Healing mask for brittle hair from simplehome remedies. What to do and how to use the mask forbrittle hair

Ср, 06 сен 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Owners of dry hair type are more likely to face
the problem of fragility of curls than girls with normal or fat
hair However, any strands may become dehydrated and
weak Masks for brittle hair homemade help
solve the problem without wasting time and money.


Causes of hair breakage

Hair injured daily. Combs, tight twisting,
drying, aggressive procedures in the beauty salon – all this leads to
fragility. Hair rods break, and in different parts, and than
the situation is more started, the hairstyle looks more pitiable. To damage
Hair causes include the following.

• Improper or inadequate care for curls. Wrong
selected shampoo, blow-dry or curling with hot tongs without
thermal protection, the absence of balsam-rinse, nutritional or
moisturizing mask – all this will eventually exhaust the resources of hair,
and they will become lifeless and brittle.

• Aggressive effect on the hair of the ultraviolet and other
external factors: wind dust, cold, temperature difference, salty
water. It is especially important to protect the strands in the summer, and in the winter and in the off-season.
wear hats.

• Chronic diseases of various body systems always
affect the condition of the hair. Especially vividly manifested on the outside
level of liver, stomach, kidney, intestinal, endocrine diseases
system. After acute infectious diseases hair too
will have to recover.

• Not enough varied diet, lack of diet
vitamins, antioxidants, fatty acids and minerals. If the body
deficient in vital substances, bulbs
there is no place to take food to maintain a healthy structure
hair rods.

• Permanent hair coloring, especially if it is not
accompanied by regular supportive care.

Broken hairs can not be restored. Hair can be trimmed
to improve the appearance or density of hair. Only
prevention and regular application of masks for brittle hair
keep them healthy and strong.

Components for masks for brittle hair

For the preparation of home masks are used various
components that help dry hair fill with life
power, brilliance. After the course of treatment and preventive procedures
strands stop breaking.

Из чего можно готовить маски для brittle hair.

• Fermented milk products (kefir, sour milk, whey)
contain beneficial bacteria, soften, restore hair.

• Cosmetic and edible oils have a magic effect on the hair.
restorative action. After the procedure with burdock, linen,
castor, almond, olive oil curls become
strong, resilient, resilient.

• Essential oils of medicinal plants enhance the positive effect
from masks, have their own regenerating properties. Helpful
when fragility esters of sandalwood, lavender, chamomile, rosewood,
pine, orange.

• Healing herbs are very good at caring for brittle strands.
The most effective are nettle, burdock root, birch
buds and leaves, chamomile, coltsfoot.

• Natural honey nourishes hair follicles
substances, soothes hair, strengthens them and makes more
dense, thick. With regular honey care brittle hair
not threatened.

Used as components for yeast masks, raw
chicken egg, mayonnaise, cosmetic clay. In addition, in some
Pharmaceutical vitamins A, E, aloe extract are found in recipes. Are standing
they are inexpensive and the effect is amazing.

Rules for the manufacture and use of masks for fragility

Any homemade masks can not be stored, as they are natural and
do not contain preservatives. Therefore, prepare the mixture directly
Dispose of residues before use. The first mask will be
тестовой: вы поймете, сколько компонентов нужно для ваших hair и в
Next time prepare the optimal portion of the volume.

Чтобы маска от ломкости hair подействовала лучше,
follow the rules below.

• Масляную маску наносите на невымытые сухие hairы. Formulations without
oils – on clean, slightly wet strands.

• To make the composition work better and the effect is stronger
Be sure to make a warming compress. Обработанные hairы
wrap cling film and wrap a thick old towel.
You can wear a lightweight hat.

• Masks with oils (without esters) hold for about an hour, all the rest
– no more than 30 minutes. During this time, all nourishing and moisturizing
components have time to be absorbed.

• Wash off the oil masks with shampoo, all the rest – with warm
water После процедуры hairы ополосните травяным отваром, лимонной
или уксусной water

• Give hairам после процедуры высохнуть естественным образом,
without hair dryer. Hair gently blot without twisting.

Курс активного восстановления поврежденных brittle hair -13-15
procedures. Делать маску для brittle hair нужно два раза в неделю, не
more often. After completing the course, maintain the progress achieved. Effect:
do the procedure every 10 days.

Масляные маски от ломкости hair

Oils – the most popular way to restore the breaking,
обезвоженных hair. They act quickly and efficiently, do not cause
allergy, soothe the scalp.

Almond Oil and Vitamins

Под воздействием миндального масла hairы становятся мягкими,
obedient, stop breaking. Структура hairяных стержней
is restored, and the scalp is moisturized.


• three tablespoons of almond oil;

• three drops of a solution of vitamin A (retinol);

• three drops of a solution of vitamin E (tocopherol).

Heat the main oil over boiling water until warm.
states. Then prepare the oil mixture, immediately put on
curls and rub into the roots.

• A mixture of oils, aloe and cognac

Состав очень хорошо помогает сильно ослабленным hairам. Mask
not only stops breaking, but also makes the strands thicker,
enhances growth.


• 2 table. a spoon of castor oil;

• 2 table. spoon of burdock oil;

• 2 table. spoon of aloe juice or extract;

• 2 teaspoons of lemon juice;

• 2 teaspoons of brandy.

Heat oil slightly. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to
oil mixture with cognac and alo. Keep the mask at least

Coconut oil

Popular coconut oil can be used to improve
состояния hair. It needs to be heated, mixed with any essential
oil and apply on strands. Держать рекомендуется полтора-два hours
But you need to make this mask less often than everyone else, once in
a week

With cosmetic oils and avocados

Along with the termination of fragility, this composition has excellent
nourishing and moisturizing properties.


• ripe avocado fruit;

• 2 table. a spoon of peach oil;

• 2 table. spoon of sweet almond oil;

• 2 table. Spoonful of sour cream.

Avocado mash or mash in a blender. Sour cream
You can take the store or home, and also replace it

Маски питательные от ломкости hair

In the house of any hostess there are products that can
use to make an effective and very budget mask
для brittle hair.

Egg and Olive Oil

Если hairы сильно ломаются, приготовьте маску по этому


• 2 table. olive oil spoons;

• raw yolk;

• three drops of pharmaceutical vitamin A.

Mix all ingredients well. Нанесите на hairы и
Be sure to warm them.

Yeast, Lavender Ether and Herbs

Одна из самых полезных для brittle hair масок — дрожжевая.
Be sure to do it if you need to quickly recover.
damaged curls.


• a tablespoon of dry yeast;

• a tablespoon of dried chamomile and calendula;

• a glass of boiling water;

• tablespoon of sugar;

• three drops of lavender oil.

Prepare herbal infusion, pouring a mixture of herbs with boiling water. Give
brew under the lid. Warm infusion strain, dissolve in it
yeast and granulated sugar. Leave for an hour to activate the yeast.
Добавьте эфирное масло и нанесите маску на hairы.

Honey, henna, burdock oil and egg

Хороший питательный состав для brittle hair оживит уставшие


• teaspoon of melted honey;

• two tablespoons of burdock oil;

• a tablespoon of colorless henna;

• two tablespoons of brandy;

• raw yolk.

Brew henna with boiling water, diluting to a state of gruel. Mix with
the remaining ingredients and immediately use.

You can create your own recipes by compiling suitable
для brittle hair ингредиенты. By doing preventive procedures, you
укрепите локоны и не допустите их fragility.

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