Rinse Vinegar hair, whatever it is, is never applied in a clean undiluted. Otherwise, you can simply burn your hair. Usually him bred in a proportion of 2-3 tbsp. l per 1 liter of water.
Suitable vinegar rinse is not for everyone. So, if available damaged strands of dry type, it is categorically not recommended. Basically it is advised with a more oily hair type to eliminate their excessive greasy, giving a natural healthy shine and softness, strengthening and larger volume.
Most often, apple cider vinegar is taken for this purpose, but it can a wine product should be used, the main thing is that it is natural, preferably not more than 6%.
Why grandmothers recommend washing hair with vinegar
So the easiest and the classic vinegar rinse recipe is to dilute 2-3 of his art. l in 1 liter of warm water.
It is applied as follows: wash your head as usual way, with shampoo and balm if necessary, then rinse the balm (if it was) with water, then rinse head with vinegar, and do not rinse anything else.
It is enough to do this procedure a couple of times a week.
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To strengthen the roots and better growth of oily and combination vinegar hair is well bred not in water, but in infusions and decoctions medicinal herbs.
For example, in nettle infusion: 2-3 tbsp. l dry (or 3-4 tbsp. l. fresh) nettles leaves are poured with 1 liter of boiling water, covered with a lid and left until the infusion is a little warm. Then it is filtered and add 2-3 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar.
Or in all the famous decoction of the roots of burdock: 3 tbsp. l dry and chopped roots of burdock is poured with 1 liter of boiling water in some saucepan, and then this saucepan is put in another a large container on a boiling water stove for 15 minutes. Those. the broth is prepared in a water bath. After removing the broth from the bath tightly covered and left for a while to it cooled to a comfortable warm state. Now it remains only strain and add apple cider vinegar.
In the infusion of rosemary: 2 tbsp. l dried greenery is poured with a liter boiling water, top cover, and wait until it becomes a little warm. Then strain and add 2-3 tbsp. l vinegar.
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For rinsing blond hair with high fat content vinegar is recommended in the infusion of pharmacy chamomile:
2 tbsp. l dry inflorescences pour a liter of boiling water, and under the lid, the infusion is cooled naturally until warm. After k already strained infusion is added 2-3 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar and juice, squeezed from half a lemon.
Such a recipe can make light strands even brighter, Add them a beautiful shine, eliminate excessive greasy.
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Next application apple cider vinegar for rinsing hair (or wine) adding to the solution of essential oils.
As in the recipes above, dilute 2-3 tbsp. l vinegar in 1 liter water or herbal decoction. Now give the essential oil, literally 3-4 drops, not more.
As for added essential oils, it could be lavender, which works especially well for hair loss, oily dandruff. Lemon, which also helps eliminate oily dandruff and greasy hair (lemon oil may be quite a bit lighten the hair). Tea tree is a great oil for fatty curls. Bay oil – promotes better hair growth, prevention of loss.
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If you are embarrassed by the procedure of rinsing your hair with vinegar, you can try this method:
Moisten flat wooden comb in the prepared vinegar solution (on water or herbal broth) and after washing your hair, comb it well im wet strands, from roots to ends, periodically wetting crest.
Or fill the spray bottle with a solution and spray it on wet ringlets after shampooing.
Recipes masks with vinegar for oily and dry hair