Lemon mask for skin and hair – provenFor centuries a natural remedy. How to make a mask with lemonjuice?

Ср, 23 дек 2015 Автор: Лариса Глущенко

Beautiful hair has always attracted admiring looks. Have them
every woman dreams. Lack of vitamins, various internal
diseases that affect the hair heat and cold cause them
сухость и потускнение.

In addition, not the best way on the appearance of hair affects
washing with modern shampoos, using a hair dryer and tongs
styling as well as frequent staining.

What is necessary for our hair so that they shine, do not
Were brittle, not confused and did not have split ends? Answer
очевиден – правильный уход. And this does not mean that
You need to constantly visit beauty salons.

You can take care of your hair at home, using
simple and affordable means of strengthening hair. One of them –
lemon mask, positively affecting the scalp and hair. ABOUT
it will be discussed.


Mask with lemon juice – an invaluable benefit

ABOUT пользе лимона знают практически все. ABOUTдин из самых популярных
exotic fruits we used to drink with tea, coffee,
use as a savory food additive.

Lemon, thanks to its constituent substances, is beneficial
affects the skin of the hair. Lemon has a lot of organic acids,
pectin, phytoncides, carotene, flavonoids, vitamins (including
vitamin C) and other substances.

Lemon, if used as a mask, provokes growth
hair. ABOUTн обладает противогрибковым и антибактериальным действием,
therefore, it is effective in combating infections of the scalp.

Lemon juice is a real storehouse of vitamin B and C, and
phosphorus, without which it is impossible to imagine a lush and healthy
a head of hair.

The benefits of using lemon as a healing agent for
Hair is not subject to doubt. Lemon application

• get rid of dandruff

• strengthen hair roots

• less sebum produces hair

• strengthen the strands and make them resistant to external

• appear brilliance and density

Lemon juice is usually used independently. But for
more effect it can be used in combination with other
natural products.

Effective recipes for lemon and skin masks

1. Prepare the usual lemon-based mask easier than ever:
mix freshly prepared lemon juice with water (equal
ratios). Rub into the scalp and do not forget
handle strands. But не окунайте в смесь кончики hair. ABOUTни могут
check it out

2. Honey, lemon juice, olive oil. This mixture
насытит ваши волосы полезными веществами, сделает
their strong, soft, docile.

Combine honey – the most valuable product (4 tablespoons) with dining
Spoon softens the scalp of olive oil. Stir.
Add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture. Mix well again and
put it where it’s dark for half an hour.

Use the mask only on clean, slightly dried and
combed hair. Apply it evenly, wrap your head
cellophane, and the top – a towel. Keep the healing composition around
half an hour, after which all rinse with shampoo and water.

With regular use (at least 1 time per week) through
some time you will enjoy the result.

3. Egg, lemon juice. Composition of 2 fresh eggs, several
drops of castor or burdock oil, which is in the house, and juice
половины лимона избавляет от перхоти, улучшает
blood circulation.

Mix all the ingredients of the recipe and apply (rubbing
movements) mixture on the scalp. Then wrap in cellophane and
towel and hold for half an hour. At the end – rinse.

4. Если вам нужно не только укрепить, но и осветлить
волосы на пару тонов,
применяйте такую маску: соедините
half a cup of kefir with a yolk of 1 egg. Spread and add to
a mixture of 2 tablespoons of vodka or skate, a little shampoo and juice
lemon halves. Mix well and apply as

In order not to be too sour, you can slightly
lubricate the hair with a very small amount of lavender oil.

5. Для укрепления и придания волосам
можно приготовить маску, в состав которой
besides lemon juice includes onion gruel and vegetable oil
(preferably burdock).

All components, taken on a tablespoon, mix, apply
wrap the mixture on the hair, as usual, and after half an hour wash it off. AT
In conclusion, rinse your head with water and vinegar.

6. Маска для жирных волос устраняет лишний жир,
makes the hair soft and pleasant to the touch. Mix lemon juice with
honey and aloe juice, taken 1 tablespoon. Add to the mixture
yolk (just one), a strong decoction of oak bark.

ATсе хорошо вымешайте и нанесите смесь на полчаса на кожу головы,
and wrap cellophane and towel on top. Then rinse everything
shampoo and water and fix the result of the use of balm.

7. Если вы страдаете сильным выпадением волос,
use a proven method: prepare a burdock decoction (2
tablespoons of the plant in a glass of boiling water). Add to the filtered
solution half a glass of fresh lemon juice. Before washing
head, carefully rub this mixture into the hair roots and leave it on
half an hour, as usual, wrapped his head.

Use a mask regularly and after a while you will notice how
peeling and itching diminished, hardened roots and stopped
выпадение hair.

8. Питает и укрепляет сухие волосы маска,
cooked from castor and peach oil, taken 1
tablespoon in combination with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
Apply the mixture on dry hair, rubbing in half an hour before

9. При частичном облысении помогает регулярное
the use of a mask, which includes vodka (100 ml) and lemon
juice (3 tablespoons). Connect both components, give the agent
brew in a sealed container for at least a week, and then use
to destination.

10. Для лечения жирных волос применяйте на
For two months, a mask of lemon juice and henna. To start
приготовьте solution хны и воды в соотношении 1:2.

Then add lemon juice and a non-greasy nourishing cream.
Пропорция должна быть такая: 1:2:5, то есть одна часть solutionа
henna, two parts lemon juice, 5 parts cream. ATсе хорошо перемешайте
и втирайте непосредственно в корни hair.

Use a mask 1 or 2 times a week.

11. Для всех типов волос подойдет лимонная
mask with the addition of cabbage juice, celery and spinach. Such
means strengthens the hair, gives them the opportunity to grow faster, and
also relieves dandruff.

To make a mask, first grind all the ingredients and
squeeze the juice. Then mix all the ingredients in equal parts.
and add quite a bit of lemon juice (teaspoon).

ATтирайте смесь в кожу головы. Keep the mask, wrapped, at least 40
minutes After that, flush.

13. Для того, чтобы волосы были послушными и легче
в прическу применяйте полоскания с соком
lemon. Crush 1 fruit, squeeze the juice out of it, stir in a liter

ABOUTбрабатывайте волосы процеженным solutionом после shampooing
Ease in styling and hair shine you provided!

Lemon mask for lightening hair

Lemon is a 100% natural product, therefore with the right
applying hair lightening with it will only benefit.
To lighten the hair after each wash, rinse the strands.
solutionом воды и лимонного сока или же используйте самый простой
mask recipe described above.

AT результате проведения регулярных процедур волосы приобретут
natural beautiful shade and gloss, will become silky and
soft, it will be pleasant to smell.

ABOUTднако, не забывайте, что частое осветление волос лимонным соком
may cause overdrying. ATсе хорошо в меру.

Some lighting tips:

• Immediately before the procedure, do not wash your hair with shampoo or
используйте какие-либо синтетические средства для hair.

• If you want to lighten the whole head – apply lemon juice on
all hair If your goal is to achieve a highlight effect, then
process individual strands.

• AT летний период после осветления побудьте на солнце, а зимой
after the procedure, just wrap your head.

• Wash off the lemon mask with warm soapy water, ending with
process balm rinse.

• Use lemon as a natural tonic for
окрашенных hair. Thereby you saturate the color, heal the strands,
добьетесь небольшого осветления, предотвратите ломкость hair.

Lemon mask for skin and hair: contraindications and

Lemon is a wholesome product that is beneficial in masks.
affects the scalp and hair. But he is not without his own
contraindications that should not be ignored.

1. Lemon juice is a large amount of biologically active.
substances. ABOUTн способен вызвать термический ожог головы. And hair
with improper use of lemon masks may well become
brittle, dry, lifeless. Therefore, use a mask with lemon
juice in case you have:

1. greasy hair

2. dandruff

3. frequent staining

4. normal hair type

Lemon is contraindicated in:

1. very dry hair

2. split strands

3. the presence of fresh wounds, scratches

4. idiosyncrasy of the product

5. Citrus Allergies

ABOUTднако, не расстраивайтесь, если вам нельзя применять лимонные
masks. Add just a few drops of lemon juice to the usual
rinse the hair after washing with a light lemon

ABOUTбщие рекомендации при применении лимонных масок для
skin and hair

Undoubtedly, lemon, which is part of hair remedies
with regular use works wonders. But for того, чтобы ваши
efforts were not in vain, stick to some

1. If you are the owner of dry hair, then the composition of masks
Be sure to add fatty ingredients. It could be sour cream,
cream, vegetable oils.

2. Do not leave the mask with lemon juice overnight. Flush her
before bedtime. Also, make sure that the hair does not remain
fruit pulp. When drying your hair will look

3. If you use essential oil instead of lemon, then not
forget to wash your hair once a week special deep cleaning

4. Don’t get too carried away with lemon-based masks.
сока, если вы хотите сохранить свой естественный цвет hair.
Remember that lemon brightens.

5. In addition to the masks on the scalp, eat lemon inside. But
know that lemon is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. What is useful to one is harmful to another. Before
using any of the masks, check your skin’s reaction to it,
causing a small amount of money on hand.

7. When using lemon mask on dyed hair
It is recommended to reduce the time of keeping the mixture and not to do
procedure too often.

8. To lemon masks add only fresh produce.

9. Use lemon masks for oily hair 1 time in three days,
for normal – once a week.

If you want to achieve a stable result, then use
lemon masks for the scalp and hair with consistency. And of course,
выбирайте только ту, которая подходит вашему типу hair.

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