How to rejuvenate your face at home?A few rules for facial rejuvenation at home

Пн, 25 июл 2016 BUTвтор: Юлия Еркова

Every woman, no matter how loving her husband and
grateful children, dreams of preserving youth as long as possible.

But the insidious nature, unfortunately, always takes its.

And the first news of aging are wrinkles and skin flabbiness.
on the face, neck and arms.


Why you should think about how to rejuvenate your face at home

No matter how hard we try to deceive nature,
tell a lot about the age and lifestyle of women. Process
aging is impossible to stop, although scientists are working on it
diligently. But there are many ways to keep youth
facial skin and minimize the effects of adverse effects
environment, malnutrition, stress and chronic
lack of sleep

Давайте разберёмся, почему стареет кожа, и
what factors influence this process. First girl wrinkles
notices even at an early age. These are mimic wrinkles that
appear due to the fact that the muscles of the face stretch over time
elastic fibers of the skin. At a tender age, the skin remains elastic.
thanks to the ability of collagen fibers to absorb and preserve
moisture. Alas, over the years, the collagen fibers become smaller and
retain the amount of moisture that is needed, it becomes
can’t do it In turn, the top layer of the skin loses its
ability to regenerate. Protective barrier that protects the skin
from aggressive environmental factors, thinning. Strong
the wind dries the skin, it is covered with scales. And dust,
carried by the wind, it settles on the skin, preventing its normal
breathing. Humidity is also important. With
low moisture, the skin becomes dehydrated; when high, it becomes

But these are all factors that we either cannot influence at all,
or influence only marginally. But the greatest harm to their skin
we apply by ourselves. Judge for yourself:

• Prolonged stress has a negative effect on the condition.
skin, making it dull;

• Early wrinkles around the lips and eyes may result.

• Alcohol causes irreparable damage to the skin. He is the cause
dehydration of the skin and the appearance of red streaks on it. BUT
the alcohol-stricken liver immediately shows discontent on

• Face skin does not like prolonged sunbathing, the result
which becomes its premature aging.

At the same time, if a woman carefully monitors the condition
his skin, cleans it from makeup at night, conducts procedures
moisturizing and nourishing, then keep the youth of the face completely different
difficult as it seems.

• First of all, focus on how and how much
Are you sleeping now. During sleep, new cells are formed and the skin is renewed.
If possible, do not limit yourself in a dream.

• Do not be lazy to play sports. Sport accelerates blood by
vessels, including the skin, stimulating the process
recovery. Yes, and stress helps to remove.

• Drink plenty of water to remove toxins and other substances.
harmful to the body.

• Follow simple procedures to rejuvenate your face
домашних conditions.

Несколько «ЗBUT» чтобы узнать, как омолодить лицо в домашних

Noticing the first wrinkles, any woman is experiencing not the most
pleasant emotions. BUT некоторых они просто вгоняют в депрессию и
forced to immediately run to a cosmetic store or worse
– to a cosmetic surgeon. If you wondered how
омолодить кожу в домашних conditions, значит, в зеркале вы уже
saw the first signs of aging. First you need to remember that
starting to care for the skin of the face at the age of 30 is too late. In cleansing
nutrition and hydration she needs from her youth. Optional for
to acquire this brand means, it is possible to make them

Why at home? At least because to cook
various scrubs and masks is a snap. Ingredients for them are you
always find in your own kitchen and in the first-aid kit. Honey spoon,
which is not enough for the cake, but it’s a pity to throw it away, a drop of essential oil on
the bottom of the bottle, half a cup of milk. Like nonsense, and mix everything
together – already a useful face mask. And you will always be sure
her naturalness. No you E, concentrates and dyes. AND
wallet does not suffer. Anything you might need for
making homemade cosmetics, cheap and
is available.

Understanding the causes of aging and the benefits of home
cosmetics, we turn to the question of how to rejuvenate your face at home

Простые правила:как омолодить лицо в домашних conditions

Первый шаг к омоложению кожи — это употребление
enough water. Further work on rejuvenation
comes down to two principles: prevention of aging and correction
appearing signs of wilting.

Для профилактики обязательно пересмотреть
рацион и добавить в него клетчатку, витамины (особенно, витамин BUT),
carotene. To keep your skin supple, you can clean it.
ice cubes. BUT при выходе на улицу в солнечную погоду
it is preferable to apply a protective skin means.

To eliminate the first signs of aging skin
You can use masks, scrubs, gommazhi and tonic, cooked
в домашних conditions из натуральных ингредиентов. Such
cosmetic products will help to rejuvenate the face, and the procedure itself
preparation, application and the effect will bring a lot

How to rejuvenate your face at home? Easy peasy!

On the Internet a lot of recipes for various masks and scrubs for
faces. Choosing one that will satisfy your needs
skin, focus on your skin type, the presence of allergic
reactions and age.

Before applying any masks, thoroughly clean the skin from
makeup and impurities. Then steam it with a compress from
herbs AND только после этого наносите приглянувшуюся вам маску. BUT
in the morning and in the evening try to wash not with tap water, but
mineral water.

• Bone oils are great for removing makeup.
grapes, olive or almond. Apply some amount
oil on a cotton pad and remove makeup in a circular motion.
Replace a dirty disc with a fresh one until it is removed.
all traces of decorative cosmetics.

• To cleanse the skin you can use a scrub from sour cream,
sugar and strawberry berries or raspberries. You will need 2-3 spoons
all ingredients. Stir them thoroughly and apply on face.
Massage and leave. After 10 minutes, rinse with water.

• For rejuvenation, you can use a cucumber. Apply it on
a few minutes so that the skin is saturated with moisture and
with vitamins. Cucumber can be replaced by berries of raspberry or strawberry.

• To preserve youth, an apple boiled in milk will help.
It is necessary to grind the boiled apple into the mush, and then put on
face and hold for 20-25 minutes.

• For dry skin that requires rejuvenation, suitable potatoes.
It is necessary to boil it, ceiling to a puree state and
apply for 20 minutes on face.

• For oily skin that requires rejuvenation, a mask from
kefir, honey and eggs. Add one spoonful of honey to three teaspoons of kefir.
and egg white. Beat and apply to the skin no more than 20

Apply all masks only on the cheek, chin and forehead. BUT
after removing the mask, try not to use decorative
cosmetics at least a couple of hours. In order to feel the visible
effect, follow the procedure two to three months. AND не храните домашние
masks for a long time in the fridge.

Youth skin is short-lived. Performing at least some of
the above procedures will help extend it, and you – even a long
time to look attractive.

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