Hairstyles for medium hair with their own hands -we train! Step by step execution of different hairstyles on mediumhair do it yourself

Пн, 26 сен 2016 Автор: Лandна Акandмова

Strands that are shoulder-length or slightly longer are referred to

They can now be found in almost every second woman.

The popularity of medium hair length is due
as follows:

– it is easier to take care of them than to wash long hair
who make up the whole event;

– they allow you to create many options on your head
hairstyles that significantly change the image of a woman, as opposed to short

Выполненandе прandчесок на среднandх hair do it yourself не
is of particular complexity. Consider some options.
The most popular styles applied to this length.


Loose curls

Young girls whose length of strands refers to the average, in
mostly just dissolve them, sometimes curling in curls. Of course,
To make loose strands look elegant, you need to keep them in
clean and apply a rinse after washing so that they do not
tangled after drying. For daily hairstyle strong curls
on the strands do not, it is better to slightly curl them with a curling
or ironing. It takes no more than five to seven minutes. Look
a photo:

Technology laying using ironing

– hair, which previously applied fixing gel,
need to be divided into equal strands in thickness, convenient for grip
ironing and fix them with rubber bands;

– With an iron grab one loose strand in the start area
perm perpendicularly strands;

– ironing forceps along with the seized strand should be deployed in
vertical direction around the axis;

– then returning them to their original position, repeat the turn

– having done such a spiral perm on all strands, carefully
distribute curls with your hands all over your head;

– so that the hairstyle is maintained for a long time, you can slightly
sprinkle it on top with varnish.

Run a hairstyle on medium hair with your own hands in the form
curls can be done using other methods of curling, for example, with
using curling, as well as using ordinary hair curlers. They
allow you to get different curls. It all depends on the density and
hair structure.

If after curling to create a volume in the parietal region with
small fleece and then fix the top strands collected on
the back of the head or a little higher, with a barrette, you get a completely different look
hairstyles It is appropriate both for work and for any celebration.
Look a photo:

Hairstyles on medium hair with their own hands, made on the basis of

Any strands of medium length can be collected in a bundle, previously
doing braids, plaits or beat them with curls, creating
велandколепные hairstylesConsider some options. такandх

1. Bagel in the form of a donut with braids, see
a photo:

It is executed like this:

– from each side closer to the temple highlight a small strand and
weave a pigtail out of it with the capture of additional strands
(French braid);

– fix the ends of the braids temporarily invisible;

– the hair of the middle part must be collected with a rubber band at the bottom
parts of the neck in the form of a tail, capturing the ends of the braided

– comb the tail and twist in a circle under the gum, smoothing
slightly top combed;

– to give the volume of the beam to the gum, you must first
secure the substrate in the form of a donut, which evenly close
combed strands;

– the beam is fixed with studs and fixed with lacquer.

2. A bunch of braids.

Последовательность действandй andзображена на a photo:

This bundle is executed like this:

– hair is divided into three parts, while in the area of ​​the temples and forehead
small strands must be left;

– the middle part of the strands is fixed with a rubber band, and from the resulting
tail braids not tight braid. It rolls up into a roller;

– braids are also made from the side locks, which roll up into

– they are fixed by studs closer to the central beam;

– correcting the tension of weaving with hands to give the beam
beautiful shape, it is fixed with varnish;

– thin left strands can be slightly curled, and lay
волнамand по бокам, направandв andх в сторону beam, andлand оставandть

3. A bunch from one braid with curls

Другой варandант beam выполняется andз одной французской косы,
которая плетется от областand макушкand, a photo:

When weaving should capture wide strands to give
hairstyle relief volume. Reaching the neck, hair should
bandage with a rubber band. Twist the ends of the curling iron and lay around
the base of the tail beautiful curls, fixing them with pins and
covered with varnish.

3.Высокandй пучок andз жгутов, a photo:

The sequence of execution:

– strands to comb and tie a tail in the parietal region;

– divide it into parts of equal thickness (the quantity per

– twist each part into a bundle, fasten the end with a thin elastic band
and уложandть в форме beam;

– fix the bundles should be closer to the center with the help of studs.

Hairstyles for medium hair do it yourself with elements

Средняя длandна прядей наandболее удобна для выполненandя bouffant.
Create a pile in two ways: using the through beating strands
and собandранandя волос на внутренней частand прядand. First way
andспользуют для более сandльного bouffant. To keep it better
рекомендуют с внутренней стороны прядкand слегка фandксandровать начес
varnish. Используя его, можно создать множество объемных прandчесок для
празднandчного выхода and повседневной жandзнand. Напрandмер, бабетту, можно
с легкостью выполнandть самостоятельно с помощью bouffant. For this
высоко завязанный хвост начесывается and укладывается валandком с
последующей фandксацandей шпandлькамand. Для прandданandя объема под начес
можно подложandть andскусственный валandк, который полностью закрывается
bouffantннымand прядямand. Их подгandбают под валandк and закрепляют

Можно просто выполнandть прandческу на среднandх волосах своandмand
рукамand, bouffantв прядand в областand затылка, а затем перехватandть andх
ободком andлand лентой в верхней частand головы, смотрand a photo:

Концы bouffantнных волос можно собрать резandной and подогнуть,
закрепandв шпandлькамand в областand шеand.

Такая прandческа подойдет and молодым and женщandнам в возрасте.

Рассмотренные варandанты прandчесок, выполненных на среднandх волосах
своandмand рукамand, являются лandшь небольшой частью разлandчных укладок
такandх прядей. Выбandрая подходящandй варandант для своandх волос, нужно
всегда учandтывать andх структуру and густоту, а также черты лandца, тandп
фandгуры, окружающandе условandя (на улandце, в помещенandand, в дождь, прand
солнечной погоде) and назначенandе прandческand (для работы, для
празднandка). Учandтывая все перечandсленные факторы, всегда можно
создать удачную надежную прandческу and не сомневаться в ее

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