Instructions for use of Berlition forlosing weight?

  • 1 berlition for weight loss how to take right?
    • 1.1 Dosage
    • 1.2 Berlition 300
    • 1.3 Berlition 600
    • 1.4 drug tablets

In the fight against the hated overweight all means are good,
able to provide stable weight loss – many are sure of this
people trying to get rid of extra pounds. However if
follow this principle, you can not only not achieve the desired
result, but also harm the body, significantly undermining
own health.

Существует одно эффективноесредство, обеспечивающее
Stable weight loss is a diabetic drug.
. The instructions for the tablets are as follows.
use the drug, in what doses and sequence.

This drug has the following
indications for use:

  • Alcoholic or diabetic genesis,
  • Liver pathology;
  • Intoxication of the body with metal salts;
  • Atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries;
  • Osteochondrosis.

The effectiveness of the drug during weight loss is due to the fact that
It contains alpha lipoic acid, which helps
speed up metabolic processes in the body. It is due to this and
weight loss occurs.


Berlition for weight loss how to take right?

Before you start taking the drug with a view to
похудения, должна быть тщательно изучена инструкция – при
the presence of contraindications from the use of tablets should
. Also, do not forget that the surplus
lipoic acid in the body can lead to severe
the consequences.

The drug should be taken under the supervision of a doctor, and
follow all his instructions. Then losing weight will be safe for
health Dosage средства должна быть разумной,
otherwise not only the liver will suffer, but also other important organs and
body systems.

How to take Berlition pills for weight loss and how
to determine the dose of the drug?
Sort out
This will help the instruction. You need to start with a dose of 50 mg,
gradually increasing it. About a week later, the dose of the drug in
day can be increased to 400 mg.

It should be understood that the capsules of Berlition themselves are not
обеспечат похудение – действует препарат исключительно в
совокупности с регулярными физическими нагрузками
. And,
the dose should increase proportionally
– чем они интенсивнее, тем больше липоевой
Acid tablets must be used.


Людей, стремящихся сбросить вес, интересует вопрос, как
следует принимать Берлитион для похудения в таблетках
. AT
in each case, the dosage of the drug
Berlition is determined individually.

The minimum dose of lipoic acid for weight loss is 50
именно столько вещества, содержат 2
этого средства. To not harm, diabetic
the drug should be taken carefully – gradually increase the dose to
the right amount. And do not forget that the use of pills
best done under the supervision of a doctor.

ATажно следить за тем, чтобы содержание липоевой кислоты
in the body did not become critical.
In the event of
side effects, drug use is necessary
stop immediately.

Berlition 300

Капсулы Berlition 300 для похудения необходимо выпивать
перед едой
(примерно за 30-40 минут), запивая средство
plenty of clean water. This drug
helps to regulate metabolic processes in the body, while
weight loss will occur only with one important
– если человек, употребляющий капсулы липоевой
acid, at the same time actively engaged in sports.

If you do not exercise, on the special effect of
the use of this tool is not worth counting. ATажно
понимать, что Berlition 300 не является волшебным средством,
which will quickly make the figure perfect. To achieve this,
will have to make a lot of effort.

Berlition 600

Лекарственный препарат Berlition 600 выпускается в капсулах и в
ampoules Соответственно, Berlition 600 для похудения можно
enter and intravenously.

This procedure should be carried out by a person who has
special skills – ideally, it should be a nurse or

It is necessary to dose the agent correctly.
содержание липоевой кислоты не превышало норму
. Also
need to take into account the indications for the use of such treatment.

It is known that this diabetic drug has
The following effects on the body:

  • Destroys free cells provoking cell death
  • Lowers blood cholesterol;
  • Normalizes the liver and protects it from toxins,
    which are contained in alcohol, medicines, substandard
    food products;
  • Lowers blood sugar;
  • Fights intoxication of the body.

Drug tablets

Tablets Berlition in addition to lipoic acid contain
such active medicinal ingredients:

  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Povidone;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Microcellulose;
  • Hydrated silica;
  • Croscarmellose sodium.

Drug pills or capsules are available in
packs of 10, 50 and 100 pieces They are released without a prescription.
doctor, but it does not follow from this that they can be taken
out of control.
The main active substance of this tool
– lipoic acid, when ingested, it enters the blood after
suction rectum.

This substance is metabolized in the liver. ATсасывание активного
substances pills berlition is rather slow and
increases significantly if the drug is administered intravenously –
in this case, the absorption of lipoic acid will reach 100%,
а не 30%
, как при употреблении таблеток или капсул.

Передозировка данного средства может привести к
discomfort that will be felt in the pit of the stomach and
pharynx, leading to vomiting. Take this drug with
the purpose of losing weight is possible only after consulting with
a doctor.

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