Home hair straightening: howfaster? Straighten hair at home correctly, without harmfor hair

WITHб, 28 май 2016 Автор: Карина Рамазанова

Straight lines – to curl, curls – to straighten …

Any girl will understand that we are talking about hair.

Twist beautiful curls difficult enough, especially if you do
it yourself. It is much easier to straighten hair, because for
straightening and there is a special device – iron.

Hair straightening does not take much time and does not require
any special skills, so not necessarily for this
simple procedure to go to a beauty salon.

In this case, it is important to know how to straighten hair in
home conditions so that the hair condition does not deteriorate and the effect
lasted as long as possible.

Actually this will be discussed later in the article.


How to straighten hair at home using ironing

The opinion is widespread that the straightening iron spoils a lot
hair dries them and contributes to the appearance of split ends.
Of course, the very first irons appeared to have no protective
coatings, and there was no means to protect the hair when
heat treated, so the hair will deteriorate with frequent use
straightening iron. But time does not stand still, so now
This statement can be safely refuted.

Straightening hair at home with the help of ironing,
You must follow a number of rules:

1. Apply thermal protective agent to hair before straightening.
must necessarily! This is the only way to protect hair from
dry heat. Such funds
there is quite a lot – it can be sprays, vibes,
serums, etc. It does not matter what kind of thermal protection
tool will be used. The main thing is to have hair
are protected.

2. Before straightening the hair must be dried. Of course better
do it without the help of a hair dryer, and wait for the natural drying,
так как две подряд термические обработки — испытание for hair,
even healthy and protected. If the wet strands start straightening, then
Of course, they will straighten up, but this will have an extremely negative impact on their

3. The hair straightener is not recommended to heat over
temperature 200 degrees. Whatever healthy and strong hair is
were, as it were not well protected, they can quickly turn
in the loofah, if they are often straightened at a high temperature.

4. It is recommended to use the iron no more than 2-3 times a week.
Hair should rest from the endless styling.

Only if these rules are observed, the hair will remain healthy,
soft and shiny. Neglect of the rules will lead to deterioration.
hair structure and stratification.

Straighten hair at home using the ironing can
very quickly and easily, so this device settled in the house almost at
every girl. To make the extension as stable as possible,
need to straighten small strands of hair. If hold
an iron straightener for all hair, the effect will undoubtedly be, but
will it be long ?! To increase the effect of straightening,
especially for very lush and curly hair, better to use
styling agent before the procedure and lightly sprinkle with varnish for
hair after straightening.

Of course, the iron is not the only helper in straightening hair.
There are other ways to straighten hair, which is not so
aggressively affect the hair structure. True for
hair straightening using alternative methods required
some more time.

How to straighten hair at home with a hair dryer

For girls who wash their hair and straighten hair each
day, the most preferred method of hair straightening – styling with
using a hair dryer. Only so that the hair is less “injured”
when straightening, it is better to dry them with cool air, and not

Hair straightening with a hair dryer at home – not
too simple procedure. There is some sequence
Action to follow:

1. First, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and
balm Balm must be used after each
washing, only apply it to the total weight of the hair, avoiding
root zone. Then the hair must be blotted with a towel,
so that they do not drip water. After that, for more effect from
straightening, you can apply a means to smooth hair. it
may be mousse, gel, etc.

2. Then you need to apply a heat protective agent on the hair, since
when drying hair, hair needs extra protection even if
airflow will be non-hot. Total hair mass needed
split the comb with sparse teeth into several strands and
fasten them with clamps. In no case can not comb wet
hair! Otherwise they will begin to stretch, split and break.

3. Directly for straightening you will need a round comb.
with fine bristles and a hair dryer with a narrow nozzle. Need to take one of
strands, place a round comb under it, turn on the hairdryer and
bring it up from the top strands. Then you need to pull the strand
comb, while drying her hair dryer. After complete drying
and straightening one strand is necessary to proceed to the next. WITH
each strand of hair is better to perform this procedure several times
since at one time and the hair is not dry, and straightening is not
work out.

This method of hair straightening requires training and takes
quite a long time, of course, in this respect the iron is much more convenient.
Но гораздо безопаснее for hair — использования фена в качестве
straightening agents. In addition, this method has one
additional plus – during laying, if a round comb
keep close to the roots, you can get a good volume, comparable
with volume from a pile.

How to straighten hair at home without ironing and hair dryer

It would seem that how you can pacify the curls, without affecting them
no air flow or hot temperature? Turns out to exist and
other methods of hair straightening at home. True, by
their effectiveness, they are much lower than the previous ones

Currently, professional stores are represented
various means to make hair smooth. it могут быть
shampoos, balms, masks, sprays or serums. Of course,
it is better to use the whole series at once, since the effect of one
funds may simply be invisible. After использования подобных
means hair really becomes smooth and even, even if
were dried naturally. But these funds are absolutely not
will help if the hair by nature is very wavy or curly. Yes and
There are such means, especially in professional stores, completely
not cheap. So for a set of shampoo, balsam and masks have
lay out about 1500 rubles. But no harm to hair such
means will not cause, unlike the hair dryer and ironing.

In addition to specialized tools among girls are popular
homemade masks based on oils. Oils can be used
any, most importantly natural. As a basis for the mask fits
even olive oil. Other ingredients are selected individually.
depending on the condition of the hair. However, homemade masks fit
far from every girl. If you use oil masks on
hair prone to fat, mask only exacerbate the situation. If a
apply a mask on dry hair, the effect will undoubtedly be
positive. Hair straightening in this case will be achieved
due to the weighting of hair soaked in oil, no more.

Hairdressers do not recommend using home masks,
made from ordinary oils. According to the professionals pharmacy
and vegetable oils used for cooking cannot
soak into the hair and adversely affect the structure
hair. They block access to oxygen and with frequent use
such oils hair will begin to break and split. If a преследуется цель
To heal hair, it is undoubtedly better to use specialized
oil, and not to experiment on your hair.

WITHуществует специальная расческа для выпрямления волос. In form
the comb reminds the iron more. True, instead of heating
plates are teeth. You can use this comb when
styling a hair dryer, and without using it. Clean wet hair
divided into strands and each strand must be combed several
once such a comb. Combing hair will have to periodically up to
complete drying. Of course, это выход для тех девушек, у которых
there is a time to wait for the hair to dry naturally and that
They want to heat-treat their hair. But also
machining wet hair does not affect their condition
in the best way. It’s still better to comb your hair dry
the form.

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