How bodybuilders use metformin toslimming

Метформин для slimming первыми начали использовать бодибилдеры.
These athletes are very proud of their bulging muscles and agree
on any experiments, if only there was not a trace of subcutaneous on the body
fat Therefore, they often take different strong drugs,
which weight loss – just a side effect. So with
Metformin: the drug is only for
diabetic patients, but the last 10 years is the most popular
drug for those who dream of a slim graceful figure.



What is Metformin

Metformin is an active pharmacological substance.
used to lower high blood sugar in
diabetes patients. For them, it is vital because
helps to maintain at a normal level roughly broken
disease exchange of carbohydrates in the body. Drug at constant
regular intake protects against excessive rise in blood sugar,
from clogging of blood vessels by cholesterol and from fatty degeneration of all
organs. But in a healthy person, the cells are completely different.
биохимические процессы, поэтому для slimming Метформин можно
use only a short time.

If you buy it without a doctor’s prescription, you can
get confused from the abundance of different forms of release. Judge for yourself:
Metfohamma, Siofor, Metformin, Glucophage, Metospanin, Formetin,
Gliformin, Glyukofag, Glykon, Orabet, Bagomet are trading
names of drugs with the same active ingredient –
metformin hydrochloride. In addition, they are available in different
dosages and operate at different times. What to do? General advice:
choose one drug and not change it.

How Metformin helps to lose weight

Metformin maintains normal blood sugar levels. For
of this, it blocks the absorption of carbohydrates from food and inhibits
the formation of its reserves in the form of glycogen in the liver. As a result
the body begins to experience energy deficiency, as with
fasting, and forced to actively spend the accumulated internal
fat. But at the same time the drug does not allow blood sugar much
fall, so the person does not feel hunger even in
fasting days. Although Metformin itself does not burn subcutaneous fat, its
stocks are melting away. This is due to the ability of the drug.
increase the sensitivity of cells to the hormone insulin – the main thing
regulator of carbohydrate metabolism, appetite stimulator and process
formation of new fats. And the less it is produced, the
you want to eat less, and the faster fat deposits in
problem areas of the body.

How to safely lose weight with Metformin

Those who dare to lose weight with Metformin must abide by the rules
protecting against the dangerous complications of taking this medication. During
or immediately after eating you need to drink 1 tablet (500 or 850 mg) 2 or
even 3 times a day for no more than 3 months. Sure to
drastically limit the consumption of sweets and fast carbohydrates to
Do not suffer from abdominal pain and diarrhea. At the same time try,
so that the volume of liquid per day is about 30 ml per kg
actual weight.

In the early days, those who lose weight with Metformin are often tortured.
symptoms resembling toxicosis in pregnant women: nausea, absence
appetite, metallic taste in the mouth. They arise because of
carbohydrate deficiency in the body and gradually pass or
alone or after reducing the dose of the drug. The main thing –
remember: you can not starve!

If there are problems with the gall bladder, kidneys, heart or
liver, it is better not to take the drug. It is forbidden to pregnant
mothers and breastfeeding.

How to lose weight fast with Metformin

As you already understood, Metformin blocks only the exchange of carbohydrates.
This means that eaten sweets, baking or pasta will not be able to
spoil the figure, although you still have to suffer: at least a day
Rumbling in the abdomen, gas and loose stools are guaranteed. But even
Do not eat carbohydrates at all and at the same time lean on fatty foods, then
lose weight will not succeed. Therefore, the first rule is to use
diet foods.

With the help of Metformin carbohydrates produced in the body
captured by muscle cells, where they burn. That’s why this
drug like athletes before the competition: for muscles
a lot of energy accumulates, they become stronger and more enduring.
But if you dream of losing weight, swallow pills and sit in front of
TV – glucose can not burn. If you do not want to
the mirror instead of a slim body bodybuilder swayed loose
cellulite mass – albeit small, but daily physical
loads should become the norm.

The third rule concerns health. Do not take risks and take
вместе с Метформином другие добавки или лекарства для slimming, в
which structure there are diuretic or laxative components. Is always
there is a risk in such cases to damage the kidneys, and then
forgetting about the figure, fight for your own life.

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