How to get rid of cellulite at home- away the orange peel! Medical advice to combat cellulitehouses

Чт, 24 мар 2016 Автор: врач-терапевт Анна

In people it is believed that cellulite is a change in the subcutaneous
adipose tissue, it manifests itself in the form of bumps and skin reliefs, on
thighs, abdomen. But in medicine, a slightly different definition.

From the point of view of many experts, cellulite is a change in
adipose tissue, they may be of an inflammatory nature, in
eventually lead to impaired lymphatic drainage and microcirculation.


Cellulitis: symptoms and causes

Over the years, there have been debates in medicine about
cellulite. Many people believe that cellulite is a disease that
requires some attention, others say
that this is just a cosmetic flaw.

It is natural not for us to decide whose opinion is really accurate.
The only truth is that today it hits 80%
women, and even young girls fall under this percentage. Everything
This leads to the development of complexes about the appearance.

The main causes of cellulite

The causes of this skin condition are not fully understood.
so far, however, it has been established that cellulite can be transmitted
even inherited. If the mother suffers from this disease, then,
most likely, her daughter will inherit it.

Many believe that the whole thing is in weight, but this is erroneous
opinion. Weight means absolutely nothing, because it can appear as
a complete man, and a slim model. From here you can make
the conclusion that the disease may result from a violation in
metabolism and obesity.

Another serious factor that provokes its formation –
it is too sedentary, leading to the fact that the lymph
stagnates in the tissues.

For other equally important reasons.

• constipation;

• taking birth control pills;

• clothes are too tight and squeezes the skin;

• smoking;

• in the diet a large amount of fat, few nutrients;

• pregnancy;

• taking certain medicines.

But these are the main reasons. Can be identified and predisposing
conditions that, one way or another, play a role in its development:

1. Animal bite.

2. Surgeries transferred by the patient not so long ago.

3. Diabetes.

4. Excessive dry skin.

5. Tattoos.

6. Boils on skin or burns.


The most characteristic sign of cellulite is bumps and dimples on
some areas of the body. With age-related changes in the body, their
quantity and relief increases. Skin lesions
becomes very cold, with a little stress appear
big red spots. At a late stage of the disease, it can
consider even with the naked eye.

Как убрать целлюлит в housesшних условиях – образ жизни

To see cellulite on your body is a real nightmare for everyone.
women. Of course you want to wear a beautiful dress, a swimsuit,
show your beautiful body. But the presence of cellulite immediately
drowns out such a desire, so you have to constantly wear pants
or long skirts. But maybe you should try to get rid of
orange peel?

Everything женщины постоянно куда-то спешат и, к сожалению, совсем
forget to give yourself the proper time. It is from this begins
suffer our beauty. In the cycle of everyday life is really difficult
find even one hour in order to lie in the bathroom, eat
healthy foods, sports and more. Everything происходит
quickly, we eat on the go, we go only by transport, and washing
under the shower, we only think about how to go to bed more quickly. On such
stage of life is to say stop! If you really think
о том, как убрать целлюлит в housesшних условиях, то придется
change your old way of life.


In order to actively fight cellulite, there will be
not enough to massage and play sports. First of all,
pay attention to what you eat. No one today
a diet that could completely rid you of the orange
peel. Still, you can reduce the first signs of cellulite, for
This is necessary to follow small rules in nutrition. Get started
apply them immediately after reading, and after a while you
see the first result:

1. You need to eat often, about five or six times a day, but for
This take small portions of food.

2. Carefully watch what you eat. In your diet
There should be products such as vegetables, dairy products, fruits,
beans, soy. As well as nuts, fish and vegetable products.
Try to minimize the consumption of bread, sweet and

3. Fluids need to drink a lot – at least eight a day
glasses. Drinks should not contain caffeine, sodium and
calories. Also reduce the use of carbonated drinks, so
how they provoke bloating and slow down the process

4. If you do not have a strictly schedule for eating, then
be sure to create it. Indiscriminate eating leads to
возникновению жира и cellulite. Get rid of snacking.

5. Start your meal with fruits and vegetables. Thanks
the fiber contained in them, the body quickly fill.

Exercise stress

No anti-cellulite program will be complete if
there will be no exercise. But the main thing is to pick them up.
need right. For example, many do not know how to get rid of
cellulite on the stomach. There are two useful exercises for this,
performing them every day you can eliminate in a short time
problem that bothers you:

• Lie on your back, put your hands along your body so that
palms rested on the floor. Lift your legs up and start like
draw circles, as if you are riding a bicycle. This exercise
you need to perform as slowly as possible, while fully straightening

• Lie on your side, place your right hand under your head, and your left
put on your waist. Now start slowly lifting your left leg,
while the knee can not bend. The moment you lift it,
take a breath.

You can become much slimmer if you run in the morning.
If you have a lot of excess weight, start with walking, gradually
increase the pace and eventually go on the run.

In order to get rid of cellulite on the buttocks, thighs,
need to do swimming, yoga.


Is it possible to completely remove cellulite using only physical
exercise and diet? Of course not! Everything эти процедуру нужно совмещать
with others. Self-massage is the most effective way to help
get rid of bumps. You can do it by hand or special

1. Try not to rub hard or stretch the skin.

2. Massage выполняйте плавными, легкими движениями.

3. The duration of one massage procedure should be
at least 15 minutes.

4. Start massaging your belly in a clockwise direction, and your hips.
such movements, so that they were directed to the heart.

Well proven massage with regular ice. In advance
Prepare a tincture of mint, linden, chamomile and
green tea. Everything ингредиенты смешайте в равных пропорциях, затем
Pour into molds and freeze. After it turns into
ice, remove and rub in problem areas with quick movements.

Water treatment

In order to tighten the skin and make it more elastic, you need
take water treatments. Water for this should not be hot,
так как она спровоцирует появление еще большего cellulite. But if
take a douche, then all will gradually leave the body

На вопрос, как избавиться от целлюлита в housesшних условиях, на
really many answers. Many of them are listed above, as well.
I would like to note that you can not abuse harmful
habits, especially alcohol. It has a lot of content

Как убрать целлюлит в housesшних условиях – лекарства

You can get rid of unpleasant fat knobs
способами, многие пользуются таблетками от cellulite. The specialists
claim that those pills that went through clinical
research can be safely used in the fight against
cellulite Among the many drugs that can be noted

1. Medicinal products for external use, their finely
crushed and added to masks or scrubs.

2. Tablets taken by mouth.

3. BUDS.

Each of these species is fairly widespread,
many women use such tools and as shows
practice, not quite without effective.

INNEOV Cellus is the most famous cosmetic brand,
разрабатывающий таблетки против cellulite. Medicine is good
absorbed by the body and does not have allergies. But the course
treatment is quite long – from 90 days, it all depends on
What places do you have cellulite and how many have it.

Как убрать целлюлит в housesшних условиях – народные

Избавиться от целлюлита в housesшних условиях можно не только
приемом лекарственных средств, но также и народными facilitiesми.
After a hard day is recommended to take a warm bath. She is
allow your body to relax, relieve fatigue and give new
strength But also the bath has a good anti-cellulite effect.
The skin will feed on nutrients, and blood circulation
thanks to this will improve. But in order to take a bath was
even more useful, it is recommended to add some


Linden collection is necessary to pour boiling water and let it brew in
for 40 minutes. After that, prepare a bath and pour it in a
decoction, the duration of the water treatment – 30 minutes.


In advance приготовьте полтора стакана женьшеня, залейте его
boiled water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the tincture and
Pour it into the bath.

Как убрать целлюлит в housesшних условиях – обёртывания и

There are many different recipes for wrapping. For this
You can use berries, fruits and other spices.

You must prepare your skin for the upcoming
procedure. Take a shower or take a bath, steam it hot
water After that, wipe dry the body and on problem areas
Apply a pre-prepared mixture for wrapping. Required
wrap with cling film or cotton cloth.

At first you might think that wrapping unpleasant
the procedure will feel cold, but after a few minutes everything
will pass, most likely even sweat. One such session should
last for an hour.

The most effective wraps:

1. Peach milk. Take soft peaches and finely chop them
cut, then mix with milk.

2. Parsley. Fresh parsley must be finely chopped and
attach to the skin. After wrapping the film, hold it for two.


The most popular massage is done using cans. But
there are other types that allow you to quickly get rid of

1. Rolling pin. Thanks ней приток крови к коже будет улучшен, кожа
smoothed out, and the stagnation of fat just broken. Pre
prepare your skin to the effects of a rolling pin. Take a stiff brush
and rub the skin. But запомните, что ни в коем случае нельзя
lubricate your skin, it should be dry.

2. Ginger. Take a gauze and soak it well plant
oil, then wrap the pre-crushed ginger.
Good rub the skin of the buttocks, thighs.

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