Improving facial skin with masks to clean pores inhome conditions. The best recipes for pore cleansing masks

Пн, 14 май 2018 Автор: Юлия Еркова

Clogged pores in the form of blackheads, black dots,
comedones impair the appearance of the skin of the face and body. Help get rid
from the problem of clogged pores, the skin can return beauty and radiance
various special masks.


When you need a mask to cleanse the pores

To combat the problems of the skin need to be combined, using
various techniques and means. Masks from the right ingredients for
pore cleansing will be an effective tool. Therefore they
used to solve a number of problems.

Masks are required for:

• normalization of the sebaceous glands;

• purification of the epidermis from pollution;

• fight against shine;

• elimination of black spots and inflammations of various types;

• nutrition of the skin with vitamins and other components;

• fight against peeling;

• healing of skin lesions and redness;

• align the skin texture and improve color.

Despite the fact that the main purpose of such
cosmetic means cleansing the pores, it performs a number
other additional useful features.

Preparing the face to use the pore cleansing mask and care
after the procedure

The tangible positive effect after using the mask can be
get only with proper preparation of the person for its application.
You must first wash off all cosmetics or eliminate it.
remnants, remove tonal foundation, lipstick, pencil, shadows,
ink. To do this, you can use any suitable cosmetic

Then the skin must be steamed in either of two ways.

• on the steam bath – to keep your face above the steam should be no more than 10

• using a hot towel – the method allows you to steam out
areas of the person who need the procedure.

After removing the mask, the skin needs extra care. If a
a superficial cleansing was performed, it is enough to remove the mask,
wipe the skin with a lotion or tonic, apply a moisturizer.

After deep cleansing, redness may appear on the skin,
there will be painful sensations. Get rid of the discomfort on
skin can be with the help of foam or milk for washing with maximum
light texture. At the same time on the skin before going out
apply UV-proof creams with a level no less

Rules for applying masks to clean pores

No matter what recipe the pore cleansing mask was
selected, it is necessary to observe almost all of them
application rules. Only effective procedure
can really transform the skin of the face, clean and narrow pores
in problem areas: on the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, and
level the complexion. The main ones are:

1. • Any mask used, no matter how home cooking it is.
or purchased in the store, you must first
test for allergies.

2. • Be sure to spend a little before applying the mask
time and conduct the procedure of steaming face to the pores
widened and greasy plugs were removed safely.

3. • On average, keeping the mask on the face should be no more than 15-20 minutes in
depending on the ingredients, otherwise the
aggressive ones can just damage the skin.

4. • It is necessary to wash off the mask from the face with warm water;
lemon juice.

5. • It is necessary to carry out the procedure at home 2-3 times a day.
a week

6. • Between the use of masks systematically need to use
очищающее means.

7. • After the procedure it is strongly not recommended to apply on
skin nourishing creams and fatty oils – this will lead to blockage
since then

Effective recipes masks to clean pores from the available

Cosmetic products are created to cleanse and narrow the pores from
active ingredients that contribute not only to the solution
superficial problems, but also struggling with the appearance of fat. With
regular use of masks normalizes the sebaceous glands,
oily shine disappears, pores begin to breathe, skin color becomes
smoother, and the number of inflammation decreases.

The most popular recipes are:

1. Маска на основе активированного угля. For
preparations will be needed:

• milk 1 tsp;

• gelatin 0.5 tsp;

• activated charcoal – half a tablet.

The drug must be crushed into powder, mixed with milk and
gelatin until completely dissolved in the liquid of all components.
It is necessary to warm the mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds, to give
it is cool and applied to the face. After drying the mask you need
apply a second layer of the substance, detect 10-15 minutes to complete
drying and take it off as a film.

2.•Глиняная маска создается на основе
cosmetic clay, it is better to choose white. It will take 1 tbsp. l
product that needs to be mixed in a 1: 1 or 1: 2 ratio with warm
водой и таким же количеством lemon juice. Should make
homogeneous mass that is evenly distributed over the surface
faces left for 15 minutes.

3. Белковая маска очищает поры и подсушивает
distressed into the skin. You will need:

• egg whites – 2 (chilled);

• fresh lemon juice 1 Art. l

Mix everything, apply for 10-15 minutes on the face, after the mask you need
moisturize the skin with a cream.

4. На основе клубники — удачное решение для
girls with combination and oily skin. Strawberries effectively
removes oily shine and cleans pores from accumulated dirt. Need to
pick ripe strawberries, chop them with a fork and
put the gruel put on face. Leave on the skin for half an hour

5.•На основе огурца маска дарит коже любого
Moisturizing type, effectively cleans, even suitable for
owners of sensitive skin. Two small cucumbers
need to peel off the skin and grate on a fine grater. Also
evenly distribute the resulting gruel over the face, cover
gauze and hold for 15 minutes.

6.•Медовая маска позволяет глубоко очищать
pores. For приготовления нужно взять:

• green apple – the fourth part of the middle fruit;

• натуральный мед – 1 Art. l;

• овсяные хлопья – 1 Art. l

Apple is rubbed on a fine grater, the rest are added to it
Ingredients. The mixture must be applied to all problem areas.
faces, leave for 10 minutes.

7.•Средство на основе дрожжей. Dry yeast
the form must be mixed with hydrogen peroxide 3% to a state of slurry,
a little can be diluted with milk. It is necessary to put such mask 1 time
в a week

8.•Экспресс-маска на основе аспирина. For
making need to grind acetylsalicylic acid tablets,
add vitamin C. Before the procedure, steam your face by washing
hot water. Need to взять 1 ч. л готовой аспириновой смеси и
dilute with boiled water to the state of sparse gruel. Applied
means in a circular motion on the face. After drying also need
in circular motions, only with a cotton swab dipped in water,
wipe your face. Especially carefully you need to do this in distressed

With использовании готовых косметических средств необходимо
pay attention to the composition. It should not contain gluten,
bentonite, glycol, animal fat. The rest must be followed
instructions or ask for help from a professional

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