consequences. She can attract luck
money, but at the same time reduce the overall tone and mood.

Schedule a haircut is best for the days of the passage of the lunar disk
through the zodiacs of Virgo (January 5-7), Leo (3, 4, January 31), Taurus
(January 25, 26), Capricorn (January 15, 16), Libra (January 8, 9).

The barber shop, scheduled for
following days:

• 2-е: полнолуние позволяет делать с hairами что угодно.
Thanks to the haircut, you will get rid of the accumulated negative emotions and
improve well-being;

• 4th: neutral day;

• 8th: physical recovery and positive attitude;

• 14th, 29th: well-being and relationships with close and

• 16th: will give well-being and joy;

• 20th: improve mood and strengthen the financial situation;

• 23rd and 27th: life will lengthen, charm will increase.

Совет: чтобы избавиться от секущихся
кончиков, нужно подровнять длинные hairы или подстричь короткие.
Oils, balms, masks – this is a preventive measure, it helps
prevent cross-section, but did not solve the problem.

Lunar calendar haircuts for January 2018 – adverse days
для haircuts

January 2018 is filled with days when a haircut will not benefit and
can permanently knock out the usual rut. Especially unfavorable
consequences may be the owners of reduced immunity.

Stars are advised to postpone the haircut to the following

• 3rd, 21st: will attract failure;

• 5-е: рост hair замедлится, а настроение ухудшится;

• 6th: health problems;

• 7th: the mood will spoil;

• 10th, 11th, 13th: relationships with others will deteriorate, can
collapse, depression;

• 12-е: негативно скажется на здоровье тела и hair (вместе с
hairами отсекается часть жизненной энергии);

• 15th: will decrease life expectancy;

• 18th: bad for the health of curls;

• 19th, 28th: ​​plans fail, state of health worsens;

• 22nd: seriously threatened conflict;

• 24th – 26th: may cause illness or conflict;

• 31st: will cause headache, failure, may lead to

The time of combining the moon with the house of Sagittarius is unfavorable for
health curls. If you get a haircut on these days, the bands will become
break, spoil, will be capricious, difficult to

Совет: Зодиаки Рыб и Рака
неблагоприятны для haircuts и прочих манипуляций с hairами. In days
domination of the sky water signs are not recommended
procedures for chemical waving, dyeing, styling. Even washing by
opportunities should be postponed until later.

The January moon is generally favorable to care procedures and
окрашиванию hair. However, look at the lunar calendar all
will have to. In this case, no trouble will happen, but
the result will be expected.

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