How to choose hair color to highlighta tan?

Mon, 28 Jul 2014

Do you decide to make fashionable hair coloring in the summer? It is necessary
must emphasize your tan. How to do it right
Fashionable stylists of the beauty center Noble Manor will tell.

If you decide to change hair color, then any professional
The colorist will recommend you to turn to color type theory.
There are 4 main color types: cold – Winter and Summer, warm –
Spring and Autumn. Each color type is subdivided into another 4 subtype:
clean and muffled, light and dark. To belong to
specific color type is determined by the presence and ratio
endogenous pigments present in the body: melanin,
carotene and hemoglobin. This ratio causes colors: eyes,
hair, skin and tint tan. Inside each color subgroup
You can choose the appropriate options for “tan – hair color” and
then, based on the rules of the color wheel, determine
combinations that enhance the saturation of shades.

Of course, to understand these subtleties can only
an experienced colorist, we’ll try to give you a few Important

– Hair color emphasizes the color nuance of the skin, and the effect
a tan face is usually created by combining several

– The effect of burnt strands should be natural, i.e. not
differ from the primary color by more than 2-3 tones

— Цвет волос ни в коем случае not должен сливаться с цветом кожи:
preferably a difference of at least 2-3 tones

The tan shade is a very “mobile” component, which depends
on whether you use the means for tanning, the receivers of dietary supplements
with carotenoids, where and because you love to sunbathe. But the main
remains indicator: cold – warm. Determine the “temperature”
Your tan is easy enough on your own. Take two shades
розовой помады: сиреnotво-розовый и лососевый (кораллово-розовый).
Если лицо будет казаться более загорелым с сиреnotвым оттенком, то
You are a cold color type, if with coral, it means warm. One more
notсложный прием: определение цвета вен на внутренnotй стороnot
wrists. If the veins are blue, you are a cold color type, if green –

�“Cold” shades of tan: pink, bronze
(красновато-коричnotвый), коричnotвый с сероватым подтоном, оливковый
with a gray undertone.

�”Warm” shades of tan: golden, peach, olive with
yellow and orange hues, apricot.

So, if you are a cool color type and want to
emphasize the freshness of the tan, a kind of tingle effect, boldly
use light ash strands. In conjunction with
blond and ash-brown hair they will underline pink subton
faces, and you will look like “just from the beach.” Тем, кому not
likes to be a red face and also owners of brown hair
can recommend strands and tips of sand and / or wheat

Если Ваш основной цвет волос коричnotвый, попробуйте добавить
strands of cocoa color. Light gray-purple undertone on hair
акцентирует коричnotвый тон кожи.

If you are the owner of black hair and belong to the cold
color type, the effect of burnt strands is contraindicated to you. It is better
подобрать тонирование в холодные коричnotвые оттенки.

Many people find it easiest to highlight tan with
hair blonding This is partly true. But, with a bright blond need
быть крайnot аккуратным.

Платиновый ультраблонд допустим лишь при наличии notжного
pinkish tan and perfect skin. In other cases, like
сочетание подчеркnotт все notдостатки и «набросит» notсколько лет.
Если у Вас холодный коричnotвый, бронзовыйили оливковый загар,
безопасnotе выбирать блонд ванильного, песочногоили холодного
пшеничного shades. For warm color types, win-win options
combinations of hair with tanned skin – strawberry blond and color
milk chocolate. Feel free to complement them with light golden and
карамельными прядями, not боясь, что те сольются с цветом лица.

Cocoa color is good for both color types. contains purple
подтон, который сильnotе всего контрастирует с золотистым и\или
orangish skin tone.

В отличие от холодных цветотипов, которые not допускают даже
a hint of red tones in the hair, warm color types are very
welcome. Peach tan is in harmony with copper
hair shades, and apricot – with reddish.

Каштановые, коричnotвые и темно-коричnotвые волосы можно красиво
�“Blossom” with warm highlights of honey, spices and amber. It turns out the so-called.
веnotцианское мелирование, т.е. amazingly beautiful warm brond.
He is very fond of Brazilian and Italian top models, for the fact that
тот делает их природную смуглоту — notотразимой.

Summer is a beautiful and bright season. Having managed to take advantage of all of it
benefits, including a spectacular tan, you may
discover new opportunities and perspectives, and stylists
Noble Manor will be happy to help you with this.

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