Herbalife slimming products

  • 1 What are Herbalife slimming products?
    • 1.1 Tea
    • 1.2 Cocktail
  • 2 Reception program
    • 2.1 Results

Herbalife is a complex of diverse, popular around the world.
products designed to balance nutrition, weight loss
and care of appearance.

Products is American. In Los Angeles even open
Own Herbalife Science Center. The company is investing large
funds in the work of the Laboratory of cellular and molecular nutrition,
which studies the properties of plants.

Clinical studies of Herbalife products take place in different
countries. The results are published in the public domain. This
products enrich nutrition with valuable elements and essential
protein. Weight control becomes easier, adhering to all


What are Herbalife slimming products?

The Herbalife campaign creates a wide range of drugs to help
in losing weight.

Consider some of them:

  • Комплекс пищевых волокон Продукт поддерживает
    optimal intestinal microflora. Consume with food. AT
    one serving contains: 3g prebiotics, daily dose of soluble
    dietary fiber;
  • Мультивитамины Продукт поддерживает баланс
    nutrients in the body, helps to restore
    cells. Contains 11 minerals, 11 herbal ingredients,
    12 витаминов: С и Е, бета-каротин, витамины группы AT, кальций,
    phosphorus, iron, iodine;
  • Питательные батончики Экспресс (шоколад;
    berry) The bar contains a complex of 23 vitamins and
    minerals. Energy value – 207 kcal. Does not contain GMOs
    preservatives and artificial sweeteners. Is not
    as a supplement, so it can be used instead of one dose.
    food. Effectively satisfies hunger due to protein content (13g) and
    fiber (8g). AT состав также входят углеводы (21г) и жиры
  • Протеиновая смесь Средство представляет собой
    a mixture of soy and whey protein. It is an additive in food for
    nutritional balance. The drug helps repair cells
    body and energizes;
  • Томатный суп с базиликом Продукт содержит в
    se: 7g protein; alimentary fiber; 3.6 g of fiber; lipokin
    (antioxidant). Food value- 104kkal Herbalife Soup is simple in
    cooking. 2.5 spoons of soup should be filled with hot water and
    stir Quenches hunger;
  • Сбалансированный завтрак Содержит комплекс
    Herbalife products for weight loss: 1. Aloe Concentrate – promotes
    cleansing the body from the inside; 2. Herbal drink – supports
    energy; 3. Cocktail Formula 1 – enriches with vitamins and replenishes
    energy for the whole day;
  • Изотонический напиток Препарат восстанавливает
    water-salt balance, enriches with vitamins (D, C, E) and energy.
    Promotes better absorption of nutrients, strengthens
    immune system;
  • BAA metabolic accelerator Thermo Komplit
    The product contributes to the natural burning of fat by accelerating
    metabolism and blunting hunger. Contains over 20
    active plant ingredients.

Herbalife’s slimming product range is extensive.
a set of tools that can be found on the official
company website. Products actively help in the fight against obesity,
restoring the metabolism, the water balance of the body, nourishing the cells
essential vitamins and minerals.


AT комплекс продуктов входят специальный Tea Гербалайф для
losing weight Tea Энергетический NRG придает бодрость за счет
natural ingredients. AT состав NRG входит южноамериканское
guarana plant, which has tonic properties.

Herbalife herbal drinks have several flavors: lemon,
raspberry, classic. AT состав чая входят:

  • green tea extract – helps to eliminate toxins
    the accumulation of vitamin C;
  • Thein has a tonic effect;
  • other useful components that contribute to the work of the gastrointestinal tract,
    digestion, cleansing and filling with energy.

In addition to useful properties, Herbalife teas have a pleasant taste and
smell. Наслаждаясь его вкусом, ATы будете наполнять организм
useful elements and lose weight with benefit.


For fans of cocktails Herbalife has developed a wide range
вкусных и полезных протеиновых коктейлей для losing weight

The following Herbalife cocktails are on the market.

  • Protein shake individually wrapped
    (7 порций) Содержит 17г белка, витамины и
    minerals, antioxidants, fiber, carbohydrates, calcium caseinate
    suitable for people with milk intolerance;
  • Protein shakes for 21 servings in one
    There are many flavors: Pina Colada,
    Шоколад, Печенье, Дыня, Маракуйя, ATаниль, капучино, Клубника.
    Herbalife cocktails are complete substitutes for food due to
    rich in micronutrients to satisfy hunger and
    saturating the cells of the body. The product is easy to digest.
    maintains blood sugar balance, provides the body
  • Протеиновый коктейль «ATосстановление силы»
    The product promotes rapid recovery after physical
    loads. Designed for athletes or people actively
    involved in sports. One serving contains 25g of protein. Take
    follows immediately after exercise;
  • Протеиновый коктейль «Формула1 Спорт» Еще один
    продукт, разработанный для людей, involved in sports.
    Promotes rapid recovery, maintaining muscle mass. AT
    one serving contains 18g of milk protein. Can be taken in
    any time of the day.

Herbalife has also developed a special shaker,
simplifying the preparation of protein shakes.

Reception program

The Herbalife slimming program is 30 days.
There is a basic, extended, complete and VIP program for
losing weight

Consider the base system.

Herbalife Slimming – Reception Program

  • Protein kokail Formula 1 (2 cans) – you can drink 2 servings
    per day, replacing a full meal;
  • Vegetable concentrate Gerbal Aloe (1 can) – 1 pack
    contains 473 ml, is drunk on an empty stomach. Dissolve 3 caps of juice in a glass
  • Thermojettix Herbal Drink (1 can) – drink after juice
    Aloe. ¼ tsp dilute in warm water.

For the best effect, combine the reception of Herbalife products with
balanced meals, drink plenty of fluids, whenever possible


The first results appear in a month. amount
dropped kilograms depends on what course you take and
what diet you follow.

  • Basic course allows you to lose 2-5kg
  • With the expanded program it takes 2-6kg
  • The full program allows you to reset 4-7kg per month

Before purchasing and starting a course, consult
with a doctor. Особенно, если у ATас есть хронические или иммунные
diseases. With proper use of Herbalife products
health will only be strengthened.

results slimming:

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