How to make beautiful eyebrows at home?Appliances make eyebrows beautiful shape at home

Пт, 11 мар 2016 BUTвтор: Юлия Улиткина

Beautiful, smooth, thick eyebrows attract attention to the face,
make the image complete.

Even a plain woman they easily turn into a beautiful woman.

Eyebrows can not only change facial expressions, but also
correct his faults.

Scruffy brow line can spoil the perfect

But with well-groomed, properly decorated eyebrows can
allow yourself to do without tone, mascara and blush. Wherein
It is not necessary to use the services of a salon makeup artist:
beautiful eyebrows can be easily made at home.

We need to act in three stages:

• identify the correct curve of the brow line;

• adjust the eyebrow, pulling out excess hairs;

• paint the brow line, giving it greater clarity.

Self-make eyebrows are not as difficult as you can
seem. At each stage of the study of the brow line has its own
subtleties and secrets that you need to know.


How to make beautiful eyebrows at home: we define
bend line

Красивые брови — это в первую очередь правильная
. Before you begin to remove excess hair,
need to find the point of beginning, end and bend eyebrows. Classic scheme
very simple. First, we define the right eyebrow.

1. Onчало бровной линии (у
один кончик тонкого косметического карандаша
you need to attach to the right nostril, and send the second tip to
inner corner of the right eye. It will be a straight line that will indicate
starting point of the right eyebrow. All the hairs that will be behind
pencil, you need to ruthlessly remove.

2. Конец бровной линии (у
нижний кончик карандаша оставить на том же месте,
and move the top to the outer corner of the right eye. A place
the intersection with the eyebrow will show where the brow should end. If a
eyebrow ends before the place found, it needs
to draw

3. Изгиб бровной линии: направить карандаш так,
so that it passes from the right nostril through the center of the pupil. Intersection
eyebrow pencil – the very place where you need to make a bend.

The same must be done with the left eyebrow. Such a technique of “three
parts “- a classic version that fits all.

But there are also secret bending tricks that
can help with facial correction:

• to visually pull a little face, chubby ladies
can make the brow bend higher, sharp;

• if the face is square, you can perform the classic
clearance (kink is above the pupil) or slightly mix point
bending to the temple;

• strongly extended face will be rescued by strictly horizontal, straight

• a semicircular brow line is ideal for a face-heart;

• if the face is oval, you can sharpen the tip to give
form a great piquancy.

«Fashion на брови», как и на одежду, цвет помады или форму каблука
constantly changing. If a несколько лет назад девушки носили прямые
wide brows “a la Vodyanova”, then naturalness is in fashion today.
Therefore, the brow line should be harmonious, with a classic
fracture line, medium width, with a smooth narrowing to the tip.

For beginners in the art of makeup, it is sometimes difficult to determine the type
face and eyebrow shape. To simplify the task, you can
to arrange eyebrows at the salon master: he will definitely not be mistaken. Will remain
just follow the eyebrows, correct them in time, supporting
beautiful shape.

How to make beautiful eyebrows at home: spend

Having decided on the shape and size of the eyebrows, you can proceed to
correction, that is, the removal of excess hair. Removal technique can
to be different, but the easiest way to work at home is normal
tweezers. You can certainly try something exotic,
like a silk thread or shake. But the eastern method is pretty
it is difficult to apply independently, and with a razor it is not easy
calculate and remove the desired hairs.

What can help in the correction? It is important to consider three
of the moment:

• prepare the skin;

• provide adequate lighting;

• pull hairs properly.

If a болевой порог низкий, обязательно подготовьте кожу и
area of ​​the eyelids to reduce discomfort. There are two
метода обезболивания:
охлаждение или горячее распаривание.
In the first case, a cooling compress should be applied to the eyelid area.
from ice cubes. You can use a decoction of herbs: chamomile,
sage, celandine. Such ice, if they rub the skin of the eyelids, will help
relieve irritation.

For steaming, just hold your face on the steam or
make a hot wet compress (you can also cook herbal
decoction). Which way is better, you need to decide empirically. On
chilled skin, the pain is felt less, but hot steam
facilitates pulling hairs.

It is very important to provide sufficient lighting for the procedure.
Best to work in bright sunlight or strong
artificial. If a удалить лишние волоски, то исправить ситуацию
immediately be impossible. We’ll have to wait about a month when
unsuccessfully pulled out hair again grows. Yes, and wounds from tweezers,
which can be done with a shortage Light, are unlikely to please.

Pulling hairs need sharp, directed along the growth
hair movement. In no case can force the tweezers against
hair growth: so they will not be pulled out along with the bulb, but
just break down. Will remain некрасивая черная точка.

Too long, too short, very wide or, on the contrary,
A thin eyebrow looks ridiculous and ridiculous. Therefore, accuracy,
slow pace and moderation are essential to work quality.

Onпоследок еще несколько важных

• Before starting to pull out all the excess, you need to brow
be sure to comb through the growth of hairs. This will help to avoid
hair removal;

• You can pinch only the bottom line. Upper hairs touch
it is impossible;

• Tweezers must first be treated with an alcohol solution.
Clean disinfected instrument – a pledge that after
skin treatments will not develop pimples, inflammations;

• after the procedure it is better to spend the day at home, without sun, wind and
dust make-up. The skin will recover faster;

• with oily skin, hairs can be covered with a greasy secret.
The tweezers in this case will slide, and the hairs will not be pulled out, but
break. Чтобы решить проблему, можно просто припудрить eyebrows;

• no magnifying mirrors! With a strong increase you can
get carried away and spoil everything, pulling out the desired hairs.

After correction, the face is rinsed with warm water, and on the skin
apply a cooling soothing agent. You can just
rub it with a piece of homemade aloe.

Eyebrows can not only pluck, but also cut. This is done
if hair removal is not possible. Need eyebrow
comb up, and then all the “knocking out” hairs
trim with straight nail scissors.

How to make beautiful eyebrows at home: choose
medium and tone

When the brow line is fully framed, you can proceed to its
make up. Even if color and density suit, hairs need
fix transparent gel. If a же цвет волос и бровей разные,
and the density leaves much to be desired, to use cosmetics for
eyebrows should be required.

There are several cosmetic products for applying

• eyebrow pencil;

• eyebrow shadows;

• tinting gel;

• permanent paint.

Each tool has a lot of positives, so what
choose – a matter of taste. However, there are some common

Самый простой вариант — тонирующий гель. If a
successfully pick up the tone, there is generally no problem with the design.
You just need to brush your hair with a pigment, and brow line
looks perfect. However, this option is suitable only
owners of the nature of thick, smooth eyebrows.

Самый распространенный способ — это карандаш.
It is used by the vast majority of women, and not by chance.
The pencil technique is very simple, it allows you to achieve the perfect
brow line, disguise “bald spots”, give a beautiful
harmonious hair color. If a что-то сделано неправильно, пигмент
easy to erase and reapply.

Pencil is very convenient to draw the contour of the eyebrow. However need
take into account the features of slate:

• very soft can “float” in the heat, and hard – to scratch

• soft pencil is applied so easily that you can not
calculate the amount of tone and make the eyebrows too bright;

• soft means well suited for applying paint over
hair by hatching technique. But if you need to fill
the space between the sparse hairs is better to use solid
slate pencil

If a карандаш обычный, не автоматический, его придется постоянно
sharpen The soft slate pencil needs to be frozen beforehand in order to
The sharpener has not broken or crushed the rod.

It’s hard enough to pick the right pencil color for
eyebrows. The standard rule: for brunettes and brown-haired fit
the tool is slightly lighter than the hair tone, and for blondes – a little
darker. �“Little” means two tones, not more. Redhead
girls, bright by nature, any option.

What you need to fear, it is absolutely black shade of the slate.
He spoils the image, gives it a vulgarity and absurdity. Preference
should be given ashy shades of varying intensity.
Caution should be done with reddish hues of pencils.
They are suitable only for girls with a warm skin tone and a light
reddish shimmer hair.

How to make beautiful eyebrows at home: draw

The technique of applying pigment to the eyebrows is quite simple, if its
to master. With a little practice, you can do eyebrow makeup
quickly and neatly. First you need to determine the final result:
we either adjust the eyebrows or just darken them.

There are many eyebrow correction and filling techniques.

Here is one of the possible options:

• прорисовать при помощи белого кайяла контур eyebrows;

• если eyebrow редкая, нужно нанести на нее штрихи по ходу
natural hair growth in pencil or shadows;

• прочесать eyebrow щеточкой, чтобы равномерно распределить

• shade a white tone around the brow line to give it
greater clarity and brightness.

Professional makeup artists to give your eyebrows more
Naturally use different shades, putting on the tip of the eyebrow
lighter shade.

If a eyebrow не требует коррекции, на нее можно просто нанести
eyebrow shades with a special short tight brush. Shadows
must be dull, without a chimmer. They will look very beautiful,
delicately, naturally.

Последний штрих макияжа бровей — фиксация прозрачными
. This stage is optional if the hairs lie flat. BUT
But for disobedient brows, a fixative is highly desirable.
especially if you are in public during the whole working day
of the day

Do not be afraid to experiment with color, form, technique
applying tone. Making beautiful eyebrows at home is easy.
All that is needed is a little practice and desire.

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