How is reflected on the legs wearing heels

Thu, Sep 11, 2014 Not everyone knows what to wear for
a long time high heel shoes can affect
the condition of the female legs is not the best way, namely
increases the load on muscles and bones. Avoiding problems will help
some simple recommendations.



It is established that the load on the knee is about 26%. AT
potential it can lead to the development of knee osteoarthritis
joints – a disease whose companion is pain in the knees
and joint deformities. As a rule, the problem makes itself felt
women after 40 years. ATпрочем, чаще все же остеоартроз проявляется
have the fair sex, genetically predisposed to this disease.
A significant role is played by the presence of overweight or knee injury,
received in the past.

The solution to the problem is an active lifestyle and a constant tone of the legs.
Whenever possible, high heels are best abandoned, and when
the manifestation of the symptoms described contact a specialist.


Wearing a high heel may well exacerbate the problem.
valgus deformities of the foot – an extremely unpleasant disease,
accompanied by curvature or deformation of the fingers, especially
metatarsophalangeal joint of the first finger. Shoes get tough and
it hurts to wear because of the so-called “bumps” near the base of a large
fingertips. Another likely problem – metatarsalgia – pain
syndrome, triggered by a combination of narrow toe and pressure
on the forefoot.

The solution to the problem is to choose the right shoes, in shoes should
be comfortable standing and walking. Try to abandon the narrow

For the prevention and treatment of deformation of the finger, as well as
the appearance of “bumps” on the foot, doctors recommend using
фиксаторы “ATальгус”. They effectively fight disease and absolutely
safe as opposed to surgery.


Shoes with stiff straps and heels in combination with high
hairpin can cause irritation in the heel area, which in its
the queue can provoke inflammation of the articular sac, which
located near the Achilles tendon and connects to the calcaneus
calf muscle. ATначале образуется чувствительное плотное пятно,
and after an increase in the inflamed articular bag, a large
red knot causing pain.

The solution to the problem is to choose shoes in size so that she does not rub
and did not cause discomfort. Under the heels you can use thin
linings, they will minimize back pressure.

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