How to wash a sleeping bag

Good afternoon, dear friends! Imagine you came recently completely out of the hike. So, unpack your sleeping bag. Yes!

Surely, after a hike, he smacks a little, got dirty, especially in the part where you had legs. Because in a campaign not so often manages to wash them.

So, look, are there any signs on the sleeping bag by about how to wash. Unfortunately, my sleeping bag is not new, and the label has already gone pretty well.

How to wash a sleeping bag


Laundry Prep

But, thank God, I remember what the Sleeping Book was written on it right now after the trip, we’ll wash it.

The most important thing you should know is that you need to unzip it. Naturally, do not wash it when folded. And when you you will cram it into the washing machine. More precisely, put in washing machine.

It will need to be laid with this cotton side. as if up. That is, so that this smooth side is inside.

Here, you pick it up a little bit. If you have vertical machine – here, we stack it in this way. If you horizontal washing machine, you can somehow comfortable, wrap with a lump, anyway, it will be straightened out there. And put it in a washing machine.

Wash: temperature and mode

Let’s now talk about what temperature is needed wash properly. And what detergents can I use, what powders, conditioners and so on.

Sleeping bags come in different materials. I have cotton inside, 100 – interest. The insulation of this sleeping bag is – 100 – percent polyester.

This bag is designed for hiking, well, approximately, and for overnight stays, approximately 0 OS. H5 below. Below already – it is very cold in it. Well if, of course – to dress warmer, put on thermal underwear, then you can even – 5 OS.

Well, outside, of course – 100 percent polyester. So, such a sleeping bag can be washed at 40 ° C. Add you can any washing powder.

If you need to add a stain remover – please. So many, how much is written on the package is required. Of course he won’t fit sleeping bag – with no other clothes in the washing typewriter.

Keep this in mind. And also, if you have a very small washing machine – please do not wash it better in it. Because you are nothing you will not achieve, absolutely nothing, does not move away.

It will be easier for you, in fact, to wash it manually. Or pass dry cleaning.

Air conditioning

Next – about the air conditioner. Air-conditioned of course you don’t ruin anything. Properties will not change, sleeping bag. The only thing is sleeping bags, in which the filler – feather.

Here in this case, of course, you need to choose the washing mode – 30 OS. At higher temperatures – it’s better not to wash, because they can lumps also form.

And you will have it, you know – so lumpy, caked, like as if. It will take a very long time to knock down and straighten it. Here.


You can squeeze it in the washing machine, and at high speeds – also. Drying is possible, but at a low temperature, if you have the machine supports such a function. I usually just hang on dryer.

And – a thin layer, as it were. In one layer. And periodically, a couple of times – turn it over. Because, here is the oilcloth side – it keeps moisture for a long time, and it also needs to be well ventilated.

And naturally, you do not need to iron anything. But to dry, of course, need very well.

I had a case when I washed it. And I needed in a hurry, jogging and jogging – on another trip. He dried me just a day.

Well, I twisted it, laid it down, and upon arrival it turned out that he had I’m a chill, so to speak. It was a feather-down sleeping bag. I.e, the feathers did not dry well, I opened it, and the smell was terrible.

I had to borrow a sleeping bag from the neighbors, who, fortunately, took with a few sleeping bags.

Therefore, from my practice, the sleeping bag dries approximately to end, completely – three days. If it’s a bag that is designed for winter trips, if you have to sleep at a temperature – minus 30, minus 25.

He is very fat. It’s three times thicker than this sleeping bag, it turns out. And then it takes more than a week to dry it. Because he is very very dense. And the main thing is to shake it more often.

Here, it dries for you, for example – one day. You him completely straightened. Have taken. With a husband, or with a friend, or with a child, together.

And shake it so that it stands, inside so that the material stopped being lumpy. And to dry it evenly. Basically, everything.

Do not forget that the video was shot personally for the channel “Everything about washing machines “, for the site MashMaster.Ru. Thank you for Attention! See you soon!

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