Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2014

Thu, Nov 03 2016

Do you want hair to grow faster after cutting? Do
hair with a growing moon, closer to its fullness. Unruly hair
change their properties, cease to be confused, become more
obedient. The waning moon is good for strengthening the hair roots,
delays in their rapid loss. And besides, for good
hair condition you need to follow some more rules:


Rule one – do not trust non-professionals

It is believed that a hairdresser is able to change the biofield of the one to whom
shingles hair. The master must be energetic and cheerful,
so that your life after haircut changed for the better. Girls,
accustomed to solve their problems on their own, must choose
a hairdresser of the same sex and about the same age
last resort, younger. The older the barber, the stronger he can
affect your life. For chronic failures, choose
famous masters, even if it will cost you a pretty penny. After
haircuts life can dramatically change.

Rule two – do not cut your hair yourself

Indeed, it is better to not cut your hair, even if you yourself
hairdresser with experience. A sign says that a person cannot
to cure oneself, even strong psychics talk about it.
Deformations of one’s own biofield cannot be cured without influx
energy, so you need to carefully choose the source of this

Rule three – the hairdresser must be of the same sex with

During the haircut, it is the hairdresser who changes your biofield, and you
exposed to the influence of others. The master of the other sex can lead to
troubles in his personal life. Psychics cite the example of Delilah,
which cut Samson’s hair, taking away his power.

Rule Four: do not throw cropped hair into the water.

Make sure the hair in the hairdresser is correct
recycled, and then your hair will always be lush and

Fifth Rule – Do not cut your hair on unfavorable days so that
Do not get sick and do not cut your memory and mind.

In December, nature decreed as follows: full moon
is expected on December 6, and the new moon on December 22. The month starts with
constellation Aries and Taurus, which is quite favorable for the state

Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2014 – завивка волос

Astrology gives us knowledge of some of the nuances associated with
the passage of the moon under various constellations. Hair is better curled
under the signs of Pisces and Leo, they fall on December 10-14 numbers,
the period of the descending moon. Well kept perm and under the signs of Taurus
and Capricorn. In December 2014, this is the beginning of the month before the full moon,
then after the new moon itself, December 23, and the end of the month. WITH
modern means and the appropriate days of your moon horoscope
long hair will keep graceful waves and small or large

Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2014 – окраска волос

The same days can be used in December and for hair coloring,
with the only difference that the most favorable signs are at
the descending moon, which means the paint will stay smaller, not
soaking too deep. But it will not affect the quality of the hair and
coloring. Favorable days – 2, 3, 5, 7,8,10, 14, 25, 28, 30

Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2014 – благоприятные дни
for a haircut

In winter, our hair is very uncomfortable
lack of heat and sunlight, hats, dampness or
even subzero temperature. Topical haircuts that hold for a long time
their shape, do not require a lot of time for laying. Hikes in
Plan your hair salon 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 25, 28, 30

Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2014 – неблагоприятные дни
for a haircut

Astrologers warn against cutting hair on unfavorable days
which include the full moon, the new moon and the “satanic days” – 9,
15, 23 and 29 days of the lunar calendar, which means that in December it’s better not
стричься и не краситься совсем, 6, 9, 15, 22, 29 December If a
perform actions with hair, dandruff, seborrhea,
they can whack. After таких процедур состригается память и ум
– so said in the old days.

Lunar calendar haircuts for December 2014 — заключение

Different signs of the zodiac capture the cosmic transmission through
hair. We change lives when we want this, with the help of a new
hairstyles Each sign of the zodiac in its own way affects the condition of the hair,
and haircuts at the same time work out in different ways.


Loves short sports haircuts, as he is responsible for
supplying the brain with nutrients and oxygen. Hairstyle,
Made on such days, it acts on the image of a person in a rejuvenating manner.
Aries gives the human body a powerful energy. That is why
in the case of serious diseases, the old man was made short
haircut. Accelerated metabolism after this procedure helped
man quickly recover. Aries hairstyles help
goal-oriented individuals to promote their projects and get out
from difficult life situations.


Under this sign the best hairstyles on medium length
hair. The shape may be different, but the hair must always lie
free, the curls do not tangle, lefat in natural form. Taurus
corrects the work of food organs and throat, and therefore hairstyles,
performed under this sign helps to improve the material
position and general well-being.


Under the sign of Gemini, chemical permings work well,
especially on the hair to the shoulders. Gemini hairstyles help the nervous
system, help a person to establish contacts and improve the state
respiratory organs.


WITHредневековые крестоносцы насыщали под этим знаком свое тело
physical strength. The main hairstyle – caret. Cancers help
in contact with each other whole generations related genetic
human memory. Hairstyle, выполняемая под знаком Раков,
help create a family.

A lion.

Classic Lion Mane is the best way to get energy.
Hair these days curl themselves, just enough to send them.
WITHчитается, что под знаком Льва контролируется работа сердца. Have
man reveals talents, creative abilities.


Under the sign of Virgo, you can make beautiful any hair, even if
nature gave you a natural beauty. Virgin Haircut helps
deal with monotony, tedious and hard work. Under
sign of Virgo, you can achieve success in learning, is activated
the work of the stomach and intestines.


Classic Libra aspire to elitism, and therefore beautiful
Lush hairstyles are obtained with a halo of their inaccessibility
owners Helps to find compromises in any business, regulates
kidney work.


This sign is for lovers of vamp style who need constant
energy recharging. It may be a short haircut,
sexy and energetic. attracting the attention of the opposite
floor. Haveвеличивает сексуальную энергию, контролирует работу половых


Для WITHтрельца характерны консервативные прически, нестрогие, но
elegant. Perhaps a mixture of styles and a combination of short bangs with
ponytail, for example, like Athena Pallas. Performed under
With this sign, hairstyle will help to achieve success in public
of life. WITHтрелец регулирует работу печени.


This sign is very economical, able to regulate the amount
Hair care products – they will need the very minimum. Hair
hiding under a beautiful accessory – hairpin, gum, hoop. Helps
determine your place in life, helps to consolidate
careers. Haveправляет здоровьем зубов.


For Aquarius, the shape and length of hair do not matter, the main thing is
look extravagant, fashionable. Under знаком Водолея получаются
hairstyles, striking, distinguished by their critical
borderline impression. Any fashion trends are brought to
critical point. Aquarius hairstyle helps control work
vessels: arteries and veins.


Pisces’s world harmony manifests itself in a state of hairstyle in these
days – they have an outstanding cosmic meaning. WITHлияние различных сил
in terms of hairstyle, gives peace and inner harmony,
patronize various relationship related projects
between people. In terms of health, fish are responsible for the nervous system and

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