- 1 Как принимать Siofor для похудения?
- 1.1 Как пить таблетки Siofor 1000?
- 1.2 Instructions for применению препарата Siofor 850
- 1.3 Правильный прием таблеток Siofor 500
- 2 Contraindications
- 3 Weight Loss Results
In the fight against excess weight, all means are good, some consider
begin to actively take diet pills. One of
popular drugs today for effective
избавления от лишних килограммов является Siofor. His main
action – loss of appetite and craving for sweets, thanks to which
the amount of food consumed is reduced, and from the diet naturally
harmful foods are eliminated, which contributes to
weight loss
Как принимать Siofor для похудения?
Siofor — это сильнодействующий препарат, направленный на
lower blood sugar levels. To indications for its use
include: endocrine sterility and type 2 diabetes. Not a secret,
that diabetics suffer from overweight. Pills dull
appetite, so calorie intake decreases naturally
by, without painful diets and fasting. Also the effect of the drug
reduces cravings for sweets. When used, people do not
I want baking, flour, desserts, on the contrary, there is a desire
eat right, mostly vegetables and fruits.
В составе Sioforа содержится активное вещество — метформин,
which reduces the level of glucose concentration in the blood and its
absorption of the gastrointestinal tract during food consumption. Course,
calculated for a month to help lose weight by 3-10 pounds.
It is recommended to use it after a meal, drinking plenty of food.
The dosage must be increased gradually, observing the reaction.
organism. It should be remembered that metformin in the first place
drug, not an effective means for losing weight, but
because before using it should be familiar with the number
contraindications and consult a doctor.
Как пить таблетки Siofor 1000?
Стоит отметить, что Siofor, согласно инструкции по применению,
has two indications – diabetes and endocrine sterility. Him
need to drink to reduce blood sugar. Included in the active
substance – metformin, reduces appetite, so you can
ease to reduce your daily diet and without dietary restrictions
get rid of excess weight.
Siofor 1000 инструкция по применению для похудения на начальном
stage allows the use of 0.5 tablets per day. Later
a few days the dosage is increased to 2-3 pieces, i.e. 1 pc 3
once a day after meals. This is the standard dose for disposal.
from excess weight in a short time. Adjust allowable rate
dosage is possible only after consulting a doctor.
Instructions for применению препарата Siofor 850
Siofor 850 инструкция по применению для похудения сообщает, что
the drug should be consumed 1 tablet per day (you can at 0.5
tablets 2 times) in the first week. In the second week is allowed
увеличить дозу до 2-3 шт Sioforа 850 в день. For effective
weight loss after 3 weeks allowed an increase in daily allowance
drug up to 2 pieces at a time.
Instructions for use notify that the dose of the active substance
blood should not exceed 2.5 grams per day. However, therapeutic
dosage does not affect excess weight. Should not be guided
speculation “the more the better.” From oversupply quickly
get rid of excess weight does not work, but to harm
health is not difficult.
Правильный прием таблеток Siofor 500
Siofor 500 инструкция по применению для похудения сообщает, что
препарат имеет наименьшую концентрацию действующего вещества
(metformina). Как принимать Siofor 500 для похудения? Should
Start by taking 1 tablet of the drug 1-2 times a day. Required
listen to your body. If there are no allergic and adverse
reactions, you can increase the dosage to 3 pcs per day. For
результативного похудения допускается прием 6 шт Siofor 500 в день
(ie, 3 times a day, 2 pieces after meals).
Phased use of the drug will quickly and safely
lose weight. В инструкции написано, что начальный прием
pills almost always accompanied by side effects, and
therefore, before applying them, it is necessary to consult with
a doctor.
Contraindications таблеток Siofor для
- Diabetic ketoacidosis and precoma;
- Diabetes grade 1;
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- Infectious diseases;
- Liver and kidney disease;
- Cardiovascular failure;
- Hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to
components contained in the preparation; - Chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation;
- Alcoholism, alcohol intoxication of the body;
- Child (up to 10 years) and advanced age (from 60 years).
Often, for the sake of emergency weight loss, some
принимают Siofor в больших дозах в течение длительного времени. With
this most minimal side effects will be nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea and indigestion. In practice, there are cases where
overdose of the drug led to loss of consciousness. Instructions for
application states that a person may even fall into a coma in case
Slimming results
Slimming results при применении Сиафора поразительны. Most
the minimum result is a weight loss of 3 kg per month when used
минимальной дозы метформина без дополнительных диет и занятий
sports. В среднем, за неделю приема Sioforа 1000 можно
get rid of 3 extra pounds. For effective результата
It is recommended to observe the dosage and also to increase the level of its
physical activity. Running is useful, walking long distances,
fitness, swimming.
Фото до и после применения Sioforа: