Keratin hair straightening.The use of keratin hair straightening: harm, the expected effect andcontraindications

Пн, 05 мар 2018 Автор: Марина Поздина

Girls often wonder how to straighten hair without harm.
Keratin straightening with benefit for strands of hair held
master of the beauty salon under his strict control. In order to
look attractive hair should be healthy and well-groomed,
Keratin does an excellent job with this task.


Why do I need keratin hair

If we consider the structure of hair, nails, it becomes
it is clear that the main component is protein. 80% hair consists of
alpha keratin, whose strength is constantly decreasing. To this
factors such as perm, hair styling
hair dryer, chemical staining, paint remover.

Keratin penetrates the hair structure, saturating it with the missing
components, and the composition of the industrial tool is close to that
which produces the human body. Keratin often
used in balms and masks for hair, they carry out procedures
straightening curly hair. This is not only a straightforward method.
curls, but also an effective medical procedure. Hair recuperation
occurs after the first procedure.

Long hair needs special care, as under
the action of certain external and internal factors valuable protein
removed from hair. This can be seen in the appearance of the strands –
dry, brittle, thin at the ends and whipped. Keratin returns them
strength and flexibility.

How to carry out the procedure of straightening hair keratin

The technology of the procedure is quite simple, but
Be sure to follow the sequence of actions.
Keratin particles penetrate under high temperature.
in the hair scales and fill the missing items. Next happens
sealing strands. The composition straightens even very curly

There are a choice of two types of keratin hair straightening:
American and Brazilian. The main difference is that when
The American method does not use formaldehyde, while the cost
such care is much more expensive than the usual Brazilian way. Shampoo with
keratin and balm, mask with this protein is recommended for
any way of straightening, so the result will be saved

The process itself looks like this:

1. Comb your hair gently and carefully, unraveling all

2. Rinse hair with deeply cleansing professional shampoo,
which removes all the dirt and opens the scales all over
hair length

3. Apply the product with keratin on slightly wet strands and
distribute it in soft smoothing movements.

4. Blow dry your hair.

5. Using a comb, distribute hair into small strands and
each straighten iron. Under the influence of high temperature
220-230 degrees, the scales are soldered.

Keratin straightening for the benefit of hair structure

The procedure for straightening curls keratin has its advantages and
limitations. Keratin straightening allows in a short time.
Make your hair healthy and shiny.

– Filling empty space in flakes of hair, keratin
provides safety from harmful substances of the environment.

– An invisible film forms on the surface of each hair,
which serves as reliable protection against gases, dust and other negative

– The split ends are eliminated, the destroyed ones are glued together

– Hair becomes obedient, elastic, easy

– The procedure removes the static from the hair, thereby making the hair look
smooth and even long enough. Electrified hair
will no longer bother after wearing a hat.

– Easy to comb dry and wet.

– The procedure aligns the hair so that even the most curly
hair straightened. Even in wet weather, the hairstyle keeps
your aesthetic look.

– Result from keratin straightening is stored up to 4-5

– The natural composition of drugs for keratin treatment
fills hair with beneficial protein, does not contain harmful chemicals

Кератиновое выпрямление: вред и contraindications

Keratin straightening procedure prohibited in some countries.
due to the fact that as a rectifier is used toxic
substance. Carcinogen harmful to skin and respiratory system
human, as it can cause severe allergic reactions.

– Toxic fumes are released that are activated at high

– Thin and dry hair is better not to straighten

– Hair becomes harder after filling with keratin
drug that can lead to loss;

– The hair noticeably loses volume, so the procedure is chosen in
mostly those with naturally thick hair;

– The price of the service in the beauty salon is quite high;

– Asthmatic bronchitis, allergic reactions, intolerance
the drug is also contraindicated;

– Pregnant women and when breastfeeding should
refrain from the procedure, because hormonal background is so
it is unpredictable that the effect of the procedure may be reversed. Although,
some professional hair products manufacturers include
in the composition of preparations for straightening argan oil and white clay, for
due to this they are safer.

Precautions for keratin straightening

1. Choose a professional tool for the procedure
without formaldehyde, but its content is allowed in the ratio

2. The presence in the beauty salon hoods. Toxic fumes will be fast
dissolve and have no harmful effect.

3. There is a high probability of chemical poisoning due to
substandard cheap drugs using them at home

4. If the product gets into the eyes, rinse thoroughly.

5. Keratin straightening can cause damage to the skin,
if you do not distribute the product gently, affecting the skin

Recommendations for keratin straightening with benefits for

Masters of beauty salons use various known
brands that contain safe substances. After the first
procedure results will be noticeable and will continue for a long time, if
stick to simple tips.

— После процедуры рекомендуется воздержаться от мытья hair в
for 3 days.

— Shampoo withледует приобрести именно безсульфатный, он более
безопасно влияет на структуру hair и меньше вымывает кератин.

— Нельзя заламывать hairы резинками, заколками, шпильками сразу
after the procedure.

– At occupations in the pool, it is necessary to put on a reception of a bathroom
shower cap. Excess moisture adversely affects the preservation
the result of straightening.

— Процедуру можно проводить повторно через 5-6 months. With
each repeated session strands become heavier and thicker.

– In a professional cosmetics store you can buy
products for home use, such as a mask or a balm with
кератином, которые будут поддерживать его уровень в hairах.

Процедура выпрямления hair кератином получила широкую
popularity among the fair sex. Some
funds adapted for home use, however save
on quality not worth it. Hair will gain a healthy shine, perfect
smoothness and irresistible beauty after properly performed
keratin straightening procedures.

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