Foil balls for washing

Good afternoon, my dear! Glad to welcome you on your site. Today I will show you an interesting way to do laundry. I’ve been using it for about two months, I guess. My friend told me my. And you know, I don’t know how to even explain to you. I’m glad to some state!

But the fact is that I had such a problem – how .. How say I don’t know .. The clothes often had stains. I have sinned this – sometimes on a washing machine, sometimes on a washing powder.

And so … And what does this method do? This method enhances the action. detergent and also reduces the effect of static electricity.

For this we need ordinary food foil. Can take sweets and chocolates wrappers. But the main thing is that it be foil. And we need to roll it up. Tight ball.

That is – dense, dense, dense. Squeeze, squeeze squeeze. About such a ball is enough. By the way, if you made such balls (maybe two, maybe three) – then about half a year it will be enough for you.

Well, he’s pretty tight. Let’s roll up the second ball, also pretty tight. This one is a little bigger it turned out. Strength is needed, a man is needed.

So here. It turned out two balls. And now I will show that I’m with them I do. Well, now, with each wash, add these two balls to the drum, where you have the laundry, inside.

Close the machine and wash as usual. How used to. By the way I have a fungus here. It was formed due to the fact that I closed. Then there is, after washing, I closed this door.

I do not advise you to do this. I have now stopped. That is, I I leave a small gap. A washing machine in my bathroom room.

And here I formed, over time, this .. I don’t know, this not dirt. This is some kind of fungus, remove it – I do not know why. Can be you advise.

Well, I already told you the effect of this method, I repeat again time. That is – things cease to be electrified, and amplifies the action of washing powder.

That is, it erases better, stays less and is better, as it were, absorbs things. Pellets appear. So try it! I think, That is a cool way.

There is nothing supernatural here. Write Did you like this method or not. Thank you all for your attention! Before next meetings.

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