Lunar calendar haircuts for February 2015:favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, curling and dyeinghair

Сб, 03 мар 2018 Автор: Наталья Овченко

Any woman, regardless of age, always strives to be on
height. And this year will not be an exception, as its owner,
Yellow Earth Pig, a big fashionista who loves beautiful
dress. Similar will be the desire of representatives of the beautiful

But it will not be enough to wear a stylish dress and beautiful shoes.
Fully reveal the image will help stylish haircut, carefully
picked up by a specialist.

But what days of February is better to go to the hairdresser,
talk further. In this case, the phases of the moon should be taken into account.


Favorable days for haircuts in February 2019

1, 28. Haircut on this day is very favorable, will help to strengthen
charm, attract positive energy, increase success.

3. Go to the hairdresser should those who wish to purchase
self-confidence. The shorter the haircut, the grander
there will be changes.

4. Having made a haircut on this day, you will be able to further more
fruitfully perform any work.

5, 12, 14, 22, 26. Having a haircut on this day is a good decision.
Thus, physical health will get stronger.

6, 9. You can improve your financial situation by changing

8. A haircut done that day will help your

10. On this day, you can make a haircut for those who want to increase their

15, 25. Thanks to the new haircut you will be able to strengthen both
health and financial situation.

16. Have done a haircut on this day will succeed in realizing
your business objectives.

24. If you are not optimistic, just
поменяйте hairstyle

Если цель вашего посещения парикмахерской — усилить рост hair,
slightly cutting the ends, then such manipulations are best carried out in
following days:

from 7 to 11, as well as from 15 to 17 February.

Unfavorable days for haircuts

1. Haircut is not just bad for health, but can
shorten life

7. Having made a haircut on this day, you put yourself obstacles in the way
to achieve goals.

11, 20, 21. Do not go to the salon, you will attract
troubles and troubles.

13, 18, 19, 23. Going for a haircut on this day, you risk
pay with your health.

17. Having made a haircut on this day, you risk falling into a state
deep melancholy.

27. Going to a hairdresser, you risk attracting
fate of trouble.

Покраска hair в феврале 2019 согласно Лунному календарю:
favorable days

Любительницам менять цвет hair надо помнить, что в этом сезоне
in favor of the mistress of the year, preference should be given bright and bright
shades as well as natural colors.

1.Прекрасный день для кардинального изменения цвета hair.

5, 15, 26. If you want to attract money, feel free to use
dyes on a natural basis.

6, 7. Do you want to move up the career ladder – go
to the hairdresser. Only choose the best natural dyes.

8, 13, 23. Покраска hair в светлые тона поможет не только
transform, but also make a good deal.

10. Новый цвет hair не просто окажется удачным, он способен
enhance sexuality.

12, 17. Неплохо в этот день осветлить hairы натуральными

14. This procedure will help resolve business disputes.

18.19. В этот день можно провести окраску hair в темные тона,
it will protect you from all sorts of adversity and grief.

20, 21. Coloring will help improve relationships with others
made that day.

22. Coloring is possible in the most familiar shades.

25. Изменение цвета hair в этот день — очень удачное решение. TO
the same, the lighter the tone will be chosen, the lighter will surround
you people

27. Возможна окраска hair натуральными красителями, но только
if someone close is acting as a hairdresser. So
You will provide yourself with positive emotions for a long time.

28. Natural dark color dyes are ideal for this.
day. This procedure will help to communicate with the authorities,
by colleagues. А вот покраска hair в светлые тона принесет обратный

Неfavorable days для покраски hair

2, 24. Окраска hair нежелательна, поскольку может
provoke problems with finances, relationships with others.

4, 9, 16. Не стоит в этот день менять цвет hair, поскольку
the result will be frustrated.

11. Покрасив hairы в этот день, вы рискуете испортить у
surrounding the current positive opinion of themselves.

Council Before painting, do not use balms and
кондиционерами для hair. Они вокруг hairка формирует невидимую
the film, but it does not allow the ink elements to penetrate deep into
hairка, поэтому процедура окрашивания может вас разочаровать. For
Improving the result is recommended to wash the head on the previous day.
before staining.

Завивка hair в феврале 2019, следуя Лунному календарю

Lovers of perm should remember the following: if temporary
waving is done quite simply independently, then chemical
without the help of a specialist can not be done. In addition, it is necessary
remember that like procedures can easily hurt
hairам. And not the last role here is played by the day of the month, among which
there are favorable for such manipulations, and there are unsafe.
Сделанная завивка в неfavorable days может не только не держать
форму, но и в значительной мере испортить сам hair.

Favorable days for waving in February are:

1, 2, 6-11, 14-17, 22, 23, 28.

Council If you decide to do a perm, do not
перед этим окрашивать hairы. After the staining procedure before
Curling should take at least 20 days. Otherwise
there is a reaction between chemicals that are in composition
paints, and in the tool for waving. В противном случае hairы
may be badly damaged.

Уход за hairами, включающий стрижку, окраску, завивку, требует
from a woman not only a certain waste of time, effort, finances, but
also follow the lunar calendar haircuts and similar procedures
go following him.

Only by choosing the most suitable day for such manipulations.
с hairами, можно сохранить позитивную энергетику, здоровье, не
allow yourself to have negative emotions.

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