How to make hair healthy: yeast maskfor hair. Simple recipes for yeast hair masks

Сб, 27 янв 2018 Автор: Анна Кедрова

Yeast, one of the oldest and versatile beauty products, can
not only ingest but also used for cooking
масок for hair. It is difficult to overestimate their benefit – the properties of yeast in
They are combined with exposure to other ingredients. Yeast Masks
able to solve almost all problems with hair.


What is remarkable about the composition of the yeast hair mask and how is it?
may be useful

Estimating the yeast masks in general, we can conclude that
that they accelerate hair growth, including awakening and dormant
hair follicles, restore damaged hair structure,
nourish them, give them shine and elasticity.

Among them are significant amounts of minerals,
amino acids and vitamins, especially vividly allocated group of vitamins

– B1 – cleanses the scalp and prolongs the feeling of freshness, as well as
improves the absorption of substances from other components of the masks;

– B2 – prevents hair breakage, facilitates combing,
gives volume;

– B3 – gives depth to natural color and retains pigments
colored hair;

– B5 – normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and struggles with prolapse

– B7 – regulates the water exchange of the scalp, is involved in protein
and carbohydrate metabolism;

– B9 – protects from ultraviolet radiation and heat
styling appliances.

How to prepare a yeast hair mask

The effectiveness of live and dry baker’s yeast is about
equivalent, so in the recipes they are interchangeable on a personal
to taste.

The preparation of any mask begins with the cultivation of yeast in
warm liquids – water, dairy product, fruit juice, beer,
grass broth.

About 1 hour (but not less than 30 minutes) in a warm place should
ferment the yeast before they can be mixed with others
mask ingredients. Their choice is not limited to anything – yeast mask
for hair can contain anything.

So that the mask is easily washed off and not stuck on the hair, it is very
It is important to achieve its homogeneous consistency without lumps.

If the mask has cooled, immediately before applying it.
heated to a pleasant to the touch temperature.

How to use a yeast hair mask

Optimum yeast mask manifests itself on clean, moist
hair, so that before her head wash and hair do not even need
wipe with a towel – just press a little.

These masks should be used in a specific order.

– first, the composition is applied to the scalp, you can lightly
Massage it for a couple of minutes, activating blood circulation and
exchange processes;

– then the mixture is distributed over the entire length of the hair, but to the tips
it is not necessary to get there – many people note that the yeast is overdrying

After applying the mask you must cover your hair
polyethylene (shower cap) and wrap, heat the head
a towel. The fact is that for the full impact of yeast
it is necessary to continue fermentation, which means greenhouse

The dwell time of the yeast hair mask is not
enhances its effectiveness – 40-60 minutes is enough.

Wash off these masks with warm water, depending on the composition –
just with water or, if necessary, with shampoo too.

Yeast mask is enough to do 1 time a week, when
the desirability of a more powerful and vivid effect – twice a week, but
yeast care should not last more than 2 months. If you want
repeat – need a break of 3-4 weeks.

Yeast Hair Mask Recipes


One of the strongest hair growth masks requires neat
appeals. At first, everything is simple – pour 1 tbsp. Spoon yeast 3 tbsp.
spoons of water, add 1 teaspoon of pepper tincture and leave
mix wander. Next, it’s time to apply a mask, be sure to
gloved hands. Covering the mixture is only enough hair roots.
Avoid contact with skin or eyes. Leave the mask on 15
minutes, but can be less – if there is discomfort. Put on
clean gloves and wash your hair with warm water.

Honey with rosemary

Burdock oil and honey stimulate the scalp’s metabolic processes,
Rosemary – strengthens thin hair and prevents their loss.
Cinnamon saturates with a unique complex of amino acids.

Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of mineral water with 3 tbsp. spoons of yeast,
set aside for an hour. After, melt 3 tbsp. spoons of honey
add to it 1 teaspoon rosemary oil and 3-4 drops of essential
cinnamon oil Connect with yeast. Spread the mask over the hair,
Count off 30 minutes and wash off.

Rye bread

Rye bread is like yeast, and sugar is only
spurs their combination in this facility. Together it strengthens,
nourishes hair, makes it more manageable when styling and

Dry the croutons from 400 g of rye bread, and
leave on crumb crust.

Fill them with 800 ml of water, add 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar and 1 hour
spoon of yeast. Stir, set aside in heat and dark for 24 hours.
After this time, mash the bread, strain the mixture and
Apply gruel to hair. Wait 30 minutes and wash your hair

From kiwi

The only fruit that really removes the appearance
Gray hair, today is Kiwi.

Peel this fruit, remove the bone and mash the pulp into mashed potatoes.
– if the kiwi is ripe – there will be no problems with it. Early,
half an hour before, pour 1 tbsp. Spoon yeast 3 tbsp. with spoons
water. Combine kiwi and fermented yeast. Apply mask to hair
и через полчаса wash your hair


Prevent hair loss due to beriberi,
unsuccessful painting or curling, serious illness and in some other
cases helps onions.

Mix and leave to wander for 40 minutes 3 tbsp. spoonful of yeast, 3
Art. spoons of water and 1 tsp of honey. Peel a large onion
Grate, squeeze through the multi-layered gauze juice and pour it.
to yeast. Wait another 20 minutes and apply the mask mainly
on the hair roots.

Withstand it relies 30 minutes, but the bow – aggressive
component, therefore, it is recommended to soften it by adding to the mixture
a few drops of tea tree oil. Through measured time
wash off the mask.


Lush volume and elasticity in this mask provide egg
protein and kefir, also nourishing and deeply moisturizing hair,
endowing them with the stress resistance of frequent
laying with the help of heating elements like ironing.

Разведите 4 ч. ложки дрожжей в 2 Art. spoons of yogurt, clean
dishes for an hour. Stir 2 egg whites, but do not whisk them in
peaks. Add the eggs to the approached yeast, mix and
distribute the mask on the hair. In an hour, wash your hair with the usual
everyday shampoo.


To prepare a mask that stimulates hair growth and gently
cares for the scalp as opposed to pretty annoying
горчице, для начала разведите 3 ч. ложки сухих дрожжей 5 Art.
with spoons water. An hour later, add to the mixture the yolk, 30 ml of olive
oil and 1.5 tsp of mustard powder. Apply the mask for 20 minutes,
then wash your hair with cool water and shampoo.

Dairy with olive oil

Often, hair problems begin with their roots and few
The means are able to strengthen them better than simple high quality
olive oil and fat cow’s milk. Залейте 3 Art. with spoons
молока 3 Art. ложки дрожжей и через 45 минут введите в опару 4 Art.
spoons of preheated oil, as well as 2 fresh eggs. Apply mask on
hair, wait 1 hour and rinse.


Powerful nutritional brandy, also disinfecting the skin
head (which contributes to the treatment of many diseases), combined in
this mask with oil penetrating deep into the hair follicles
wheat germ, known for its ability to liven up even the most
hopeless ruined hair. Milk – moisturizing, binding with
yeast element.

Приготовьте смесь из 3 Art. spoons of yeast и 6 Art. spoons of milk.
Когда подойдут, влейте 2 Art. spoons of brandy and 2 tsp of oil.
Spread the mixture through the hair and, having walked with a mask for 20-40 minutes
(depends on personal feelings) – wash your head with warm water, on
first time – without shampoo.

Coconut with gelatin

With this mask you can achieve the effect of replacing
salon procedure lamination hair, in addition, they will acquire
color depth and obedience in styling.

Приготовьте и оставьте на полчаса смесь из 1,5 Art. spoons of yeast
и 2 Art. ложек water. Соедините 3 Art. ложки желатина с 8 Art. with spoons
cold water and wait to swell. Gelatin and Sponge must
come up to one time. Melt gelatin on low heat, mix
with yeast, yolk and 35 ml of coconut oil. Neatly
distribute the mask on the hair, leaving no dry strands, for what
can use and scallop. Hold the mixture for 45 minutes and
вымойте голову с everyday shampoo.

With burdock oil and herbs

Burdock – oil, is known to stimulate
hair growth is not only in terms of speed, but also in quantity, and the combination
soft herbal care and nourishing eggs will help them
grow healthy.

2 Art. ложки дрожжей залейте 6 Art. with spoons отвара одной из трав —
sage, calendula, chamomile, nettle, linden. Half an hour later add to
опару желток, 2 Art. spoons of burdock oil and 2-3 drops of your favorite
essential oils, for example, lavender and orange.

Thickly distribute the mask on the root area of ​​the hair, the remnants –
on all hair. Подержите маску 45 минут и wash your hair

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