How to get rid of hair on legs: effectivemethods! What ways to get rid of hair on legs have terribleeffects?

Пт, 01 апр 2016 Автор: фитотерапевт Анастасия

What modern women won’t do in search of how
get rid of hair on your legs!

And the thing is that the delicate and silky skin of the legs is recognized
one of the attributes of femininity and beauty.

Let’s find out which hair removal methods are best to use,
and which are dangerous to health.

Long and slender legs beckon all men without exception.

And, despite the fact that many men do not particularly peer
in the presence of vegetation on these very legs, women do not get tired
puzzling, inventing how to get rid of hair.

It is advisable not to harm the skin, get a quick and
long-term effect, also “for cheap”. Unfortunately, inexpensive
you can try to remove the hair from his feet only at home,
as salon methods are quite expensive.

But before you get rid of the hair on your legs, pay attention
on the speed of their growth and the abundance of “vegetation” in unwanted
places. Sometimes excessive hairiness is not just physiological
feature, and the result of violations in the hormonal system.
If the hair began to grow dramatically, it also darkened, and
get bored, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and
analyze hormones. It is possible that after
appropriate medication correction hairiness problem
will disappear by itself.

The rest of the owners of unsightly by nature
�”Vegetation” on their feet will have to look for the best for themselves
way how to “win” it. Actually there are plenty of ways, but
are they all safe ?!


How to get rid of hair on legs: folk remedies

Dear girls and women! In search of beauty do not grab
all in a row be careful! There are very dangerous “folk
recipes “, after which even resuscitation does not help!


A very simple recipe that is offered in various forums and
Sites – Brew Datura ordinary boiling water and spread with a bandage
(cotton swab) a cool broth at the depilation point. The most
terrible in these recipes is what is often recommended for removal
hair from the lower body take sessile baths in strong
grass solution.

The results really did not take long to wait: skin with
copious cobweb of capillaries, severe dizziness, vomiting,
loss of consciousness and paralysis. If you have time to spend a quick cleanse
blood in resuscitation, it will require at least three
days If you do not respond in time, then even deadly

And most importantly: will unwanted hair disappear after such
procedures? Hardly!

Manganese solution

There is a theory of the effectiveness of manganese solution for hair removal.
both on the legs and in the bikini area. Went she say from
recommendations from obstetricians – after giving birth even today some women
prescribe repeated frequent washing with a weak pink solution
for wound disinfection. Experienced women, past this
the hard way, figured out how to get rid of hair on his legs, because
After these procedures, the hair began to fall out intensively.

Indeed, with frequent use of a solution of manganese hair
may fall, but the impact will affect the skin – it will darken,
most likely, parts (especially in case of manganese overdose) will become
dry and may begin to peel off. Let’s face it, it’s not the best
the idea of ​​dealing with unnecessary hair.


Yes, there are simple and accessible substances that
can affect the condition and growth of hair, without causing special

Sensational “talker”: mixed with 2 ml of ammonia, 35
ml of medical alcohol (ethanol), 5 ml of castor oil and 1.5 ml
iodine, thoroughly churned. Be sure to wait until
iodine color will not go away and the mixture will not become transparent. Received
means to apply on the skin after the procedure of hair removal, it is better – a couple
once a day. �”Chatterbox” угнетает волосяные луковицы, волосы
stop growing. The recipe is effective, but there is a big risk
allergic reactions and irritation cannot be used either
people with dry skin type.

Plain pumice

An ancient and quite effective way that requires perseverance and
of time. The point is this: during each adoption, the soul
steamed foot skin rub for a few minutes with pumice. But it is not
it means to reach the wounds – we are talking about light, neat movements.
Hair really disappears, but it will take
multiple repetitions of the procedure.


The green rind of the nuts has a damaging effect on the hair roots, just like
tincture (decoction) partitions of walnuts (can be pine) nuts.
Hair stops growing, but the procedure must be carried out many times.
The effect is accelerated if you lubricate the skin immediately after

There is a nuance: the green peel strongly and permanently stains
treated skin so for the summer the way to say the least

How to get rid of hair on legs: shaving and depilation

Probably the most popular still way to get rid of hair on
feet – shaving legs. The effectiveness of hair removal with a razor is 100%.
The main thing in the procedure is the quality of shaving products (gel, cream,
skin, lotion), and the razor itself. Disposable machines also shave
hairs, but they do it unevenly and not deep enough. This
the problem has led to the emergence on the market of special machines “for
women “that provide optimal shaving.

The method is very fast, painless, and not very expensive. But
There is also a reverse side of the coin. After shaving (even the best
razor) hair grows fast. Usually appears after two days
bristle and need to repeat the procedure. In addition, when inept
handling, even a “safe” machine can be very hurt. And also
after shaving in many women, hair begins to grow into the skin, and
this place may form boils.

But при умелом обращении и смирении с регулярностью процедуры она
enters into a habit, like brushing your teeth, and is perceived as

After shaving it is good to lubricate the skin with a mixture of olive oil with
lemon – it slows hair growth, relieves irritation and preserves
skin tenderness

How to get rid of hair on legs: depilatory creams, wax,

When does cream make sense?

Depilatory cream is sold everywhere today, and the choice
big enough. The cream allows you to quickly remove hair without
damaging the skin on the area of ​​depilation. Cream acts like
thinner – hair becomes soft and easy to tear off.

The method, as a rule, painless, consists in drawing on
the right places of the cream with a special spatula (attached in
package), wait for a specific time specified by the manufacturer,
and rinse with warm water. The effect of the cream lasts a little
longer than the razor.

But, как и любой другой способ, депиляция кремом имеет
features The creams contain the active ingredient, sulfur,
which gives them an unpleasant smell and can also cause, in
combined with other ingredients, skin intolerance or

To prevent complications, it is best to test for
sensitivity – apply the cream on the skin of the arm at the elbow
couple of hours. If the skin in this place is not red, there is no itching and no
rash, then the cream can be safely used.

Wax for getting rid of hair on the legs

With a great desire salon procedures for hair removal can be successful
spend at home, but there are some risks. Indeed, in stores
wax strips are sold widely
�”Professional” wax, but they need to be able to use.
First, wax is applied to the skin hot, and due to inexperience it is possible
get hurt badly Secondly, the procedure is very painful, and in
salons often use painkillers sprays. Third, with
inept handling after waxing hair grow into and
pustules are formed.

Shugaring, or epilation with sugar paste

В домашних условиях shugaring тоже поначалу удается немногим
interested in how to get rid of hair on his legs, but more and more
more followers conquers this method. Advantage of it in
relative cheapness and efficiency.

Pasta is prepared as follows:

1. mix a pound of sugar, 40 ml of lemon juice and 50 ml of water in
small saucepan (with lid),

2. on a small fire under the lid melt the sugar for
6 minutes, mix, cover again;

3. after 6 minutes the lid from the pan is removed and cooked pasta,
stirring for another 14-15 minutes until the color of amber;

4. Pour (necessarily!) The finished product in a bowl with tight
closing lid.

If the paste is left in the saucepan, then it will be digested and
will burn.

The finished paste is applied to the skin and epilation is carried out by it, and if
consistency rarely, you can use for hair removal
strips, tearing them together with hairs.

Combined method

Super-effect promises a combination of hair removal (pulling) with
applying cream for depilation. After careful processing of the necessary
поверхностей при помощи эпилятора, shugaringа, воска, в крайнем
case, tweezers, on this very surface in two hours put
depilatory cream. Works, in principle, any cream, but better
“Veet 3 minutes” handles everything, especially for sensitive areas.
After this treatment, the bulk of the hair stops growing. By
as such procedures are performed on “aged” hairs, they will be
stay smaller.

But не используйте крем дольше, чем указано производителем, так
how could a severe chemical burn. And: a way not
works on shaved hair, the effect will be only after full
removal along with the subcutaneous rod.

How to get rid of hair on the legs: photoepilation and others
drastic measures

If we talk about drastic measures at home, this
the usual epilator, which is a razor-type machine,
instead of blades which has a lot of tweezers. They spin fast, and
massively pull hair from the root. Epilator can use not
all women with sensitive skin and lots of hair
will not bear the pain during the procedure.

Salon procedures

Электроэпиляция также очень болезненна, но
she guarantees the absence of hair for a long time. Although at endocrine
she will not stand violations too – her hair will grow back.

Лазерное удаление. Today is one of the most
effective and safe methods. However, the laser does not remove
bleached and gray hair, and it will take up to 10 treatments (and they
not cheap).

Elos Motif HR — можно сказать, инновация.
The device removes not only dark, but light and thin hair. is he
affects both radio and light energy on the hair shaft
heating it along with the bulb. Byследняя окончательно разрушается
and the hair no longer grows. The method is effective, but expensive.

Фотоэпиляция — удаление волос при помощи
high impulse light destroying the hair follicle with
thermal energy. You can use almost anything for any
hair color and the most sensitive skin.

So, beautiful ladies, there is no reason to despair – room for
Action is very broad, and these are not all the ways how to get rid of hair
on foot! Try it and you will definitely find a way to make your
legs irresistible!

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