How to apply foundation to face(a photo)? Types, methods, means of proper application to the facefoundation

Пт, 01 апр 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Without which no woman can do without a tonal

This is the most beloved, versatile and indispensable cosmetic.
the product is able to transform the face in minutes.

Thanks to the correctly selected and wisely used
You can throw off the tonalnik visually for ten or fifteen years, hide
wrinkles and pimples, and also protect the skin from dirt and dangerous

How to apply foundation to face?


Foundation: types and purpose

It is long gone times when Russian women were
forced to use the only nationwide foundation
�”Ballet”. The modern cosmetic industry is developing so much
at a fast pace that sometimes sort out the abundance of tonal resources
quite difficult not only for a novice, but also for an experienced front-line fighter

Practical each cosmetic brand is considered its duty.
annually update the line of decorative tools. Different
density, composition, goals, they require competent application. Other
In words, you need to understand how to properly apply foundation to

Types of tonal products:

• liquid foundation (foundation);

• tonal fluid;

• tonal mousse;

• cream powder;

• compact stick;

• BB cream;

• CC Cream;

• Twins;

• concealer camouflage.

Жидкий тональный крем-основа — наиболее
распространенный вариант foundation. Perfect for
normal, combination or dry skin, it lays down easily, well
levels, gives smoothness and velvet. It varies by
application density: can be highly pigmented, very
dense or rather light and even translucent. Product gives
good masking effect, may contain reflective
particles. For dry skin cream with a high content of cosmetic
oils, but for oily need to purchase funds with the formula
Oil-Free, that is, without them.

Тональный флюид — средство для обладательниц
young, almost perfect skin without visible flaws. Very good
moisturizes, leaves no greasy, but also opaque
his ability is low. Especially good for dry skin and just
indispensable in the summer heat, when cosmetics just flows. Use
can be every day, but for women after 30 such a tool is not
fit: too little pigment.

Тональный мусс представляет собой взбитый до
air condition cream, which as a result is very different
easy application. It is very well applied, evens out skin tone,
does not clog pores and wrinkles, does not turn the face into an oil pancake,
suitable for fading and oily skin. Only thing not worth
expect from this means – high disguise. With pimples it is not

Крем-пудра включает в состав адсорбирующие
components, and therefore good for dry skin. Remedy easy
applied, perfectly masks flaws, matting and can
used daily.

Компактный стик создан именно для того, чтобы
mask individual skin defects. Its thick texture
able to mask and acne, and inflamed areas, and other
limitations. However, the same product property makes it quite
heavy for the skin, and therefore using the product every day is not
worth it.

BB-cream (from Blemish Balm – “cream from
обладает способностью подстраиваться под
skin tint, moisturize it, accelerate regeneration, take off
inflammation, mask imperfections, protect from solar
ultraviolet. Some creams treat acne well,
whiten the face, have anti-aging properties.

CC Cream (from color correcting – color correction)
combines the properties of a base under makeup (or primer),
foundation, консилера, корректора, увлажняющего и
anti-aging cream and also provides sunscreen

How to apply foundation to face, если это ВВ или СС
means? By the same rules as the usual “tonalki”. The main thing,
pick up the tone as close as possible to the natural complexion.

Необычный продукт — тональный твинс. It can
apply wet (get a light foundation) or
dry sponge (and then it will look like powder).

Тональный крем-камуфляж — это максимально
dense product that includes not only pigment, but also
water-repellent components: wax, silicones. Applied with difficulty
used to mask highly pigmented scars
plots (including birthmarks), keeps on the skin for a very long time.
Such a means to wash off with water will not work, we need special

How to apply foundation to face: пошаговые

To make skin look even, you need to know how to properly
нанести тональный крем на face. Main steps
the following.

1. Prepare the skin: clean, wipe with a tonic or lotion,
Apply day cream, wait until fully absorbed. If on face
there are traces of cream, they need to get wet with a dry cloth.

2. Disguise skin imperfections: acne, redness, scars
dark spots.

3. Spread the foundation (as you like: with your fingers, brush or
spongem), distributing the remedy from the center of the forehead, the back of the nose and
chin to the periphery, that is, in the temple. Spread product
you need to the very edge of the hair, so that there is no noticeable sharp

4. Apply corrector to the line of the cheekbones, forehead, chin, nose.

5. Fix the result with powder.

Тональную основу can наносить по-разному:
fingers, brush or sponge. The difference is in the details. Work
fingers comfortable, but there are important nuances. First: by no means
should squeeze a large amount of liquid cream on the fingers and
smear the product in the face. Excess cream will create a mask on the face.
The second point: solid means must be applied by hand.

How to apply foundation to face

  • Separate the right amount of liquid cream, put on the back
    side of the brush;

  • fingers of the working hand to collect small portions of the product and
    spread by face;

  • if the product is liquid, the movements should be gliding, if
    solid – drive in.

For face sculpting, you can use a corrector or another
оттенок foundation.

• To hide wide cheekbones, they need to put more
dark shade.

• You can make your nose more elegant with the help of a light corrector,
applied to the back of the nose and nose. Simultaneously darkened
nose wings.

How to apply foundation to face кистью или
Everything is very simple. Brush is very convenient to apply.
liquid, light tonal cream and shading borders. If on
the face has pronounced pores, should be done light driving

Sponge is used for both dry and wet application.
It allows you to apply the cream in a very thin, inconspicuous layer, creating
effect of porcelain skin. Movement must be wet, light.
or driving in.

Важное правило: подбирая тон тонального
means, it is important to choose the closest skin color. Dark
�”Tonalnik” ages five years. In the extreme case more suitable
a light shade (the rule of stylists: a tone lighter – by ten years

How to apply foundation to face: маскируем

For masking skin imperfections are used tonal
proofreaders of green, lilac, white, pink and beige.
If on коже есть acne, постакне, воспаленные участки, сразу
put on her tonal basis, even dense, it is not necessary: ​​it
подчеркнет неровности, привлечет внимание к acneкам.

How to apply foundation to face, чтобы
to mask the postacne and make the perfect makeup?
flat surface with the help of grouting pores (without silicone base).
The product is applied with clean fingers to the surface you need.

1. To choose a covering for the face, and it should not be
tight (this will create a mask under which the skin will not be visible).
You can use BB or CC cream.

2. Apply foundation with patting, hammering movements.
either with your fingers or with a voluminous cosmetic sponge
(beauty blender). На этом этапе тон кожи выровняется, но acneки
will still be visible.

3. Apply a tight masking correction product. Small
количество продукта вбить точечно в acneки.

4. Fix the coating with colorless mineral
powder Apply it tediously large brush, gently rubbing

During the day, makeup needs to be corrected with matting.

Есть другой способ коррекции, который подойдет
for acne and inflamed red areas. Here’s how
apply foundation on face if green is used

• apply tone;

• небольшой кисточкой нанести на acneк корректор зеленого цвета
(green color neutralizes, overlaps red – this is the main
the principle of color correction) and a little shade that was not clearly
pronounced spots;

• набрать на подушечку пальца капельку foundation и
pat it on the green color (not
smear! Movement must be “preprinting”);

• apply powder.

How to apply foundation to face: прячем

Тональный крем способен «спрятать» wrinkles под глазами, в
the corners of the eyelids, in the region of the nasolabial triangle. You can do it
With the help of a light remedy, but a dense, fat cream will not work.
To correct wrinkles, you need to use a lighter
concealer or concealer (water-based concealer).

1. First, apply the tone on the entire face: on the forehead from hair
down, and on the face – from nose to ears. It is better to work on aged skin
cosmetic sponge, performing drive-in, clapping

2. In the area of ​​the nasolabial folds wet the skin to remove
excess tone.

3. Apply with a thin brush on the outlined or obvious folds.
foundation lighter shade or light concealer, drive
with your fingers.

4. Apply a little cream under the eyes, but do not powder
loose powder: it will emphasize wrinkles.

5. Vertical folds on lips should also be masked.
более светлым оттенком foundation или корректора.

Knowing how to properly apply foundation to the face, can
look great in any situation at any age.

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