How to get rid of cellulite at home?Consider the most effective exercises against cellulite

Сб, 17 мар 2018 Автор: Алёна Рассабина

Any woman wants to look great. But what if
slender figure covers the ill-fated “orange peel”
cellulite? Dealing with this problem is entirely possible, but not all.
know exactly how. Consider what is cellulite, for what
reasons it arises, and also we define a complex of special
Exercise against this disease.


Cellulite: what is it and why does it occur

Cellulite or ginoid lipodystrophy is a metabolic disorder
substances of adipose tissue. Fat cells begin to grow and overtightened
connective tissue form “bumps”. Main reasons
cellulite are:

– Hormonal imbalance and increased estrogen levels in
of blood

– Sedentary lifestyle

– Disruption of the thyroid gland

– Alcohol consumption

– Smoking

– Heredity

– Excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods

– Improper nutrition

– Regular stress, overstrain, depressive states

— Недостаточное содержание белка в of blood

Girls often confuse rippling of skin with real
cellulite In order not to be mistaken and know exactly “the enemy in the face”
need to be aware of the real symptoms of this ailment.
It should be noted that the favorite places of cellulite on the female
body buttocks, hips, knees and, rarely, but still, even
arms. You can learn about the appearance of cellulite by the following

– Skin lost elasticity

– Swelling in the thighs and buttocks, an increase in these parts of the body
at the rate of

– The appearance of bruises at the slightest manipulation of the skin

– Unobtrusive hemorrhage

It should be remembered that cellulite is a disease, and
serious enough and his treatment must be approached from the whole
seriousness. What to look for during treatment

– Forget about bad habits

Give up cigarettes and alcohol. Their use slows down
metabolism and extremely detrimental effect on the skin.

– Start eating right

Calculate your daily calorie intake, given your
activity. Understand the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and
Try to eat balanced. Prefer fresh
vegetables and fruits, light and lean meat, seafood. And
Do not forget about the healthy and rich in calcium dairy

– More sport and activity

Start walking to the gym, aerobics classes or
yoga Run, go in for dancing, tennis, do the morning
charging Choose a lesson to your liking, and the result will not force
wait a long time.

– Scrubs, body wrap, massage

Do not be skeptical of such methods of dealing with cellulite,
like: scrubs, massages and wraps. Such an effect on the skin
improves blood circulation in the problem area, tightens and
tones the skin.

Focusing on the complex methods of dealing with cellulite,
You can quickly achieve results.

В чём делать упражнений против cellulite?

The most effective method of dealing with cellulite is
физическая activity. Exercise at the gym or exercise in
home conditions will help lead to an amazing result:
smooth and taut skin in problem areas. To classes
were comfortable, and after training only
more positive impression, you need to choose the right clothes and

First, remember that doing an exercise against
cellulite without special shoes is fraught with sprain and a large
load on the spine.

Secondly, for physical activity you need to pick
comfortable clothes that give not only comfort and pleasure from
classes, but also ensure your safety.

So, for exercises against cellulite it will be optimal to choose
the form of the options below:

– Sport sneakers with depreciation effect

– Cotton socks

– Leggings, shorts (tight-fitting clothing)

– T-shirt, top, shirt

How to start doing exercises against cellulite:
warm up

Перед любой тренировкой необходима warm up. A large number of
people avoid warming up before exercising, especially when practicing
home conditions. Such neglect to warm up can be
fraught with:

– Sprain

– Pressure drops

– Can not produce fluid-grease in the joints

All these problems can be avoided by preparing the muscles and ligaments.
to physical exertion in advance. Более того, warm up перед
exercise strong increases the effectiveness of exercise. But how
correctly prepare your muscles for physical activity?

The first step is to warm up the neck muscles:

– Lower the head and throw it back

– Perform circular movements of the head in the right and left

– Lean head alternately: left and right

Exercises to warm the neck muscles is enough to complete 10

Next, you need to prepare for training the chest muscles:

– We rest with one palm on the wall and slightly to the side, we create
chest stress

– We put our hands in the lock and throw them over our head to
lower back

To warm up the back is enough to perform following

– We get up on “fours” and maximally bend in the zone
lower back. Then, make your back rounded and lower your head down.
Повторяем exercise несколько time. In the people, this warming
exercise носит название «Добрая-злая кошка».

To prepare for training the muscles of the abdominal area, it is necessary
выполнить following exercise:

– Put your hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Perform the slopes
left, right, forward, backward.

Последний этап — это warm up для ног:

– We stand up exactly, legs together. Need to do as much as possible
wide lunge forward and to the side. On both legs should be done 5-7

Когда warm up будет закончена, а мышцы и связки подготовлены к
physical stress, you can safely begin to exercise
against cellulite.

The most effective exercises against cellulite on the buttocks

To quickly get rid of cellulite, you need to pick up
complex of the most effective exercises. Consider exercises against
cellulite on the buttocks.

Exercise number 1 – “Squat”

Stand with your legs apart and shoulder-width apart.
Relax your back, neck and press. Slowly, without lifting the heels from the floor,
sit down. In this position, you need to stay for 15-20
seconds Squatting should be done 15-20 times, depending on
physical fitness and individual abilities.
Exercise can be performed with dumbbells, the weight of which is not less than 2
kilogram and not more than 5.

Exercise number 2 – “Raising the pelvis”

Lie on your back, put your hands along your body. Exercises can be
perform on a sports mat or on a home carpet. Straining
muscles of the buttocks and abs, raise the pelvis. At runtime
Exercises should try to press the shoulder blades and head to the floor.
Hold the pelvic position for 15 seconds, then
slowly return to the starting position. Данное exercise
необходимо повторить 15-20 time.

Exercise number 3 – “Dance Run”

Stand straight, legs together, arms bent at the elbows. Get started
imitate running on the spot, trying to get feet to the buttocks.
Control your breathing. Help yourself with active sweeps,
bent at the elbow at chest level. Running time – 1 minute.
Then you need to rest for 30 seconds, restore
breath. Данное exercise следует повторить 3 раза.

The most effective exercises against cellulite on the legs

Legs – this is the most favorite place for cellulite. Often, slender
legs are covered with “orange peel” that deliver them
owners of a lot of inconvenience. But how избавиться от целлюлита на
legs and do not hesitate to show smooth legs?

Exercise number 1 – “Scissors”

Lie on your back, arms along your body or behind your head (fingers
to the castle). Legs stretched straight. Must raise legs 45
degrees and vigorously breed and cross them for 30
seconds После отдыха в 30 секунд следует повторить exercise 5-7

Exercise number 2 – “Exercise with the ball”

Sit on a chair, legs apart a little. Just above the knees hold
ball. Strain your muscles and stay in this position for 15-20
seconds Данное exercise нужно повторить 15-20 time.

Exercise number 3 – “Waving feet”

Get on your knees, upper body push your elbows
(“All fours”). Спину необходимо выгнуть в зоне lower back.
Alternately make a sharp swing upside down. Exercise follows
repeat 10-15 times on each leg.

It is difficult to get rid of cellulite, but it is quite possible. The main thing –
regularity and diligence.

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