Hand scrubs at home – saveskin young! How to use simple products in homemade recipeshand scrubs

Пн, 28 ноя 2016 Автор: Кира Родина

Most women are closely monitoring the condition of their skin.
Face, neck, decollete always under scrutiny, care for them
regular and varied. All sorts of procedures to maintain
healthy appearance follow one another. Hands get
cream, in extreme cases, baths for hands and … Yes, most often this is all.
But what about masks, peels and scrubs for hands, at home
capable of miracles rejuvenation? Or hands are not needed?

The skin on the hands is experiencing stress incomparable to others.
parts of the body: washing, cleansers, weathering, permanent
washing with soap, mechanical damage, calluses and burns. AT
as a result, with a well-groomed youthful face, hands can give out like
real age, and significantly add years. The best way
skin rejuvenation at home – natural hand scrub


How to use hand scrubs at home

It is very important to just remember to use them regularly. Taking off
the top layer of dying cells, we enable the skin
updated naturally. Particles in a scrub
provide not only deep cleansing, but also massage. Useful
substances in the composition better penetrate the layers of the epidermis when
mechanically, blood circulates better, pores open and
tissue repair goes faster.

Несколько правил применения hand scrubs в домашних

1. Of course, you can use a facial scrub when performing procedures.
at the same time. But remember that hands may need more
intense exposure: add more to the product
отбеливающих, скрабирующих или заживляющих components.

2. After deep cleaning the skin will need protection. Sure to
apply a nourishing, moisturizing cream.

3. Use a hand scrub at home no more than once a
a week Do not injure your skin unnecessarily.

4. Carefully massage each finger from the base to the tips.
The skin on the pads, devoid of care, prone to coarsening, becomes
less sensitive. Healthy, soft skin improves nutrition

Dry skin on the hands is a common problem. Because
основу рецептов hand scrubs в домашних условиях допустимо
choose fatter foods than for the face. Often, when oily
or combination skin, hands suffer from drying out.

Рецепты hand scrubs в домашних условиях

AT качестве абразивных частиц, механически очищающих и полирующих
skin in home scrubs for hands can be used larger
or hard particles than for the face. It may be such

• crushed cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn);

• sugar, salt, soda – except for abrasive, have an effect
chemical peeling.

• candied honey at the expense of gradually melting grains cleanses
and nourishes the skin at the same time;

• even ordinary sea sand can play the role of a scrubber.

AT зависимости от компонентов, скраб помогает решить множество
problems. In addition to his intended purpose – cleansing, he can
whiten, nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin of the hands.

Coffee Nourishing Hand Scrub

To a few tablespoons of the grounds of the drunk coffee mix in
1 tbsp. l sour cream and natural honey. Massage composition
each finger, entire hand, and higher up to the crook of the elbow. Quantities
the resulting scrub is enough to apply above the elbow.

Pay attention to your elbows! The skin in such places tends to be rough and
peel off. Regular use of scrubs helps to keep skin
gentle and elastic even in such problem areas.

The mixture can be left on the skin for up to 10 minutes as a nourishing mask.
Wash off with warm water.

Honey nourishes and tightens sluggish skin, sour cream moisturizes, and
coffee particles perfectly grind and clean the upper layer of the epidermis.
This composition gives a slight shade of tan.

Simple whitening lemon scrub

AT домашних условиях скрабы для рук в состоянии выровнять цвет
skin, lighten pigmentation, freckles. If the brush is tanned
stronger than the whole body as it often happens lemon scrub
slightly brighten the tan.


1. Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l;

2. Sugar (usual white or reed) – 1/2 cup;

3. Olive (corn, linseed) oil – 1/3 cup;

Mix the ingredients, follow the procedure for 5 minutes. For strong
Whitening effect leave on the skin longer. Don’t forget about
elbows! Good composition also for the knees, feet.

ATместо сока можно взять половинку лимона, измельчённую в
blender with skinned. Such a tool is useful to apply before
home manicure: the skin softens perfectly, and oil and lemon
заметно улучшат структуру nails.

Scrub with salt for hardened skin

Dry palms, stubborn dirt, peeling, cracks. Though
rarely, but such a pattern is observed even among those who are used to defending
hands with gloves when doing housework. ATы вернулись с пикника,
transplanted roses or just a little run their pens. How fast
to put it in order?

Strongest cleansing the effect of a lemon scrub with salt
and soda. Its composition is:

• lemon juice with chopped pulp and zest;

• salt (usual small or sea);

• soda.

For half a lemon, just take 2 tbsp. l salt and pinch
soda, for enhanced action. This scrub should be applied to
softened skin, hands pre-hold in hot water.
Apply the scrub to wet skin. Hardened places you can
further process with a brush. Massage for up to 5 minutes, rinse
warm water. Sure to нанести жирный крем.

Even after one procedure, the hands look well-groomed. To repeat
often such an aggressive peel is not recommended, save it to

ATитаминный скраб для молодости кожи

This recipe for hand scrub at home is the fastest.
It is best to cook it right in the palm of your hand. Pour the dining room into the palm.
spoon of honey, add as much sugar, squeeze the contents of one
gelatin capsule pharmacy vitamin E and one vitamin A.
Rub with palms, gradually apply to the entire brush. For food
Leave the skin on hands for 10 minutes.

If honey crystallized, then you can do without sugar.
The crystals will perfectly cope with the cleansing and massaging function.
Honey is the undisputed leader in anti-aging home treatments.
An extra dose of the oil solution of vitamins will be completely
good for dry, dull or just tired skin.

Oat Moisturizing Scrub

Oatmeal is a very gentle abrasive. However he is easy
copes with cleansing, exfoliates, polishes. AT сочетании с
honey perfectly nourishes the skin with essential microelements,
Vitamins and additionally moisturizes.

1. Slightly chop the oatmeal, you can just put it in
mortar: we do not need flour, but distinct large particles.

2. The drier the skin, the more fatty we take the base: milk,
sour cream, cream, vegetable or butter.

3. Natural (preferably light) honey.

ATсе составляющие берём в равных пропорциях, для одной процедуры
enough dessert spoon of each product. Mix, apply
massage movements on hands, fingers, elbows. Composition helps
carefully align the structure of the epidermis, because applicable on
forearms with the appearance of the so-called “goose skin”.

Sand Scrub for hands

The most unusual hand scrub made at home is with sand.
The sand should be clean and fine, dilute it with sour cream to
pasty state, add a few drops of any
vegetable oil to soften. Massage with the composition continue
a few minutes, then immediately wash off.

Round particles of sand perfectly cut off and cleaned coarsened
a layer of skin, this procedure will make the skin soft and smooth.

A quick daily scrub for hands

Mix from the morning cup of coffee in the palm of your hand with liquid soap.
Rub with a mixture of hands. Смойте warm water. Such a light scrub can
apply daily, it will support skin tone and will not harm.

Chocolate rejuvenating hand scrub

Какао — это не только шоколадный вкус и запах.
ATещества в его составе тонизируют, усиливают регенерацию клеток,
act as a facelift, polish and smooth fine scars and marks
from old burns. So cocoa is just a find in scrub recipes
for hands. AT домашних условиях можно приготовить такой состав:

• cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. l;

• sugar (preferably brown) – 4 tbsp. l;

• 0,5 ч. l any oil.

ATсё смешать и втирать во влажную кожу рук несколько минут.
Leave for some time for the action of the active substances, rinse
without soap.

How to use hand scrubs for men

Not only women’s pens need attention and care. In men
the skin on the hands gets rough and thicker much faster, and attention
gets much less. Have your man take care of
his hands. He most likely will not refuse. To such a procedure
he agreed more than once, there are a few tips:

• use essential oils for flavoring “male” scrub
sage, cedar, tea tree (male odors);

• if possible, avoid oatmeal and lemon zest in the composition,
abrasives should be hard and easy to wash off;

• if necessary, men’s scrubs for hands at home
допустимо применять до 3-х раз в a week

Knowing how to properly use hand scrubs, you can
self help skin look always healthy and young.
Изготовленные из продуктов, в которых ATы не сомневаетесь, домашние
Scrubs will serve as a worthy replacement for any salon procedures. Best
салон красоты должен быть у ATас дома!

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