How to wear a corset and what?

In order to emphasize their beauty and sexuality, a woman
three things are needed: lipstick, comb and corset! With the help of lipstick she
will make her lips more passionate, comb will help her to lay
hair in a luxurious hairstyle, and a corset defiantly lifts the chest and
make the waist slim and exciting!

The corset has long been transformed from a wardrobe item
only to support the female camp, in the subject of seduction and play. Nothing
Don’t make a woman so provocatively seductive! Even today, in
twenty-first century, the corset did not become an anachronism, the only question is
what to wear with a corset?

Just say that not every woman will decide to wear a corset
– you need to have a good share of self-confidence and love your
body so as not to be afraid to wear such a provocative detail
wardrobe. However, it is the corset that will help not even the perfect figure.
make seductive and expressive.

The corset is so designed that perfectly forms the waist, lifts
and visually increases the chest, makes the camp slimmer and sleeker,
posture more stately. With a corset all the flaws of the figure as if
disappear – no folds on the sides or under the shoulder blades.


When choosing a corset usually arise two questions—

What to wear with a corset and how to choose its size?

The size of the corset is crucial – if it is too small, then
all the pomp of the body will be literally overtightened, that is

  • The small size of the corset, moreover, can lead to stagnant
    phenomena in the breast tissue, which is very dangerous, in addition, it will be
    compress the chest and interfere with normal breathing, which is fraught
  • A large corset, on the contrary, will not fulfill its function – it
    will not form a figure and emphasize its virtues,
    while masking the flaws.

In any case, when buying a corset you need to try it on and
look visually and feel if you can wear it.


What to wear with a corset?

  • The corset looks perfect on weddings when he
    is part of the wedding attire – it is not a linen dress
    корсета, которая только утягивает, а  о полноценном верхе. Him
    embroidered with stones and sequins, decorated with gold embroidery and
    silver, and pull the waist and make your chest appetizing allows
  • Look great multicolored decorative corsets with
    evening dresses – nothing makes a woman look so
    Festive and attractive!
  • Today, the corset has taken its place in everyday life – dressing in
    office, you can afford to wear under a strict black corset long
    a blouse of a free cut, and down – a black mini skirt or adjacent
    trousers. It will be very stylish, and a light touch of sexuality will not
    interfere with the work of male employees.
  • Denim corsets with rhinestones look more challenging,
    however, they can be worn with denim skirts, denim breeches,
    fluffy multi-layered skirts made of thin fabrics of bright colors, better
  • The classic combination of a corset and skirt is a pencil skirt. Such
    The combination can be worn on a daily basis and in the club, anywhere. And under
    The corset can be put on a translucent blouse.

Plain shirt in men’s style, tight skirt and top
shirts – corset in a contrasting color with straight cups, just like that
May today look like a business woman at a business meeting. Create
The image will help a stylish bag in a color corset and concise shoes on
high heels.


Surprisingly luxurious burgundy velvet corsets look,
worn under the jacket of an elongated shape and with a skirt to the knees.
Jacket and skirt preferably black or ink-purple

Evening option: the corset is put on a naked body, a bottom decorates
fluffy mid-ankle skirt, and covers his shoulders
luxurious silk scarf, matching the tone of the skirt. Corset in this
случае может быть контрастного цвета или цвета  близкого у
color skirt and shawl.

The corset and trousers are well combined – if you choose a strict corset in
a strip of contrasting colors, striped trousers and
short jacket


Black lace corset will decorate the ensemble of a long flared
down and tight thigh stretch skirt and a loose jacket from
light silver fabric with lace cuffs – in this form
You can go to a party or a restaurant!

The variety of forms and types of corsets will allow every girl
choose the one that most emphasizes its shape and makes
a little bolder!

korset What to wear with a corset? What to wear with a corset?

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