Kefir hair masks

Thu, Mar 31, 2016


Kefir hair masks: полезные свойства

Why in those days, when there was no shampoos and balms, hair
were the women thick, lush and healthy? Because they washed them
natural products – eggs, black bread, sour milk.
Progress has since gone far ahead. Every year on store
newest cosmetic designs appear on the shelves
industries: a variety of shampoos and balms, loud
about miraculous properties. But for some reason our contemporaries, for
few exceptions can not boast of beauty and brilliance
your hair. Maybe you should look back and learn from your ancestors,
how to care for your hair. You can start with simple masks,
for example, kefir.

Firstly, kefir is an affordable and inexpensive product, and secondly,
contains many beneficial elements – lactic and acetic acid
bacteria, vitamins E, B, yeast, proteins. He will not only restore
hair structure, but also nourishes the scalp, strengthen hair
bulbs. Due to the acidic environment, kefir perfectly cleans hair from
pollution and greasy plaque, and the skin – from the cornified particles. is he
forms a natural protective layer on the hair and scalp,
saving from negative influence from the outside. Just a couple
months of regular use of kefir masks your hair
will change: they will revive, shine, become silky, soft,
will grow faster. You forget about brittleness and hair loss,
greasy locks and dandruff.

Kefir hair masks: рекомендации и противопоказания

Kefir masks are recommended absolutely for everyone.
Only individual intolerance can serve as a contraindication.
product. Depending on the type of hair, only change
additional ingredients. Kefir, with its acidic environment, is
natural oxidizing agent providing light brightening to the hair
Effect. Therefore, kefir masks will be especially liked
blondes But painted brunettes and brown-haired women, if they value
dark color, from kefir masks will have to be abandoned, or make them
less often. By the way, instead of kefir, you can use sour milk. is heо
possesses the same beneficial properties. For masks you need
use only fresh produce. To make sour milk,
or sour milk, you need to leave fresh milk on the table for the night
in a glass container. To make it faster, you need to put in
dishes with rye milk rusk. It is better to buy it in the market in order to
it did not contain any preservatives. So that kefir does not trickle down after application
on hair, head, you can wrap with oilcloth or package, and wrap
ordinary towel. Keep kefir mask for at least one hour.
Wash it off with shampoo, only with warm (not hot) water so as not to
curled protein. After the procedure it is recommended to rinse the hair.
slightly acidified with vinegar, or citric acid, water. Kefir
masks can be made for a long time, with regularity
once or twice a week.

Kefir маски для сухих волос

1. To strengthen the hair. In a glass of yogurt or fat
kefir mix yolk and a large spoonful of burdock oil. After
Mask application hair get rid of fragility, get shine.
2. For hair growth. In a glass of kefir add a large spoon
mayonnaise, vegetable oil and a small spoonful of mustard powder.
Stir well. This mask can cause a slight burning sensation – this
permissible phenomenon. If burning brings discomfort or pain, mask
wash before time. 3 Restorative mask. Two
large spoons of cocoa mix with yolk, a large spoon of vegetable
oil and a glass of kefir. Cocoa masks stimulate growth
and stop hair loss. To make cocoa dissolve better
the powder is pre-heated in a water bath or microwave.
4. The mask gives fluff to thin hair. In two parts kefir
add one portion of sour cream. To distribute on hair, to massage
head 5. From brittle hair. Grind two onions to the state
gruel, squeeze juice. In an incomplete glass of kefir stir the yolk,
Onion juice (2 tbsp. L) and a large spoonful of burdock oil.

Kefir маски для жирных волос

1. For hair growth. In a glass of kefir dilute a large spoon
mustard powder (dry mustard), add a small spoon
any butter, natural honey and yolk.2. Nourishing mask.
Gives hair volume, shine. Dissolve in half a glass of kefir
big spoon of blue clay. Distribute by roots. Blue clay
sold in cosmetic stores or pharmacies. 3
The restoring mask. First, cook the boiled halderfish
vinegar. Mix 1/2 cup of water and vinegar (6%). Boil roots
hellebore (50g) in acetic acid until the liquid has evaporated
twice. Cool, mix with 1/2 cup of yogurt. Rub into the roots and
to distribute on hair. 4. Degreasing mask. Beat the protein
Mix with 2/3 cup of kefir. The mask saves hair from unnecessary
greasiness. 5. Against dandruff. A tablespoon of dry nettle (or
burdock) pour water (250ml.) Boil until evaporated half of the volume.
Cool, strain, Mix with kefir (1/2 cup). Mask not
only relieves dandruff, but also strengthens the roots, accelerates growth

Kefir маски для всех типов волос

1. For hair growth. A teaspoon of cocoa, chicken yolk and
half a cup of kefir mix. Смесь распределить по корням hair.
Keep, as usual, one hour. The restoring mask. Will come
hair shine makes them more voluminous. Slightly heat the glass
kefir, stir in it two large spoons of colorless henna. To give
Brew a quarter of an hour, then you can use. 3 Против
dandruff In an incomplete glass of kefir soak a small slice
black bread, add vegetable oil (large spoon). Mass
stir thoroughly, distribute over the scalp. 4. For
поврежденных и окрашенных hair. A small spoonful of dry beer
yeast stir in half a cup of yogurt or yogurt.
Leave for an hour to mass fermented. Next use by
purpose, distributing the hair. Brightening Mask (for
owners of light hair). Mix egg yolk, three large
spoons of brandy, fresh juice of one lemon and 1/4 cup of yogurt.
Mass распределить при помощи расчески или щеточки по волосам.
Leave overnight. The lightening effect is evident from the first


Азиза 0304.2016 Вот из последних рецептов, для всех типов волос,
Mask number 4 – just super! Girls, I advise everyone not to
neglect this mask! Do it at least twice a week,
a couple of months and you won’t recognize your hair! Checked on yourself!
Миледи 0304.2016 Мне подруга очень уж рекомендовала эту страничку.
I said that here I will definitely choose something for my
experiments!)) Well, really, I like a true blonde
(in the last 15 years))), there is plenty to choose from. And I just
Suit such masochki! Moreover, I already have some
tried it! I personally really liked it. With cocoa did not do,
I was afraid that my hair would darken, and I do it with sour cream. So good
It becomes, there is no dryness, such saturated hair is obtained. I –
brunette. And I really value the color of my hair, because of this
they became brittle)) But still I don’t want to clarify anything, and these
masks are not for me. However, several times for the sample can be done.
Me for dry hair come in handy. Worse – just will not)) Ale
0304.2016 “волосы преобразятся: они оживут, заблестят, станут
шелковистыми, мягкими, will grow faster. You will forget about
fragility and loss of hair, greasy locks and dandruff “- well, what is there
can I add more? Forward! For kefir! We will make of ourselves
beautiful, unique women!

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