“Informal” shampoos: alternative waysshampooing What are good hard, dry or low-shampoo forhair

Вт, 15 май 2018 Автор: Ольга Смольская

Cosmetic manufacturers are literally fighting
за головы своих потребителей, изобретая новые способы мытья hair.
Not long ago, conventional shampoos and conditioners replaced
means without sulfates and parabens. At this beauty industry is not
stopped. Today, the heads are washed with shampoo in the form of bars, smeared
under the shower thick cream or spray along the entire length of the spray with
powder effect.


Solid: “I do not soap, I shampoo!”

One of the first shampoo in the form of solid bars and washers released
Cosmetics brand To Go. When its founders puzzled over
the name for the product, one of them, Mo Constantine, came to his son
Jack for a hint. He asked: “Think of a name for our new
product. To which the son replied: “I did not soap, I was Jack!” It is said –
done by Subsequently, all the bars wrapped in foil with the name
INASIA. This abbreviation stands for “I’m not a soap, I’m
a shampoo bar ”(“ I’m not soap, I’m shampoo ”).

Solid shampoos are available in the form of bars and washers, have
compact sizes, do not contain water, stabilizers, thickeners
and preservatives. In their composition – a maximum of natural ingredients
(various oils, plant extracts, therapeutic mud), for which these
shampoos and prized.

The effect of foaming in solid shampoos is achieved thanks to
sodium cocosulphate – sparing coconut oil surfactant. it
вещество, в отличие от лаурилсульфата натрия, мягко очищает hairы,
without destroying their structure and without harming the scalp.

Solid shampoos, like normal liquid, are for dry,
нормальных и жирных hair, а также для поврежденных и ослабленных.
By action, they can be moisturizing, regenerating,
разглаживающими, питательными, стимулирующими рост hair.

On average, one bar withstands more than 50 soaping. how
use: wet your head. Проведите брусочком по hairам до
foam or rub shampoo with wet hands. Massage
кожу головы и hairы, как вы это делаете с обычным шампунем.
Rinse off the foam thoroughly and apply air conditioning.

Нюанс: если вы часто пользуетесь утюжком,
плойкой или окрашиваете hairы, не переходите на твердый шампунь –
risk over-drying your hair. But the owners of the fat type
hair это средство подойдет как нельзя лучше.

Dry: no water and foam

Many treat dry shampoo with prejudice: is it possible
вымыть hairы без воды и пены? These doubts are not groundless. Not
wait for a perfect shampoo from dry shampoo. After him
использования hairы вряд ли станут такими же чистыми, мягкими и
shiny, like after washing with ordinary shampoo.

it скорее «выручалочка» для особых случаев: во время походов,
long flights, business trips, for use after
workouts, before an unexpected date or when you overslept, and
business meeting in an hour.

Нюанс: сухой шампунь может справиться только с
natural pollution. Wash off varnishes, gels, socks and
other styling means to him but forces. So if at night you
смазали hairы маслом или вылили на голову пол флакона лака,
still have to go to the shower and lather his head.

Low shampoo: 3 in 1

From English, low means “low”. This postscript
means that the shampoo does not contain aggressive surface
активных веществ, способных превратить hairы в солому.

Помните, совсем недавно в моде был ковошинг – мытье hair
air conditioning? Shampoos with the prefix low combine properties
conditioner, masks and proper shampoo. Aggressive surfactants in their
formulas are replaced by caring and protective phyto extracts.

Они не моют «до скрипа», и, тем не менее, hairы после мытья
will look like after a good mask: smooth, moisturized and
easy to comb In addition, low-shamiun has
antistatic effect, is able to tame the disobedient curls and
хорошенько увлажнить пересушенные окраской hairы. But bold
hairам такой уход вряд ли понравится – по крайней мере, в качестве
shampoo for frequent use.

�“Golden mean” – use it once a week as
extra care

how использовать: по консистенции low-шампунь –
this is a cream that hardly foams, so the new format needs
get used to.

Нюанс: но сравнению с классическим шампунем,
low funds will need more, so some brands
prudently release them in large containers.

Russian Amber by Philip

Shampoo according to the secret recipe of the Romanov family. Jar volume
335 ml costs about 170 dollars. It’s all about the special amber oil –
The main ingredient of the “golden” shampoo.

Alterna White Ti’uffle Luxury Shampoo

The price of shampoo for 500 ml comes to $ 100. And what is in it
just do not mix! Next to the white truffles in the list of ingredients
nettle, pearl extract, oil of French grapes,
fennel and much more.

Brainwash shampoo

how видно из названия (brain – англ. «головной мозг»), шампунь
не только вымоет hairы, но и «промоет мозги». In its composition enters
ginkgo biloba plant that increases the flow of oxygen to the cells
brain and memory enhancing n concentration.


NASA astronauts are given on board a special shampoo that is not
requires rinsing and is wiped off with a towel after application.
Initially, these shampoos were invented for hospitals, where people are not
able to take a shower, however, the know-how has flown much further to
the stars.

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