How to make facials after 50 years inat home? Proven Mask Recipes for Aging Skinfaces

Пн, 21 май 2018 Автор: Галина Крючкова

Scientists have deciphered the papyrus, found in Egyptian
гробнице, оказалось, что это рецепты масок для faces . Composed
of these remedies were herbs, flowers, and oils. If in antiquity
attached great importance to appearance then modern man
just have to constantly monitor the health and beauty


Из каких продуктов состоят маски для faces после 50 лет в
home conditions

Many women think beauty products cost too much.
expensive. They are completely wrong. You can cook effective and
недорогие маски для faces 50 лет в home conditions из обычных

In the recipes available cosmetic masks use honey, fat,
eggs, butter, cottage cheese, yeast, gelatin, milk, meat, fruits, vegetables,
berries, flowers, tea, cereals. Apply and inexpensive pharmacy clay,
pearl powder, mineral or sea water

For example, honey is available to everyone, it contains a lot of vitamins,
essential oils and glucose. Honey masks are well absorbed,
разглаживают морщины и подтягивают овал faces.

In eggs, a complete set of all nutrients. In dairy
There are also many vitamins A, E and D that are responsible for the regeneration
tissues and increase immunity. In vegetable oil one of the valuable
for skin health, vitamin F, it is added to many branded
cream and mask.

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which treats inflammatory
processes, reduces hypersensitivity and takes part in
the formation of collagen.

Do not rush to throw away the faded rose bouquet that you received.
on the holidays. Collect the petals, dry and put in a jar or in
linen bag, then use for making masks.

Outstanding Central Asian scientist and physician Avicenna advised:
�”If you want to be beautiful, then wash yourself with the juice of roses.” Masks with decoction
or extract from roses give the skin a pleasant velvety and

It is worth paying attention to cheap camphor oil or alcohol.
These drugs are in every pharmacy. Camphor has
antioxidant, soothing, refreshing and rejuvenating
properties. Always add a drop of camphor to masks.

Do not be lazy and use the gifts of nature that will give you
beauty and prolong youth!

Разновидности масок для faces в 50 лет в home conditions

Masks differ in composition and purpose. Кожу faces нужно
clean, nourish, moisturize and treat, for this regularly do
cosmetic masks. Some funds are harvested in large quantities and
used daily and others once a week or even a month.

Разновидности масок для faces 50 лет в домашних

1. • Cleansing. From cottage cheese, bran, liver, salt, rice, pharmacy

2. • Nutritious and restorative metabolism. Of the products
baby food, aloe, honey, cabbage, eggs, fish caviar.

3. • Toning and refreshing. Of nuts, rose petals, bread,
cucumbers, melons, berries.

4. • Increases skin elasticity. From gelatin, yolks, oatmeal,

5.•Отбеливающие и улучшающие цвет faces. From horseradish, lemon,
kefir, hydroperit, beets, carrots, pumpkins.

Очищающие маски для faces после 50 лет в home conditions

Cleansing procedures are helpful at every age. В масках для faces
в 50 лет и в home conditions используются ингредиенты, которые
shown for dry, fading skin. Use any recipe one
once a week. If the face has a scratch or redness, then
cleansing masks are best temporarily set aside.

Tea, rose petals and linseed oil

Take any tea, rose petals, liquid soap and linseed oil.
Brewed tea leaves and rose petals spread out on a flat
drying surfaces. Pound tea leaves and roses with linseed
oil, adding a couple of drops of liquid soap. note that
Flaxseed oil contains alpha-linoleic acid, which is included in
The composition of funds for rejuvenation.

Apply gruel to your face. Circular light movements
gradually clean the skin. After five minutes, rinse with warm water.
Mechanical movements improve blood circulation, clean off dirt and
dry dead cells of the epidermis.

Beef liver

Take raw beef liver, you will need only ten
gram. Cut off the bile ducts and tape. Grate the product
or pass through a clean grinder, then apply on face.
After ten minutes, wash.

The liver is rich in minerals, amino acids and
enzymes. This mask not only perfectly cleans the pores, but also
removes age spots.

Маски для faces после 50 лет в home conditions,
vitaminizing and restoring metabolism

В питательных масках для faces 50 лет в home conditions должны
be carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. Feed
procedures need to be carried out daily. If you are not allergic to
one vitamin component, then you can safely use one
from recipes.

Dry infant formula

Buy a pack of dry infant formula. One tablespoon of the mixture
dilute with boiling water. Cool the creamy mask and apply on
face. In twenty minutes wash it off

Honey and Camphor

Heat a spoon of honey in a water bath, add a drop of camphor
oils. Apply the received transparent mass on the face on massage
lines. After a couple of minutes, make the back of your hand
patting movements in the chin area. Ten minutes later honey
с камфорой wash it off Such a procedure not only feeds, but also

Cottage cheese, cream, egg

Measure one teaspoon of the following products: cottage cheese,
cream and egg yolk. In the composition, add a quarter teaspoon
soda, then ten minutes stir. Apply this mask to your face and
neck before bedtime. The mask perfectly nourishes the skin and soothes the nerves.

Universal masks

Большинство масок для faces 50-летних в home conditions
обладают несколькими полезными properties. They nourish, tone up,
increase elasticity, whiten and improve skin color.

The main component in these masks is glycerin (trihydric alcohol).
It perfectly moisturizes dry, aged skin and smoothes small ones.
wrinkles. (For oily skin, glycerin is better not to use. And
add strictly according to the recipe.) Masks with glycerin are convenient to apply,
they are pleasant to the senses.

Here are the most popular masks for 50 year olds.

�”Sophia Loren”

The composition is harvested for a week. You will need 100 ml of cream,
1 teaspoon of gelatin, glycerin and honey. First pour
gelatin cold cream. After a couple of hours, put it on
water bath. When the gelatin is dissolved in the cream, add honey and

Apply the cooled mask on the face and neck. Wash off when she
start to dry out. Store the rest of the mixture in
fridge. The mask nourishes and improves skin elasticity.

�”Madame Pompadour”

You will need a lemon, half a glass of alcohol, 200 ml thick
сметаны, яичный белок и glycerol. Wash the lemon with the peel,
grind and pour with alcohol. Lemon juice with alcohol strain
through cheesecloth and stir with sour cream. Add half a teaspoon
glycerin and one whipped protein. Wash off the composition after 20 minutes. Mask
хорошо питает, отбеливает и омолаживает face.

�”Candy Lo”

It is said that this Chinese woman after 25 years has ceased to grow old,
despite the age of fifty she continues to work
a model. This rice flour mask is named for her.

Measure out two articles. spoons of rice. With the coffee grinder make
rice flour. Add four dessert spoons of sour cream and whipped
egg. Кисточкой нанесите состав на face. On the dried up mask
add another layer.

Look in the mirror: the skin is tightened, and the face is noticeable
rejuvenated. Be patient for about twenty minutes. At this time you can not eat
smile and talk. Then wash your face with warm water. Mask
nourishes, tones and reduces skin laxity.

You made sure that masks can be done without help.
professional cosmetologists. With these simple recipes skin
вашего faces станет красивее и моложе даже после пятидесяти.

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