How do kelp facial masks solve problems?Simple recipes masks from kelp for the face at homeconditions

Сб, 27 янв 2018 Автор: Анна Кедрова

Another name for kelp seaweed is sea ginseng, clear
fits its unique characteristics to take care
about the beauty of the face, without resorting to salon procedures. Masks with
kelp suit all skin types and ages, and the effect of them
noticeable from the first application.


What is so special about sea kale that makes masks from
ламинарии for face в домашних conditions такими полезными

The active substances of the composition of kelp affect the skin on
deep, cellular level and directly interfere with metabolic processes,
which largely explains the duration of the effects
masks with sea kale.

The anti-aging properties of masks from laminaria for the face at home
conditions давно превратились в легенду. But she is quite true, and
in addition, the substances contained in the kelp, affect the
skin as follows.

– iodine smoothes and gives it a velvety tenderness without greasy

– Choline refreshes and tones;

– zinc dries the inflamed areas and fights with such
problems like redness of the skin in the cold and acne;

– ascorbic acid as an antioxidant prevents
photoaging and smoothes deep wrinkles;

– niacin whitens, gives a healthy shine and displays
age spots with freckles;

– potassium promotes deep hydration of the epidermis,
preventing flaking;

– iron adjusts the supply to the cells of a large number

Masks with ламинарией усиливают регенерацию кожи, бережно очищают
it from dead particles, contribute to the elimination of toxins and even
can eliminate its old imperfections – traces of acne and

Rules for the use of kelp masks for the face at home

Before using the kelp mask, you should carefully
wash, ideally – use a scrub or peeling.

All masks with kelp easily washed off with clean water. Cool
preferred for most remedies but some due
related ingredients are best washed warm. Also not
It is forbidden to wash with cool herbal decoction, for example, from
chamomile or green tea.

Маску из ламинарии for face в домашних conditions довольно
use only 1 time per week, but if the skin needs a special
care – you can twice.

Finished kelp from kelp is very slippery. So, firstly,
after applying the mask, it is recommended to lie so that the composition is more reliable
retained on the face of the allotted time, and secondly, you can enter in
mask thickener, for example, cosmetic clay.

But not all are useful masks with sea kale – there are

– kuperoz (disease of the circulatory system manifested
vascular mesh on the face)

– open and healing wounds, postoperative sutures, strong
inflammation of the face and neck;

– a number of thyroid diseases, which are prohibited

– pregnancy and lactation.

Как правильно готовить в домашних conditions маски из ламинарии
for face

It is more convenient to buy kelp in the form of already crushed to powder.
or grains, but if not found – thallus can be crumbled with your own
by hands.

To get the base of almost any mask, kelp is soaked in
normal or mineral water of room or warm temperature at
term from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Then, you need to gently squeeze it out.
excess moisture, but do not turn back to dry.

If the kelp harvested too much – the excess can be stored in
the refrigerator, soaking again, for a couple of days.

Рецепты масок из ламинарии for face в домашних conditions


Replacing professional tools with a lifting effect can
regular gelatin. Smooth wrinkles and citrus with vitamin

Take a bag of gelatin and fill it with water according to
instructions on the package. When it swells, put the dishes with it
in a water bath and melt, then – remove from heat and cool. AT
still hot gelatin add 2 tbsp. spoons of dry kelp powder and
wait an hour until the algae swells. ATведите в состав 25 мл сока
апельсина или грейпфрута и 1 ампулу витамина BUT. Размешайте все
carefully and spread the mask over your face. In 15-20 minutes
wash your face

Lemon with protein

Lemon – tones and refreshes, prepares the skin for perception
favorite care products, egg white dries fatty areas
skin, aligns not only the color, but also its very texture. ATсе вместе
with kelp has a pronounced rejuvenating effect for
tired and fading skin.

ATозьмите 1,5 ст. spoon of kelp from kelp, add 1 tsp
citrus fruit juice – preferably lemon, but it will do
Mandarin, and also add egg white. Apply mask to face and
wash off after 15 minutes.

Sour cream with lemon

Natural sour cream whitens the skin, eliminating unwanted
sunburn, age spots and freckles. She is especially good at it.
property in conjunction with lemon.

ATозьмите 2 ст. spoons of kelp kelp, 3 tbsp. spoons thick oily
sour cream and 2 tsp lemon juice. Connect everything and apply mask
on the face. Через 20 минут wash your face


The composition of sweet and sour apples is quite rich in order to
blends with kelp serve as a fast-acting oily remedy.
skin, and honey helps to renew its cells and nourishes.

Prepare 2 tbsp. spoons of kelp kelp and mix them with such
the same amount of finely grated apple pulp and 1 teaspoon
melted on a water bath flower honey. Нанесите mask на
лицо и через 15 минут wash your face

Plantain and clay

Clay is one of the most gentle scrubs for sensitive skin.
Along the way, the clay removes oily shine and mattes the skin. Butter
peach pits – an antioxidant plus vitamin elixir, and
plantain not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine, is known
regenerating properties that the skin really needs after any
scrub or peeling.

ATозьмите 20 г глины — розовой, белой или голубой, 1 ст. a spoon
dry kelp in powder form, mix, pour in a little warm
decoction and remove infuse 1,5-2 hours. Before use
masks, add 7 ml of peach kernel oil and mix

Распределите mask по коже лица и, выдержав полчаса,
wash your face

Buckwheat with rosehip and bergamot

ATместе с ламинарией гречка действует в этой маске как средство
normalizes the metabolism of oily skin, bergamot treats painful
acne, and rosehip – heals the skin in general,
along the way matting her tone.

Prepare a decoction of wild rose berries, fill them with 25 g of dry
crushed algae and clean infuse 45-60 minutes. By
After this time, add flour to the dish with the mask and add
a few drops of essential oil to taste – bergamot can be replaced
tea tree Нанесите mask на 10-15 минут, после чего тщательно
wash your face

With mango

Deep moisturizing and moisture retention is necessary for dry skin.
faces. This is facilitated not only by kelp, but also unique
complex composition of mango, and milk and egg – in principle, are common to
moisturizing masks.

Soak for an hour 40 ml of warm milk 1 tbsp. a spoon порошка
kelp. Add 2 yolks as well as 10 ml of mango oil. With
If desired, it can be replaced with a mash of fresh fruit.
Перемешайте все и нанесите mask на кожу лица, а через полчаса —
аккуратно снимите ее влажными ватными дисками и wash your face

Oatmeal with grapefruit

Byмимо удаления черных точек и сужения пор, эта маска
evens out skin tone and tones it, especially in problem areas,
which, for example, is expressed in less pronounced bags under the eyes in
result of sleep disorders or water-salt balance.

Byдготовьте 50 г крошеной ламинарии, залив ее минеральной водой
without gas. After 30-40 minutes, add 30 g of oatmeal to it (or
oatmeal), as well as 25 ml of aloe plant juice. Withготовьте
also some slices of fresh grapefruit. To apply this mask
skin must be steamed beforehand and should be distributed
no frills – only on problem areas – nose, chin and forehead.
After 10-20 minutes, wash and wipe your face with citrus fruit – he
will help pores to close soon.


Byльзоваться сильными средствами когда на коже только
showing the first signs of aging is unwise. But carrots in
adjacent to seaweed acts gently, smoothes wrinkles
by renewing the cells and saturating them with collagen, and also
mixes with cream, perfectly soothes inflamed rashes.

Boil or bake carrots and, having separated a slice in 25 g,
turn it into a puree. Add 1 tbsp. a spoon жирных сливок и 1 ст.
a spoon сухого порошка kelp. Stir. Set aside for 30 minutes
to kelp absorbed moisture. Byкройте маской кожу лица и оставьте
so for half an hour, and then remove her surplus with a paper towel and
lightly wash with warm water.

With almond oil and vitamins

The long-term effect of this mask for mature skin for 10-14 days
provides a toned face contour and almost complete disappearance
�“Crow’s feet” around the eyes.

ATозьмите 15 г сушеной петрушки, 30 г сухой ламинарии и
grind both ingredients up to the flour texture, ideally, achieve this
Easy to grinder. Dilute with warm water and after about 10 minutes.
add 10 ml of olive and almond oil to the swollen gruel,
а также по 1 ампуле витаминов Е и BUT. Byставьте посуду с маской на
water bath and warm up to about 38 ° C degrees, after which,
мешкая нанесите on the face.

After half an hour, gently clean your face from the mask, first wiping
her wet cotton pad, then – washed very warm, almost
hot water.

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