Is it possible to wash with soap, washhead, wash yourself? The benefits and harm of laundry soap as a meanshygiene

Ср, 11 май 2016 Автор: Римма Сергеева

Older people often talk about magic
properties of laundry soap.

According to the grandmothers, it is ideal for skin care and

Today we will try to figure out whether it is possible to wash household


Is it possible to wash with laundry soap: features of the product and its
chemical composition

Laundry soap for its hygienic properties is considered
one of the most effective antibacterial agents. About him
benefit know long Dull-looking brown bar of soap
able to rid not only of bacteria, but even wash the oil
paint and fuel oil.

Among modern natural chemical products economic
soap remains the only anti-allergic environmentally friendly
product. Its simple composition includes only sodium salt and fatty
acid. Based on this soap, other types of detergents are made.
products that have been added artificial colors
aromatic fragrances.

Types of laundry soap

On the content of acids:

• Category 1 is soap, which contains 72%
fatty acids;

• 2.3 category – soap with a content of 65% acids.

Fatty acids are natural substances.
origin. They are found in waxes, oils, and animal fats.
vegetable origin. So, in the post-Soviet countries for
the production of soap use animal fats.
Indonesian enterprises apply palm for these purposes.

According to the consistency means is:

• liquid,

• solid

• powdered.

According to the method of production of soap is:

• sound (with the highest acid content),

• glue (processed by alkali),

• sawn (with improved structure and increased
resistance to high temperatures).

Is it possible to wash with laundry soap: the effect on the skin

Laundry soap has a pronounced antimicrobial action.
It is indispensable for hand washing and other needs. Wherein
The sodium hydroxide contained in the product is not only excellent
eats away bacteria, but also the skin.

�”Cracking down” with a protective layer of skin, laundry soap,
destroys the skin’s natural pH balance. Especially suffering from this
thin sensitive skin. Daily use of soap deprives
dermis protective layer. She does not have time to recover, it becomes
thin and more vulnerable.

Special attention is paid to the inappropriateness
use of laundry soap for the delicate skin of children.
The weakened protective barrier of the epidermis promotes penetration into
the body of all kinds of infections.

Thus, regular use of household soap for
washing can lead to premature aging, dehydration,
irritation and redness of the skin.

Acne treatment with soap

The laundry soap possessing ability quickly to split
fats, is a popular budget remedy in the fight against acne.
The tool is able to normalize the impaired functioning of the sebaceous
glands and prevent the spread of infection on the skin.

Among the negative factors of soap, as a means to combat
problem skin, should be called drying healthy areas
skin. If you decide to use this method, then smear
laundry soap needs pointwise – on the inflamed sites. If
прыщи покрывают все лицо, то можно попробовать умывание soap
After the procedure, the skin must be moistened with
non-comedogenic oil or cream.

Also, experts note that soap
may temporarily relieve, however it will not eliminate the cause
acne. After all, acne is often not a hygienic problem, but
disturbances in the body due to metabolism or hormonal
by the system.

Is it possible to wash with laundry soap

Doctors are convinced that the use of soap in
intimate hygiene can lead to serious consequences. It is
violation of microflora, excessive dryness and cracks in the intimate
places. Alkali, which is part of the soap, destroys useful
lactic acid bacteria that can cause various
fungal diseases. Always use for washing away.
special means.

Laundry soap for the treatment of thrush

In folk medicine, there is the opposite opinion about
the appropriateness of using laundry soap for washing.
Регулярное использование этого средства для интимной hygiene, по
opinion of many women, allows you to get rid of such unpleasant
thrush symptoms like discharge, itching and burning.

Alkaline environment prevents the growth of fungi and through
some time destroys their mycelium. But when the “treatment”
stops, the disease again reminds of itself. Therefore speak
About 100% effectiveness of the tool is still impossible. It should be noted,
that the symptoms of candidiasis – thrush indicate serious
violations in the body, so self-medication is not worth it. AT
Currently, each pharmacy can offer a mass of inexpensive and
active drugs which guarantee disposal of
thrush. Therefore, it is not necessary to even wonder if
laundry soap to wash.

Can I wash my hair with laundry soap: advice and opinion

On the procedure of washing the head soap also say
has long been. Often, happy owners of chic hair
note that they wash their hair exclusively by this means. Between
No need to forget about the individual characteristics of each of
us. If one person is washing his hair with soap
positive results, then another – may cause unrecoverable

How to wash your hair household

If you still decide to abandon modern cosmetic
products designed specifically for hair, then you need
Be sure to take into account the original condition of your hair.
Dim dehydrated curls after using soap
may become even more lifeless.

In order not to harm the hair, experts advise to use
following recommendations:

1. Do not wash your hair with a piece of soap, and prepare before the procedure
soap solution. AT любую посуду натрите на терке мыло. Him
the amount depends on the thickness and length of the curls. Add to shavings
water and whisk the soap into the foam.

2. Apply the soap solution to well moistened with water.

3. Massage your head and hair for no more than one minute.

4. Rinse hair with plenty of warm water.

5. After washing, be sure to rinse the strands with water with the addition of
уксуса, лимонного сока или лимонной acid. This simple tip
allows you to neutralize the free alkali, which is contained in

Opinion of trichologists

Можно ли мыть голову хозяйственным soap? Doctors are convinced that
хозяйственное мыло оказывает губительное действие на hair. Him
aggressive alkaline composition can completely destroy the structure
curls. Means washes away their natural water-lipid from hair
film, depriving them of protection before exposure to external factors. AT
As a result, the hair becomes very dry, brittle, lifeless.
and dull. Experts also claim that very often after
laundry soap on the hair remains an ugly gray patina,
which is very difficult to wash.

Make an unbiased opinion about the effect of soap on
hair, you can only if you use it yourself. One or two
procedures will not be able to significantly worsen the condition of the curls, but will allow
fully appreciate the result.

Thus, the opinions of people about the use of soap
в качестве средства hygiene расходятся. Modern market
offers a wide range of cosmetic products capable
solve a variety of tasks, so the decision to use soap for
skin and hair care only take you.

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