How much powder is needed for washing

For sure, every housewife, and any bachelor, wondered the question is, how much cleaning agent should I use for high-quality washing of things. Too few – spots will not be removed, too much – traces of powder will remain on the clothes.

Note that the dosage of detergents should be strictly observed, since they contain various substances. With increased dose and insufficient rinse, they can cause allergies, which in the best case manifest as redness on the skin.


How much powder will be needed for safe and high quality washing

Information on the required amount of detergent for one-time washing, the manufacturer must indicate on the packaging of your product. Otherwise, he will not be able to go on sale.

When choosing a new powder, be sure to read the instructions for it use. It also indicates how much washing is needed. products with a particularly high level of water hardness.

Wrong work “by eye” and assume that the more powder, the result will be better. This opinion is erroneous. It is better buy a measuring cup and follow the instructions, saving yourself from excess stains on clothing or allergies. Note that universal dosage for all remedies does not exist. They are all different in their own way. composition.

Also, take note that pointing to the packaging of the powder dosage is maximum.

It should be reduced a little, and not vice versa, to make a “slide”, hoping to get an incredible result. Better stains aren’t will be withdrawn after such actions! The more cleanser, the it is more difficult to rinse it out of the fibers you erase clothes. This threatens additional electricity costs, since you have to turn on the rinse more than once. If the best powders do not remove complex contaminants, so it’s time think about dry cleaning services.

So, an increased dose of powder threatens:

  • Extra costs for the purchase of a new cleanser (although when used correctly and the powder available in your home able to last quite a while).
  • Allergic reactions due to poor quality rinse.

In the event that the packaging of the powder you purchased is not instructions, we recommend using the following rules: on one kilogram of clothing count a tablespoon of powder.

Housewife Tips

Advertising is useless; find out if quality is really the remedy is possible only after you put it into practice. Naturally, you can take the advice of friends, relatives and loved ones who have already done this for you and determined for themselves best in price and quality powders.

Verified by personal experience, do not buy cleaning products in the market in the pavilions. Tools of the same name with a solid store and pavilion, as a rule, will be completely different.

At the expense of the amount of powder, it should be poured on the basis of the amount of clothes to be washed. On packs always indicate how much funds needed for a certain amount of laundry. For example, on packaging a half kilogram “Ariel Mountain” indicated that enough powder for ten washes of 5 kilograms of laundry.

That is, for one 150 grams is enough (this is the amount of powder can be measured with an ordinary plastic cup). If you are going to wash two times less clothes, respectively, use 75 grams of cleaning agent (half plastic cups).

As the hostesses noted, manufacturers specifically raise dosage so that you use the product faster and come back to shop for new packaging. In fact, pour in the washing machine with less detergent than indicated on packaging.

Thus, you will extend the life of the tena (the less concentration powder in solution, the less scale on the shade). Recommended by Put 50-70% of the powder from the specified manufacturer. And spots Remarkably excreted, allergy does not occur, and powder on lasts longer.

What to do with liquid detergents

The modern market offers a wide variety of cleaning products (gels, tablets, capsules). If with dosage ordinary loose powder might have questions then in this case, everything is quite simple.

One capsule is designed for one wash. If you have purchased too cheap capsules and after the first wash do not noted the desired result, in the future, throw cars into the drum two tablets or capsules.

When using the gel, do not lay hopes for data specified by the manufacturer. For marketing purposes, he increases the amount of dosage. According to experts, for one washing enough tablespoon of gel. If the water is hard, increase the amount of the agent used is up to two tablespoons.

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