Keratin hair straightening: an effective methodstruggle with annoying curls

Tue, 03 Jun 2014

Women’s logic has become a proverb, and the contradictory desires
even spicing up the character of the weaker half. Maybe for it
lovely ladies and love? Why, for example, the owner of curly hair
dreaming about perfectly straight hair? Incomprehensible! But be that as it may
It was, dreams, therefore makes great effort and spends a lot
time for straightening wavy hair.

This is usually done with a flat iron, however, like
straightening is short-lived, and the hair quickly acquires the initial
view. Qualitative alignment can be done with recent
emerging technology “Brazilian” or keratin straightening
hair, which is a worthy replacement for styling with ironing.
We will understand what this technique is, how effective it is and what
its validity period.


What is keratin hair straightening?

For damaged, unruly curly hair “Brazilian
straightening is the most benign option. Procedure enough
difficult, however, valued for being able to cope with any
type of curls. Curly hair tends to have dry
structure. Soaking with keratin, they become softer and
obedient. Actually, the hair itself is 80% keratin, from
the amount of which depends on the condition of the hair as a whole. This
the procedure can rightly be considered an excellent tool.
hair care.

Temperature, UV, chemical effects on
hair due to the reduction in the content of natural keratin makes them
lifeless and brittle. This procedure requires
use almost pure keratin, representing
a kind of liquid hair. After application to the surface,
keratin penetrates deep into the hair shaft, into the subcortical layer, and
satiates it. As a result, the condition and appearance of the hair improves,
their porosity disappears.

Keratin Straightening Technique

On a clean head with an ironing with ceramic silk
the keratin is soldered to the inside of the hair. Very important
temperature – 230 degrees. The whole operation takes an average of 2-3
hours It should be remembered that after it is held for three days
use hairpins and wash your hair.

Keratin straightening procedure will make hair shiny,
smooth and even. It can be used for any hair type,
even the last perm or painting. Thanks
�”Brazilian straightening” a woman gets the opportunity for four
months to forget about straightening wavy hair. Keratin has one
feature – it accumulates in the hair rods, therefore, with each
By the procedure, their condition will be improved.

Today on sale you can find products of low quality.
To insure against counterfeiting, you need to purchase drugs in
proven, preferably branded, stores that are
representatives of a particular brand and check for
certificate for this cosmetic products. Among the most
quality drugs can be called Caduvie Brasil Cocoa from
famous company Cadiveu, as well as keratin company Brazilian Blowout.
To test the quality and effectiveness of the impact, it makes sense
first purchase a sampler.

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