How to get rid of cellulite on the legs and bottom.Exercises and procedures (with photo): how to get rid of cellulite onass and legs

Вт, 12 апр 2016 BUTвтор: Карина Рамазанова

Almost unpleasant “orange peel”
every woman of the fair sex.

Cellulite gives its owner a lot of inconvenience, and
psychological and aesthetic. But get rid of this unpleasant
phenomena is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

There are several approaches to solving the problem, how to get rid of
from cellulitis in the legs and pope.

The most popular and effective ones are later in the article.


Cellulite on the legs and pope how to get rid of: complex
an approach

It is a mistake to believe that you can get rid of cellulite completely,
after a course of cosmetology services or anti-cellulite massage.
�”Orange peel” is amenable to correction only when the complex
an approachе. This means that to destroy traces of cellulite
will not only have to sweat in the gym, but also completely
change your diet and lifestyle.

And if it seems that in this struggle for a beautiful body, victory
cellulite and laziness is about to take place, it is worth finding pleasant moments in
this difficult matter. Cosmetic services aimed at improving
skin condition and the destruction of the “orange peel” are very pleasant.
So why not allow yourself to be beautiful and provide
extra time in the beauty parlor ?!

Если говорить более конкретно, комплекс процедур,
которые помогут избавиться от целлюлита
на ногах и попе,

• Fat-burning drugs, drugs

• Diet, proper nutrition

• Cosmetic procedures (wraps, massages, peels and

• Physical exercise

Cellulite on the legs and pope how to get rid of: drugs and diet

There are no particularly strict nutritional rules for getting rid of cellulite. Not
will have to go on a starvation diet and be saved only by liquid.
Meals should be balanced and fractional.

Meals of food per day should be 5. The last one is not less than
4 hours before bedtime. It is better not to eat after 19.00 so as not to
load the stomach. Portions should be small. Need food
chew carefully and not eat on the run. If there is no possibility
eat – it is better to drink a protein shake. And of course you can not
forget about the number of calories consumed – a woman needs
1800-2000 kcal per day with the usual rhythm of life. When losing weight
it is better to reduce the number of kcal to 1500.

A small amount of food does not mean that you can eat everything. On
time of losing weight from the diet should be excluded fried, smoked,
fat, sweet and flour. Ideally, exclude similar food from
ration at all.

More worth eating fruit, especially citrus. Vitamin C,
which is found in citrus in large quantities, helps
strengthen the skin, tones it. The same functions are performed by vitamin A,
therefore, it is better to include in the diet vegetables and fruits rich in these
with vitamins. Grapefruit, for example, contains a large amount and
one and the other vitamin so it’s so appreciated by people who
want to lose weight.

Special attention should be paid to the amount consumed.
fluid. Only water per day is necessary to drink at least 1.5
liters. In addition to water, you must include soups in your diet,
broths, juices, compotes, fruit drinks and more. Juices should not be consumed
purchased, it is more useful to make fresh juice from unsweetened vegetables or

Of great importance in the struggle for a beautiful body has a way of life.
If you want to get rid of the “orange peel”, you need to quit
smoke, eliminate frequent alcohol use and minimize
drinking coffee. Alcohol can be used occasionally, ideally.
suitable wine, red, white or pink – does not matter. BUT
beer and strong alcohol should be eliminated forever. Coffee is also not under
strict prohibition. Instead of instant coffee it is better to use
natural coffee, but not more than 1 cup per day.

Changing habits and food, cleanse the body of toxins and
toxins in a short time will fail. Therefore it is better to connect to
this process drugs. Cleaning the body is
important point in losing weight. It will help in this matter even the usual
Activated carbon. The dose of this medication is calculated on the basis of
weight – 1 tablet for every 10kg. Enough and 3 days to run
the process of cleansing the body.

Существуют лекарственные препараты, которые
girls like to use as a basis for home
wraps. The most common ones are:

• Kapsicam

• BUTминофиллин

• Dimexide

The principle of action of these drugs is one – all these drugs
vasodilating. But, in no case can not put these
drugs under the food film and leave for a long time.
The popularity of food film for wraps at home
based on the effectiveness of this remedy. But do not be fooled
this effective method. This way of losing weight can cost
big health problems. Durable food wraps
film is dangerous, especially for people with pronounced obesity,
as it creates an additional load on the heart.

Besides of the above drugs, is popular
caffeine in ampoules, which can also be purchased at any pharmacy.
Caffeine can be added to the finished anti-cellulite mask or apply
on the skin in its purest form. Keep caffeinated masks on your skin
recommended no more than 1 hour.

There are also pills that suppress hunger. But
they are usually prescription and only very
advanced cases of obesity. BUT принцип действия биологически
active supplements that claim to help in losing weight and
getting rid of cellulite is to accelerate peristalsis
intestine. То есть по сути БBUTДы для похудения помогают улучшить
the work of the intestines, and does not affect the weight. Healthier
будет заменить БBUTДы овощами и фруктами, богатыми клетчаткой.

Cellulite on the legs and pope how to get rid of: cosmetic

The range of cosmetic procedures aimed at getting rid of
cellulite is extensive enough. Especially popular are
следующие procedures:

• Ozone therapy

• Ultrasound therapy

• Lymphatic drainage

• Wraps

• BUTнтицеллюлитный массаж

• Mesotherapy

Процедура озонотерапия заключается в введении
under the skin ozone-oxygen mixtures that accelerate the splitting
fat deposits.

Мезотерапия осуществляется таким же образом — в
problem areas are introduced special mixtures that start the process
splitting fat. These mixtures do not enter the blood. BUT значит, что в
ходе этой procedures не возникнет побочных эффектов.

Ультразвуковая терапия заключается в
the effects of ultrasound waves on tissue. Such therapy
usually produced in combination with the use of warming gels,
for greater efficiency.

Лимфодренаж помогает вывести лишнюю жидкость из
organism. Существуют 4 разновидности этой procedures:

• Pressotherapy – is to change the air pressure;

• Vacuum therapy – performed by acting on
problem area negative air pressure, which leads to
increased blood circulation and accelerated metabolism;

• Myostimulation – the use of current for muscle contraction;

• Manual lymphatic drainage – manual massage, consisting in
effects on lymphatic centers that are in the cavity
abdomen and inside the chest.

Обертывания являются одной из самых популярных
salon procedures. There are hot and cold wraps. Slags
toxins and excess fluid are expelled through the pores of the skin,
if hot wrapping procedure was performed. In case of
cold wrapping – harmful substances and liquid are removed through
kidneys and liver.

High performance known sea-based wraps.
algae, such wrappings are often made not only in salons, but
and at home. Wraps are also popular.
on the basis of therapeutic mud, chocolate, honey and butter
wraps. Be careful with oils, especially if
oil wrap is planned to be done at home.
BUTптечные масла закупоривают поры и жирнят кожу, поэтому для данной
procedures не подойдут.

It is important to remember that wrappings have a number of
. Hot wraps are contraindicated
people suffering from varicose veins. Both cold and hot
wraps cannot be done with diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
skin diseases, hypertension and gynecological diseases.

BUTнтицеллюлитный массаж поможет избавиться от
cellulitis on the legs and bottom in a short time. Impact on
Problem zones occur by various massage techniques. To help
Massage can only at the initial stage of cellulite. If cellulite
in the third or fourth stage, only complex

BUTнтицеллюлитный массаж часто выполняется с использованием
various anti-cellulite remedies to enhance the effectiveness of
procedures. Not должно возникать болевых ощущений в ходе выполнения
massage, and after that there should be no bruises on the body.

Anti-cellulite massage has a range

• Oncology, tumors

• Inflammations on the skin, abscesses

• Vascular diseases

• Onрушение целостности кожных покровов

• breastfeeding period

Cellulite on the legs and pope how to get rid of: exercise

Of course, a visible result that will not disappear in a short
period of time, do not achieve without exercise. To
Get rid of cellulite on the legs and the pope need to do different
Exercises: both static and dynamic.

Статические упражнения заключаются в напряжении
muscles of the body, while the active actions during such exercises are not

Динамические упражнения подразумевают движение.
Special attention should be paid to cardio – running, training.
on the exercise bike. When doing these seemingly easy
exercises involve all muscle groups.

When fighting cellulite on the buttocks and legs
perform the following exercises:

1. Глубокий присед: ноги поставить на ширине
shoulders, slightly spread the socks apart, hands in front
by myself. In this position, sit as deeply as possible, holding
back without falling forward. For the first time will be enough 15
squats 2 an approachа. If the exercise is easy, you can
увеличить количество приседаний и/или an approachов.

2. Выпады: ноги на ширине плеч, руки на талии
or with dumbbells at the waist level. From the starting position slowly
take a broad step forward with one foot, lower the other foot on
knee. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat
exercise the other leg. Keep your back straight, not forward
tilt. Сделать 10 выпадов на каждую ногу в 2 an approachа. With
необходимости увеличить количество выпадов и/или an approachов.

3. «Велосипед»: лежать спиной на полу, ноги,
bent at the knees lift up imitate cycling
raised legs.

How to get rid of cellulite on the legs and the pope is a difficult question, but
if we address this issue in a comprehensive manner, the result is not
make yourself wait a long time.

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