How to remove felt-tip pen from clothes

If a small artist grows in your family or you work in the area where you often need to use markers to avoid stains from they are unlikely to succeed. It seems to you now that you would deduce similar pollution is impossible and you are already mentally preparing that soon this thing will be in the trash.

Do not do this, even such spots can be removed. First the turn is worth figuring out which marker was applied pollution and only after that proceed to the “fight”. Since in different markers use different inks, their methods deletions, respectively, are also different.


How to get rid of oil-based stains

No matter how strange it may sound, but vegetable oil – to you in help. Treat it with a stain and wash after a few hours when using dishwashing detergent. Result you more what a pleasant surprise.

If stains are left with a water-based felt-tip pen

It is very simple to remove such spots. Usually one ordinary washing is sufficient even with old soiling. And if the spot fresher, then just running water from the tap can remove it the use of laundry soap. Such markers do not eat into the cloth. If you still gave time to stain to stain, for it Removal will require the following actions:

  • Use oxygen bleach. Soak clothes in it, and after just wash, the stain will disappear. Note that may apply to clothing exclusively white.
  • Another valid way is to use soda. Mix it with ammonia in a ratio of 1: 2. It will turn out especially effective mixture resembling paste in its composition. Apply it will stain for no more than 5 minutes (otherwise it will ruin your thing) then, in addition, rub the contaminated area with a toothbrush. Then wash it manually or with a machine when using the usual detergents.
  • Liquid ammonia works well with the most difficult spots. Note that it has a whitening effect, so it is not suitable for colored fabrics. Soak clothes first or soiled area, and then apply the product to it, gently rubbing clean soft sponge, working from the edges to the center. After you need good rinse thing. As a rule, these actions are enough to remove stain from clothes.
  • For colored clothing, use an ordinary detergent. utensils. Naturally, in comparison with the above methods, this not as effective, however, it will not harm your things and not lighten them. To maximize your productivity, soak contaminated clothing several times for three hours in this solution (warm water and dishwashing detergent).
  • Marker stains on white fabric also work well. peroxide. Apply this solution to contaminated clothing. (using a rag) and rub until the stain disappears completely (note that the cotton pad will have to be replaced several time). After you achieve the desired result, Wash your clothes in the most convenient way for you.

If an alcohol-based felt-tip pen

No matter how surprising, but in this case the folk will help the rule “Wedge kick out wedge.” In simpler words, funds that contain in their composition will help to remove stains alcohol. If they are fresh, pat them dry with a soft cloth and not pushing too hard so as not to rub the dirt and give it opportunities to penetrate deeper.

The surpluses were removed, now we proceed to actions: in the internal pieces of clothing place a napkin (this will not allow the stain to transfer to the other side), and treat the external with a cotton pad, pre-softened in alcohol (ammonia or odicolon).

The stain should be treated from the edges to the center. Note that before complete elimination of pollution, it is necessary to change the cotton pad repeatedly. If the stain is old, treat it with their composition laundry soap and alcohol. Leave for a while, after, wash by hand.

If there is no time to remove the stain right now, then soak dirty laundry in glycerin. Wash clothes after two hours. the most convenient way for you and all the spots will disappear.

If the basis of the felt-tip pen is paintwork

Patience in this case you will especially need. Best means to remove such stains are: acetone, gasoline and even nail polish remover. Note that all of these substances are not Suitable for dark or colored clothing.

So, put a napkin under the inside of the spot and the outside treat part of it with solvent. The effect is not long in coming. In the vast majority of cases, one procedure is enough.

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