Independent preparation of masks with effectBotox. What recipes masks with the effect of Botox mostare effective?

Сб, 23 дек 2017 Автор: Элла Борисюк

Botox is a special substance that is injected under the skin.
cover for smoothing the wrinkles formed. But this stuff
is a dangerous toxin, so beauty shots are unsafe for
human health. You can independently at home
prepare masks with the effect of Botox that will not harm


Pros and cons of procedures

Masks with the effect of Botox have many positive aspects. TO
pluses include:

1. Such tools may be prepared at home.

2. All ingredients for making masks are natural. it
It means that there will be no harm to the health of the skin. Not
undesirable consequences will develop.

3. High efficiency home remedies.

4. The main advantage is painlessness. Not нужно
endure painful injections.

5. When applying a homemade mask, the risk of infection is reduced
to zero, which is not to say about the procedures in the salons.

6. With constant sessions, you can not just smooth
deep wrinkles, but also saturate the epidermis with beneficial
trace elements and minerals.

7. After the procedure, the complexion is significantly improved. It
gets healthy appearance.

8. Such masks have virtually no age.

Notсмотря на всю свою эффективность и большинство плюсов, такие
procedures also have drawbacks. TO ним относят:

1. To get a good result you need a long
course. With a one-time use of the mask effect will not be. Notобходимо
take a course of rejuvenation, which is from 10 to 15

2. Notобходимо самостоятельно подбирать все компоненты. it не
so simple, even if there is plenty of detail on the internet
described recipes.

3. People with sensitive skin may develop.
allergic reactions.

Before applying any mask should consult
the doctor.

Face masks with the effect of Botox

Every woman faces wrinkles. With them
need to start in a timely manner to fight. Make it possible in
home conditions. There are many recipes that you can
translate into reality at home. TO ним относят:

1. The mask of starch and sour cream. This mask has a mass
good reviews. This procedure in cosmetology is called warm.
masks. it благодаря уникальным ощущениям при ее попадании на
epidermis. In order to get the desired effect means
must be properly cooked. For the preparation of healing
product need a teaspoon of starch, the same sour cream and
honey In the potato starch need to pour 2 tablespoons
cool liquid, after pouring sour cream and honey. All gruel is good
Knead and put on a small fire. It is very important not to forget about
tool and stir it from time to time. TOак только масса начнет
thicken the mask to remove from the stove. If you miss this moment, then
the mask will fail. The mixture should be cooled a little and
apply on peeled skin. Apply the product in three layers.
After applying each layer, it must be allowed to dry. is he
должен начать стягивать epidermis. After rinse with warm water and
apply cream Such procedures are carried out twice a week.

2. Gelatin mask. Gelatin is composed of natural
collagen. is he способен быстро проникать в эпидермис и омолаживать
his inside. Thanks to this mask, you can edit the shape of the face,
give derma elasticity. All additional components in the composition
only enhance the effect of the product. For the preparation of cosmetic
funds needed a tablespoon of gelatin, 2 tablespoons
strong brewed green tea, a teaspoon of germ oil
wheat. If not, then it can be replaced by olive
coconut or even plain vegetable. Main component pour
tea and wait until it swells. After the mixture is put on a small
fire, but it is important to stir constantly. Wait until gelatin
completely melt. The resulting product should cool down a bit,
so as not to burn the dermis. Add oil, mix thoroughly and
put on the cover. TOожа предварительно должна быть очищена. After
after the mixture has dried it must be washed off with lukewarm water and applied

3. Mask of avocado and protein. Avocado nourishes the skin
useful vitamins and minerals. is he способен размягчать кожу и
eliminate wrinkles. The protein is known for its pull-up
property. To prepare the mask you need one protein and
quarter avocado Both ingredients must be whipped with a blender,
to form a homogeneous gruel. In the received means
add a few drops of essential oil of the rose. Apply the mask
on the face with a thick layer and leave for 20 minutes.

These masks have maximum efficiency. With regular
their application will be terrific.

Homemade masks – healthy skin

With the help of home masks, the procedure can be carried out without
any consequences. Means are safe for health. For
eliminate wrinkles can be cooked such effect masks

1. Маска из honey itт пчелиный продукт питает кожный покров,
moisturizes and smoothes wrinkles. Over this mask can be done
wellness massage. This procedure increases the efficiency
наложенной masks. For маски рекомендуется использовать мед в его
pure form. The bee product needs a little
heat, then evenly distribute throughout the dermal
cover. Start doing a pat on the skin. Minimum time
Massage is 7 minutes. Mask to keep on face not less than 20
minutes After смыть средство теплой водой.

2. Mask of clay. itт продукт отлично фиксирует лицо в
fit look. Useful elements in the composition have
положительное воздействие на epidermis. For приготовления средства
2 tablespoons of clay are needed, diluted with mineral water,
to make gruel. After того как основа готова добавить
a teaspoon of glycerin and aloe juice. Stir all the mass thoroughly.
applied to the skin. Its pre-clean with a scrub.
Wait a quarter of an hour and then rinse with warm water.

3. Mask with wheat flour. 25 g flour dilute 30 ml of water and
cook until thick. Protein whip together with salt and butter and
gently add to flour. Blend the mixture again. If
the mask turns out too thick, you need to add some water.
Apply the mask with a thick layer on the skin and leave it on
quarter of an hour. After смыть и нанести питательный cream. Such a mask
suitable for oily skin. In addition to eliminating wrinkles remedy
cleanses the dermis from acne, dries it.

The composition of the masks can be changed – depending on what is
at home in stock. But the effect can be achieved only if
follow all the rules.

Masking rules

For того чтобы от наносимой маски был эффект необходимо знать
Some rules of their application:

1. Apply the product only strictly along the massage lines. it
It means that from nose to ears, from nose to nose bridge, from nose bridge to
temples, from chin to earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the earlobes.
Thus, the mask can be fixed in the correct position.

2. Все effect masks ботокса полностью обволакивают кожный
покров и образовывают подобие настоящей masks. That is why not
need to show at the time of freezing no emotions. In the moment
procedures are recommended to lie down, turn on the music and try

3. For того чтобы смыть приготовленное средство его следует
First soak a little with warm water. In the palm of your hand
some water and attach to the face. After уже можно смывать продукт.

4. The final stage is the application of day or night

5. For того чтобы был заметен эффект от проводимых процедур
it is necessary to apply 10-15 masks at intervals of two times
a week

If you follow these simple rules, the result will be obvious.

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