How to get rid of dandruff? Effective treatment dandruff with medical and folk remedies

Seborrhea (a more general concept for dandruff, used most often in medical circles) – a disease in which is based on the disorder of fat formation due to subcutaneous malfunction: amount of sebum either increases or decreases, its chemical changes composition.

As a result, skin flakes begin to exfoliate intensely. Outwardly resembling white translucent flakes, they become entangled in hair, settle on clothes and seats, thereby spoiling the appearance. The phenomenon is often accompanied by itching and discomfort.

This disease is common among both men and among women, and everyone in this position needs to know how to cure him, how to get rid of dandruff in the shortest possible time deadlines.


Causes of Dandruff

To get rid of “snow flakes” on his clothes and in hair, first you have to identify the cause of this disease. Misunderstanding where the problem came from leads to the fact that seborrhea can become an undesirable and unpleasant companion of a person for a long time. Only by identifying and eliminating the provoking factor can one be cured. The causes of dandruff can be:

  • Chronic metabolic disorder;
  • Serious diseases of the internal organs: worth checking the work of the stomach, thyroid gland;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Hormonal malfunction, which may be due to sexual ripening in adolescents, menopause, pregnancy or taking hormonal drugs in women;
  • Low immunity;
  • Nervous system problems are a common cause of dandruff: to this lead to depressive and stressful conditions, nervousness, syndrome chronic fatigue, emotional burnout;
  • Hereditary predisposition that determines individual features of the structure of the skin;
  • Unhealthy diet: cravings for junk food, oily and spicy food, sodas and coffee can also cause the appearance of “white flakes”;
  • Subcooling: dandruff overtakes those who walk in the cold season without a hat or bathe in cold water without special hats;
  • Overheating: exposure to scalp at high temperatures leads to the detachment of its scales, therefore, seborrhea is the destiny of those beauties who abuse tongs, curling irons, hair dryers, irons, thermal curlers;
  • Allergy: often skin reacts with dandruff in response to material headgear, especially if it’s synthetics;
  • Improperly selected cosmetics: their frequent change, discrepancy to the type of skin and hair, different lines and manufacturers, their excessive use – all this disrupts the work sebaceous glands and worsens the condition of the scalp.

Once the reasons are clarified, everything must be done. possible measures to address them. Enough for some purchase an inexpensive menthol shampoo to forget about this adversity.

Someone will have to deal with their lifestyle, starting with improving nutrition and ending with the restoration of your mental equilibrium. If the reasons are too serious or have arisen difficulties with their determination, you will need to seek help from to a specialist. Unfortunately, most often people do not find for this time (or money) and suffer from seborrhea all his life.

Dandruff Treatment

When dandruff occurs, the most appropriate solution will be to treat to the trichologist. The disease requires medical examination and micro-video diagnostics is a study of hair and scalp under increase. As a result, the doctor will determine the type of skin and hair, the nature dandruff, infection or inflammation.

During the conversation, possible causes of seborrhea are identified, selected a set of measures for its external treatment: the doctor prescribes clinical procedures and advises the most suitable care products sick scalp. External treatment is not limited to shampoo.

The treatment complex includes all kinds of peeling masks, tonics, balms, lotions. Typically, such dandruff treatments are prescribed. drugs like Belosalik, Keto Plus, Metrogil, “Polkortolon”, “Skin-cap”, “Friderm”, “Tsinokap” and others. But nevertheless, the basis of successful treatment is medical procedures, capable of normalizing the process of fat formation by the scalp:

  • Various types of therapeutic massage of the hairy parts of the head: vacuum, manual, cryomassage (using liquid nitrogen) – they all improve skin nutrition, normalize lymphatic drainage and blood supply;
  • Using Professional Healing Masks based on various chemical, fast and potent preparations for cleansing, moisturizing, fortifying the skin and the simultaneous destruction of pathogenic microorganisms – such one procedure eliminates several possible causes of dandruff;
  • Darsonvalization (hardware procedure with using pulsed, fast decaying current) normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands in the scalp, effectively treats inflammation
  • Microionophoresis – non-injection mesotherapy, which involves exposure to the skin medicinal serums and cocktails;
  • Injection Mesotherapy – Introduction directly under the skin of the desired medicine: the procedure is painful, but very effective;
  • Galvanic peeling deeply cleanses the skin the head;
  • Quantum therapy allows you to use in treating dandruff electromagnetic waves;
  • Transcranial electrical stimulation – physiotherapeutic method that successfully eliminates seborrhea in just several sessions.

These methods of treatment of dandruff in salon conditions are used long ago. They are effective because they do not just do “cosmetic repair”, eliminating only external signs disease, and treat it from the inside.

However, even they do not guarantee 100% recovery for the whole a life. With improper care of the scalp and unhealthy image life disease can come back very soon.

Therefore, after the course of treatment, it is advisable to adhere to expert advice on how to get rid of dandruff in this way so that she never returns. This is the basis of skin care head predisposed to seborrhea.

Special scalp care

The course of treatment and prevention of this unpleasant disease involves compliance with a number of rules, formulated by specialists – trichologists and dermatologists. Their it is necessary to adhere not only during therapy: if available predisposition to dandruff, these postulates should become lifestyle, immutable laws that must be followed in good health of their own hair.

Sometimes it seems too difficult: abandon the usual things, reconsider the mode of your life. However after some the time when the signs of seborrhea disappear, you can feel all the charm changes: well-being will improve, hair will become strong and healthy. It’s worth taking this instructions.

  1. To get started, purchase a special treatment Shampoo at the pharmacy. He is prescribed by a doctor, or you can Ask the pharmacy worker for advice. Such funds are valid more powerful than regular cosmetic shampoos from the store. In their the composition can be found various medicinal additives that contribute to eliminate dandruff (antipruritic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, cytostatics for renewal of skin cells, keratolytics to remove dead cells, vitamins, antibiotics and many others). We recommend that you review reviews of one or another shampoo to choose the most effective a tool that has already won the trust and love of consumers.
  2. Be sure to seek help from any of multivitamin complexes, which are now full in a pharmacy. The course of vitaminization is best done twice a year: in spring and in the fall.
  3. Once the first signs of dandruff have manifested themselves, it is necessary immediately change the headgear and comb. it help eliminate contact with an already infected surface.
  4. A couple of times a week it is recommended to scald with boiling water a hairbrush. Hats should be washed as often as possible.
  5. An urgent need to review your diet nutrition: limit the amount of fatty, acute, salty dishes, exclude the consumption of fast foods, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol.
  6. You need to find time, overcome all fears and pass medical examination to identify internal diseases that could cause seborrhea. It is recommended to pay special attention to work gastrointestinal tract and condition of the nervous system. If a violations will be identified, you will need to start immediately treatment.
  7. Despite the fact that seborrhea is accompanied by severe itching, you need to try not to scratch the skin so that wounds do not appear, through which the infection can penetrate and aggravate the course of the disease.
  8. Tap water without prior treatment for patients with seborrhea not suitable. Need filtering, mineralizing, soft water. Her temperature should not be low or high: warm is the most the best option.
  9. It is recommended to wash your hair no more than twice a week.
  10. Have to abandon the regular use of a hair dryer, tongs, plok and irons: in the presence of dandruff, you can resort to them only in the most extreme cases.
  11. At least twice a week, it would be nice to do self-massage of the scalp, which normalizes circulation.

It is foolish to expect dandruff to disappear by itself: this the disease is a signal of the body that everything is not okay with it, there are problems that require your direct involvement. therefore only by finding out and eliminating the cause of seborrhea, you can get rid of her.

If you do not start treatment in time, the consequences may not be just unpleasant, but also dangerous. Along with data compliance recommendations can improve skin condition at home heads with all kinds of masks and rinses. In the treatment of trichologist before applying it is better to take his permission similar home treatments.

Folk remedies against dandruff: recipes

Homemade anti-dandruff hair masks can be done every time before washing your hair, that is, twice a week.

Each of the means MANDATORY check for allergies, even if you are completely sure of its absence.

To do this, the prepared mixture is applied either to the skin of the wrist, or on the part of the head behind the auricle. The reaction does not need to wait less than a day, because often exposure to active substances can to flow slowly. If there is no itching or redness, the mask can be applied to the scalp. Their duration should not exceed half an hour. Be sure to warm in the form of a cap for the shower and turbaned towels.

  • Kefir rinses

Rinse it several times before each shampoo. kefir. Rinse off not immediately, but after half an hour.

  • Dandruff Olive Oil

Olive oil (half a cup) is thoroughly mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice (two tablespoons).

  • Rinse with herbs

Herbs (tansy, burdock root, calendula, nettle) in the amount of one tablespoon pour boiling water (glass), after cooling, filter. This infusion is poured into a liter of filtered water, and rinsed hair.

  • Dandruff Essential Oils

In the fight against dandruff at home, you can actively use essential oils of tea tree, lavender, rosemary, cedar, eucalyptus. They are preheated slightly in the bath water, then rubbed into the roots of the hair, scalp.

  • Antiseborrheic mask honey + aloe

Heat honey in a water bath (one tablespoon). Mix it in equal amounts with mayonnaise, aloe juice, olive oil.

An integrated approach that takes into account all the features of each organism, helps quickly, reliably and for a long time get rid of dandruff, strengthen hair, return to scalp health. If desired and perseverance after such a course of treatment you can never come back to this problem if the lesson has been learned.

Only professional treatment, coupled with the right care and proper use of folk remedies can save in this situation.

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